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Monkey Brawler.7523

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  1. It's a good question, I've considered it myself. Hope you get an official response.
  2. I like a lot of these changes, and Thief really needed some love. I still don't understand a lot of these changes. Guardian and Virt get buffed, and the dune cloak rework gives little reason to use distortion, along with removing the sand and not updating the name. Trap guardians are overplayed in PvP and incredibly cheesy, it's odd you don't at least take a look at chains of light. The focus for a lot of these changes just seem deaf to the community. I get focusing on underutilized builds, but the buffs don't really seem to improve the communities pain points of the real issues.
  3. Multiple people crashed in a ranked game, and i've also seen this situation reported on Reddit, so i'm submitting what information i have. I've included two screenshots, 1 of my screen during the freeze and 1 of another player reporting the same I am using Arcdps and Blishhud, crashes are pretty uncommon for me. ArenaNet.log hasn't been written to in almost a month, so i've not included it. Let me know if you want a copy and i'll get it uploaded. The first screenshot shows my actions at time of freeze. I had just exited Electro-Whirl, and the crash timed pretty inline with me letting off the key to use Grenade Barrage.
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