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blitzbirne.2890's Achievements

  1. Next step: remove all overtuned dmg from the pvp and wvw mode. Its a mmorpg not a shooter. So the time to kill should be accordingly longer ! Did i mention "fix the thief sword 2 abuse in wvw"? Because that hasnt been mentioned enough as it seems. Porting inside keeps with that bug is just game mode breaking. (
  2. Want to bet on this? Itll be like "look we read feedback. Look we fixed this based on your feedback" That snotty kind of thing -.-
  3. Not a power player. You cant use spear in anything except power builds. So thats a pretty lame response for every not power build that got gutted.
  4. Nah they cant nerf the 3 favorite children. I mean, you know how much salt will be produced? Btw you spelled nerf "willbenders" wrong 🙂 As my gildmate sais "bs-profession. And he plays that thief without stealth himself xD
  5. A matter of tastes. I can agree to disagree 😛
  6. And now they gave us spear.....a power weapon....not usable in anything else but power builds....sorry gs does everything better than what this weapon offers. Went from considering building spear with the legendary starterkit to dagger instead xD
  7. So now what are we supposed to play? virtu ? thats not even a mesmer specialisation, more like an abomination for players with no hands ty for screwing mesmers again -.-
  8. "Fire and forget" Thats the way to ruin ah sorry my bad "run" an game
  9. Im used to witch hunts. Im maining the second portall profession for years and i would be fine with fixing these kind of exploids. Either fix the skills or make forts, towers etc unreachable for these kind of things. Meaning terrain fixes and / or higher structures. Guess what would be less work for anet 😉
  10. Well the focus should be the professions that have a portal to get many people inside. The you could work on the other ones ....
  11. Better solution would be to switch moa with an actual good elite mantra maybe. But that would trigger the whining from other profession mains aswell. Cant have nice things
  12. With an eliteskill that has 90 secs cooldown, 100 years cast time for 2 seconds effect. Pretty kitten poor elite skill >.<
  13. Would take it if it means this "feature" would get fixed in exchange. Not motivated to play wvw anyways with problems like that and the recent changes to "improve" wvw.
  14. There are many cases where this exact exploit was filmed and sent to arenanet. Meaning jumping on the spot where the exploit works und getting inside with that mentioned skill. Ive got nothing against thieves legit sneaking in. But on every server there are players known of not doing it legit. As far as commanders refusing to take the port inside. I rly dont understand how someone can defend this kind of thing. Maybe just change those skills to something as useful but remove the porting part that is exploidable.
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