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  1. This^ , you won't ever get better at the game if your always winning, always look for players that can kill you fast , and fight them non stop, you will improve. Ask questions to the players that kill you. All my years playing only one build screws me and thats power sword sword herald, does that mean the build is broken? No , it doesn't. Just means I dont know how to fight the build , which is a skill issue. Everytime ele becomes overpowered it gets nerfed down instantly, meanwhile guardian and necro get buffed to the extreme. Ele has the ability to counter most builds yes, but to do that we have to sacrifice something else which means we can get countered by something else because we didn't bring a extra stunbreak or cleanse or reflect. It's a matter of figuring out someone's build and adjusting or changing yours. You can pretty much guess most peoples builds by looking at what weapons or food or tool tip buffs. Thats a skill you learn after awhile. Ele is far from over powered. Again condis that include chill and confusion, chain cc, hell even burn based builds like burn guard or condi scepter ele can punish d/d ele, high burst damage. Just make a second build not hard to get exotics these days.
  2. If you actually spent time playing ele or thief you would know how punishing those classes are to play .
  3. There is no general build. Do you really think roamers dont edit builds depending on the situation? There is no argument , your wrong. Ele has counters, ele has weaknesses, I could have been nice, but from the original post , and my original reply you dont want to understand you just want to w key a ele and win. Thief is fine 🙂 , again you don't want advice, you want people to agree with you, and that's not going to happen
  4. Tell me you haven't played ele without telling me you never played ele. It has come to my attention that people on the forums don't actually come here for advice they just come here to cry . Should have known. Kek tbh the only issue roaming right now period is harb, every other class has some counter that you can easily swap to.
  5. People be dying to just overload earth xd like skill issue
  6. Or they could just delete wvw finally and free us of our internal suffering of a good game going to trash xd
  7. I'll entertain ya one more time then im go hop on my cele ele build and farm some more tears. I mean majority of the playerbase in this game are just bad, which is fine its a pretty casual game that can be picked up and dropped and not miss a beat. I can 100% facetank on glass tempest against quite a few players thats cause they don't know how to land damage or bait cds. But in reference to what you are talking about , I said you can face tank power damage, specifically on all these bunker builds that now make up roaming and then when those players do finally die because they are bad at the game they go on the forums amd cry ele is busted. Did not say ele specifically could face tank. no offense but you do know The days of unkillable eles died when they nerfed stoneheart. Which was needed.
  8. I'm still crying over the water trident nerf , like why why would you nerf that skill so hard that fa tempest and fa core became meme builds even fa cata went down in usage. Ele doesn't have any other power roaming build other then fa weaver atm and that makes me sad. Was it cause I killed that dev all night in multiple 10v1s in FULL zerk fa core ele and sieged him. Im sorry its not my fault yall can't zerg down singles correctly
  9. xd your for real? Almost any condi build right now is oppressive. Sure pre soto condi didnt counter cele ele, but they nerfed anti toxin and all of eles condi cleanse is small, you one condi burst say from a mesmer or harb and ele can't even play the game .
  10. I mean a good thief cant the beaten in a 1v1 on any build , i mean just because you roll a counter doesn't mean your foing to beat them either. This is a skill based game outside of amet doing everything in their power to make it not a skill based game. I miss core ele, that was such a fun build to rank and roam on, fucjing anet nerfed water trident to such a degree that the skill is more useless then pre scepter buffs.
  11. I gave multiple counters, sad you didn't understand that. Anyways cele ele is just as broken as any other cele build, but its still quite one shottable. SlB ,D/p dd can one shot it, harb, both cmes and pmes counter it, nade eengi, de, spb struggles vs power ele but can counter cele ele. If your jot on those builds or cant switch to them then that's on you if you die, you can usually pick your 1v1s roaming . Don't engage if you don't know how to fight it.
  12. This omg this. Imagine not knowing chilled or confusion punish ele
  13. This game was better during the glass Canon era, way more skill based. Now you can face tank power damage and not even dodge then cry in the forums cause the mean ele bullied you in your tier 3 camp , anyways, im done replying this is clearly just another thread from people who don't understand combat.
  14. Do you not think people change there utilities depending on what they fight? Thats crazy kek. Let's see ele scepter got buffed, which was needed, and will admit it was over performing but unkillable? No. Only cata was a issue. Dragons tooth has had its damage gutted to such an extent that the skill isn't even worth dropping, people cried because they couldn't dodge the most animated telling skill with the same cast time and drop time, water trident got gutted by 7k damage , hurl got gutted about 25% of its damage, shatterstone had a cd increase , 100% thats a nerf and it happened over several patches because people kept dying to glasscanons hydromancy is definitely not a support sigil wtf lmaooooo, litterally common to run hydro thief roaming builds. Idk learn the game. Don't know what else to tell you. You can't win every single match up with the same builds and the same stats or the same weapons and skills. Not my fault or anyone else that you are unwilling to tweak your builds depending on the situation. I have 8 builds on my ele plus 4 other builds I can use on another ele. besides playing what I feel like playing I switch to what's needed to fight what im fighting. I dont just go hey let me fight this lb ranger without a reflect or hey im fight this condi mirage on power tempest and cry cause I lost to a class the counters me . Hell even in pve you should have more then one build and be willing to change skills depending on the situation, it just sounds like you want to win every fight with the same build , either way keep crying in the forums, im sure ele will catch another nerf cause of the harb I killed the other day because he didn't even try to dodge
  15. Well first off, you should automatically have more then one build if your a roamer on a class. Every class outside of rev can in fact chain cc, its litterally two clicks to change a skill on your utility bar. Ele is perfectly fine actually. If anything its been nerfed several patches. Hell they forced litterally the only roaming power build ele has to only be played on weaver. Again, skill issue. Learn class matchups, practice against eles, ask eles questions. Ele outside of cata has kitten uptime of stab with really punishing cds on stunbreaks. Sure tempest has stab on overloads but you kite them until they switch attunements. Almost any build running hydromancy will give a hard time regardless of the ele build. Wild that im giving you advice on the class with the lowest hp pool. Even in full cele a ele is one shottable. Imagine this , running core glass ele , full zerk. How many people do you think died to that build because they don't understand how to dodge or counter burst. Every roaming build has some form of cc, not mine or any other eles or even anets fault yall can't learn classes. I urge you to roam on ele, not catalyst, im talking glass weaver or cele tempest. Let me know how you do then we can have a conversation about ele being broken until then keep feeding me bags.
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