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  1. Yeah but we would come back to the third transfusion DPS as before. that's all.
  2. Yeah and you have a lot of cleanses and boons strip too. Among other things i like. It's not the easier one, but not the hardest one too Yes that is what I fear the most, i remember being a beginner in Cm and the way some people think, like gg everytime you fail and if you fail more than 3 times you're like the worst player ever and block on his list... So yeah, toxicity will come back, like kp.me everywhere too. I do have KP, juts don't have KP. me. But what can we do ? Except trying to tell them.
  3. Can be an idea yeah. I'm not sure it is really "doable" but why not think about it.
  4. I like you, yes it is an abuse of language sorry, but talking like that is easier, do understand us, but you're right ! xD
  5. I see, it's logical. If i can give tips... For me it would be... well before doing really hard content is great having mechanics in NM first, so you just have CM ones to add. And for that any healer can do it honestly. But prefer with good healing so chrono is great, and for now scourge yeah because barrier + transfusion, engineer is great too. My favorite on HTCM by far. Hfb not at the begginning. It's a healer with dps who know mechanics. Tempest if you know how to play it, or even druid for the same reason because alac uptime can be hard. Revenant isn't a great choice most of the time, same as warrior. Thief is a one man at the time heal so great when you master it otherwise not. I hope it helps ^^ It is weak, by a lot. I use Chrono heal all the time on Cm and everything by far away. But with new comers ? On some special ones, i'll use scourge definitly. less boon, less DPS obviously, but sustain to pull one player failing to me and rez it. So he can learn, and not just die and "watching" people play and do the content without him/her = no fun.
  6. He only respond to people with kp.me, so trying talk to him isn't useful. He only plays with about less than 1% of the gamers in GW2, that is the truth. I'm part of it, but i want to play with the 99% of other players, he doesn't. That's all. xD To come back on topic. I will try Chrono healing on 100 CM to see if i can sustain as much as scourge, probably, since i can on Tof Cm. I'm just afraid of the zone in the middle that pulls you in. Just need to try anyway.
  7. So you're a toxic player And that's it
  8. I did no healers run, i did a lot of things, that is still irrelevant to the talking all the way... you're not better than anyone still.
  9. Learn to quote too on forum (tips you need to worte under it), 200K UFE means nothing i stop there sorry !
  10. No we're not, and the no heal always existed, we're not even talking about that, you just put nonsense since earlier it doesn't justufy anything you said before, you are senseless all along. You talk about healing only then put barrier in it ect. Just read yourself and others, you're not BETTER than anyone and you didn't see everything. I do all content and all classes and i can't tell you i'm far away from understanding everything, but this, at least, i'm playing and you're not. you said so.
  11. What is your point ? yet again... xD It is funny to whatch but irrelevant.
  12. Well again, barrier isn't healing, are you death ? Condi cleanse is again something else than healing, and chrono or hfb is good there too... so what's your point ? You're the one not playing the same game so maybe some instropection is needed since we're like ten people telling you off. You actually not superior to anyone. And not the only one understanding the game.
  13. So you need to check ? You don't play it then, so you're not sure of it in the first place but talk like that to people ? Amazing ! 8O Healers are in fact in any game and not only GW2 measure on a lot of things including healing, stab, aegis, protect, might, barrier ect. on GW2 That is called comparison. Again someone who doesn't get it and talk without playing it. You CAN'T SAVE everyone with Hscrg at all, for a lot of reasons that people already talked about, can you in fact read before talking ? You don't even know what you're talking about in the first place you admitted it yourself earlier. And if it's too strong as you say, maybe, then yes nerf it to one i agree. We aren't talking about nerf here but delete ! Remember and do read ! That i can agree on some point, but again, we talk about delete here, that's what people are against, not the nerf if they would have just tried to. Again, they delete it completly. People are against that part for most. Yeah well hscrg isn't better on heal, just have barrier when hfb not. That makes both balanced, but again, elite wants hfb not hscrg in any game they play, so why do you think ?
  14. I read, but i will remember that part because, well said.
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