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Lazer Candy.2837

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  1. Spear 5 says it should be knocking back foes, but it is not doing that in spvp. I tested it on a friend who did not have stability.
  2. This! Like tanky or bursty is fine but both is silly.
  3. Been playing Tempest support with a friend of mine. Before that vindicator, though I think I've improved quite a bit since I was playing vindi this season. Vindi burst is also insanely high, but it seems less people play them because they have less defensives compared to WB.
  4. 1) Not my first time. I've played the game on and off for 12 years. I was plat at one point in this game. 2) The feedback you get in game is abysmal. There's very little you can do to say, "how can I do better" other than have better reflexes. Ok, cool I'm 34 better reflexes ain't happening. 3) The damage is too high. 4) Matchmaking is def also to blame as I've had to fight multiple people who are in the top 20 players now as a 1200cr player. But also the top players are to blame because they're on alts in some of these incidents. Smurfing chokes the life out of comp pvp.
  5. Thank you, this post was well written and made a lot of sense. I think someone else was trying to get at this point earlier as well. But if you take away the defense creep, then they won't build as glass and that will bring dmg down, right?
  6. I get that, but the point is there isn't anything IN the game that indicates what I've done wrong when I'm dead in 2 seconds. As a "low skilled gw2 spvper" it's pretty unfun to try to enter as the floor is really high and the ceiling is even higher. There's not enough time to dissect what happened or learn from the mistake when I'm dead in 2 seconds from some teleporting, spinning WB that has me rooted in place. And the combat logs aren't that helpful either. It's clear though from these forum posters that what remains of the spvp community are folks who are proponents of this type of gameplay because all the others have left. And to that I say good luck, I'll see myself out with 90% of other new gw2 spvp players.
  7. I think many of you are misunderstanding my view point. I'm not a newb to pvp in general. I don't claim to be the best and I certainly don't claim to know all of gw2 pvp ins and outs. I'm saying that as a low gold player I find this extremely unfun to play as someone who loves pvp. And in response y'all just keep saying the same stuff about how you have to be the number 1 pvper ever in existence of gw2 to comment on the way the game feels to play. Second, my account was created at launch. I've just never posted on these forums before, but reddit instructed me to share here so devs would see it. Y'all need to take a chill pill.
  8. Ah, you're just the one I chose to reply to. Sorry I misunderstood. If you read some of the other posts, there are many people attacking me for listing some min pvp credentials. Thanks for clarifying!
  9. Again, however you want to slice it, you're advocating for damage to be brought down. You're saying if you strip survivability from boons, people won't build as glass, which brings dmg down. Fine, I'm game; let's do it. However you wanna bring it down 15-20% I'm game. Then, If the super top tier players maintain the glass and can survive good for them.
  10. So you're advocating for everything to be more glass to fix the burst problem?
  11. What are those reasons that nobody plays ranked?
  12. Boon uptime and uptime in general from higher mobility leads to more damage. However you wanna slice it, it's high damage. Cutting boons down or cutting mobility down would still reduce damage, which is what I'm advocating for and would be happy with. Yes, I've played the bursty seasons of WoW and dislike those as well. I dislike them for the same reasons. While I can still play at a high rank, I don't think it's healthy for MMO combat to require the reflexes of a twitch shooter to not die in 2 seconds. I am being somewhat hyperbolic here. The main culprits are rangers, thieves, and willbenders (mainly willbenders). But that doesn't really matter if it's two classes or one. Nobody should be that bursty. I realize the game has a sharp learning curve, but that's also why I made the post. It's not healthy for the game to be in such a state as I don't think new players will stick around 😕
  13. It's not, though. It's top 10% of players that season. So while not the best, it's 90th percentile. Miss me.
  14. This is a pretty toxic reply. I added that to show I'm not a newb to pvp because we all know as soon as someone makes a suggestion people reply with, " lol omg newb I bet you've never pvp'd in your life noob git gud!!" So for some context, I am a skilled pvper in some regard. I've pvped in various games for the better part of my life and here's my opinion. Your comment is pretty much the other end of the spectrum. If someone makes a suggestion and adds in some context, you get this reply. If you'd like to be constructive, please, I'm all eyes (and ears). Otherwise, don't be toxic.
  15. Y'all wonder why spvp has been dying XD Match making is putting me as a gold player at 1200ish against 1700 players because nobody plays spvp and damage is so bursty you can die within one second to someone teleporting on your face. The two are not healthy for game longevity because new players will experience this and just go, "no thanks."
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