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  1. kitten, you're right. Guess we gotta start cooking for Guild Wars 4 already... (Polymock 2?)
  2. Admittedly, this likely WOULD be a decent ways after Aurene wakes up, possibly as far as centuries or millenia depending on the timescale. (also oops thread got merged) I do see there being a decent chance there'd be a Brood being created, either for the reasons mentioned in that post, to assist in organizing and combating threats to the world without her getting involved directly (similar to the Saltsprays), be it more small-scale or some potential Mists (or Void?) Incursion. And with more dragons, more chances for relationships (either between each other, or other races potentially)... Plus, as someone else had said, it'd probably get lonely being pretty much the *only* Dragon left (aside from a few surviving Saltsprays), especially when the does Commander inevitably die of old age. So companionship/someone to relate to may be yet another reason for them to exist. Of course, this as well, not JUST purely because "Dragons are cool" (although it is true that they are, infact, very cool), they'd need some canonical reason to exist, like the rest (such as the Sylvari and Asura) do. As of right now, we DO have the setup for it to happen in the future (Aurene is an Elder Dragon, and a friendly one), it's simply a choice of if they'll actually DO it, similar to the Asura and Tengu, and if so how will they go about it. The first example being non-playable when it was set up but certainly being capable of it in the future (which they were), and the latter set up for it, but not going through with it in the end and staying non-playable. ...plus, the Charr were made playable despite a lack of setup at the time, which i honestly didnt expect (but a welcome surprise for sure) gonna be honest :V Regardless of Playable or not, i absolutely do expect Dragons to be pretty involved in the future, once Aurene wakes up (unless it's such a long time, eg 10,000 years or more, that it's effectively writing her out of the story forever in any potential sequels, no matter how far into the future it's set). Max Level is pretty much arbitrary, aside from allowing a smoother climb in difficulty, and a wider gap between level ranges. "minimum grinding"? GW2 is pretty grind-light already, unless you directly aim for some stuff like Legendaries (Which really SHOULD be a grind in some capacity) "maximum endgame fun" is pretty vague, and is basically GW2 already. "human, dwarf, charr" is... kinda boring AND odd at the same time, especially lore-wise. I assume you main Charr right? "Don't make another typical asian mmo for kids with flashy oversized weapons and 100 level." You already miss something that's pretty easy to realize: People like the options of a mix of normal AND wacky stuff. People also like big numbers, this is a simple fact. Let people dress up as a 13th century Ronin/Medieval Knight/Roman Soldier, and let them dress up as a 15 foot Disco Ball with Legs and a Punt Gun too, or an Anime Protagonist, or just Bill from HR. Ideally for GW3: Make it something we DONT know much about, and havent explored at all. Maybe even answer something like the EotN question. ...say, something set during the Previous Cycle? Entirely different races, entirely different world. Yeah, Guild Wars 2 wasnt exactly focused on the whole "guild war" aspect that's for sure (although it did pick dragons and stick with dragons for , but... Guild Wars 1 really wasnt either?? Like, yeah the Guild Wars DID happen, but it wasnt about the Guild Wars, it was about stuff either before or after them (the Charr invasion, Abaddon, Shiro and the Jade Wind, etc). It's kind of like how The Elder Scrolls literally didnt even involve the titular Elder Scrolls til the FOURTH game (and only learned what they were in the third).
  3. It's pretty sick for sure... But now imagine that but MORE.
  4. To put it simply, i want Playable Dragons as a Race Option :V Not the Bipedal "Human" sort, but just Actual Dragons. (and yes i'm aware it'd be a nightmare beyond belief for the developers to implement and rig, likely requiring unique weapons and/or armor) And if they have a racial function similar to mounts alongside mounts launching initially? Hell yes. (could even mount another player, too...) Lore-wise, probably Aurene's Brood/"Minions"/Children? Dragons are Cool, we can all agree to this as a simple fact.
  5. Simple as: I want Playable Dragons as a Race Option :V Not the Bipedal "Human" sort, but just Actual Dragons. Dragons are Cool, we can all agree to this. (and yes i'm aware it'd be a nightmare beyond belief for the developers to implement, likely requiring unique weapons and/or armor, possibly race-locked even) And if they have a racial function similar to mounts alongside mounts launching initially? Hell yes. (could even mount another player, too...)
  6. Gonna be honest... this doesnt really sound Guild Wars at all. It's set LONG after pretty much everyone and everything is gone, and far away from the entire setting, i dont think we know if there even IS a real "Space" exactly? It might just be More Mists. This kind of seems like a pretty lazy Scope Creep set an arbitrarily ridiculous amount of time ahead, which pretty much ensures 99.9% of all GW2 and GW1 will practically not exist. I'd definitely scale it back to something SIGNIFICANTLY closer to the time scale of GW1 > GW2, maybe like 500 years at most, ideally less. Tyria is (to say the least) Really kitteny at the moment because of what The Commander did.
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