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  1. Can't they try out the updates in a sandbox environment before launching it?
  2. I didn't get an option....the game kicked me out.. I was in WvW in the middle of a fight
  3. I'm starting to think this is a widespread issue
  4. I agree with this 100%.....But let them boonball in an arena setting where they will face another boonball for an even playing field......nerf the boons in open PvP/WvW and return to a fun play style for everyone. AND...nerf the pulls so when you get hit or dodge/block one you are immune for 3-5 seconds.
  5. Personally, I switched from predictable dungeon raids to PvP because I enjoy the challenge of going up against a human opponent who might do anything vs a Boss MOB that I just need to learn the pattern to defeat over and over. And rolling pugs in a phat zerg or skilled comp group is in no way satisfying to me. To each his own I guess.....enjoy clubbing those baby seals..😐
  6. Yeah, give em a baseball bat and a beach full of baby seals and these guys are in heaven!
  7. I have been playing this game since the Beta. I came to this game looking for a replacement to Warhammer Online's open world PvP capture and hold format which I really enjoyed. Didn't care that much for the gear grind of the sPvP format, however. I am a long-time gamer but I quit being fanatical 12 hour plus World of Warcraft raider and went more casual making gaming a fun game again instead of a grind fest second job! Yes, causal gamers need love too! But Anet has taken the WvW open PvP format and made it an environment where a few casual gamers could roam and contribute or run in a pug group and have still have meaningful fights...to a comp group boonball dominating farm fest that is only fun for the players in those groups. I don't blame those players....if you are in a guild that has the people and the skill you can have fun and rake in the bags. They will be almost unkillable unless you have a better comped and skilled group. Well, that's the point you say! It is and the players that put in the time to learn the builds and the skills to play those builds deserve the satisfaction of winning! But casual players deserve to have fun too. And no don't say go PvE then. I like PvP and I like the capture and hold format. But Anet has made that almost impossible with these new changes. What these organized groups want is fights vs other skilled groups, I think. Surely, they what a challenge and not just rolling over a bunch or pugs again and again.. What they want I think is sGvG. Open up sPvP to 15v15, 20v20 and 30v30 groups. Have the equipment like in sPvP where everyone can have access to everything and tweak their own build without having to grind out gear. Have mini one day and longer month-long tournaments. That would give players a place to find competitive fights and show off their skills and have fun. And then give us back our open world PvP WvW capture and defend game play...and give me back my server and friends I have played with for the last 12 years! Oh, and get rid of endless pulls, (If I block/evade one I should be immune to another for at least a few seconds) I don't post here much....just got fed up with this game I have been supporting for over 12 years......I am sure I am about to get trashed by trolls now tho....oh well...
  8. I agree 100%! Like I said in another post. There will be no defense anymore. You might as well remove all keeps and towers. Large grps zerg....it is the small grps that defend...but they need walls and siege to do so. It will be useless to try any more. Zergs are about fights not PPT....just change it to open world GvG and stop pretending Keeps/towers have any purpose in the game at all.....the small guild defenders and roamers are ded...
  9. Defense? There will be no defense anymore....just remove the keeps and towers...the anti PPTers will love it..
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