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  1. We need a better Spear for Necro! Skill 1: should have added a Range Throwing Attack, 3 Targets, Range 900, Cast 0.75 sec. The Chain Attacks Dark Slash, Deadly Slice and Sinister Stab, Range increase to 170, and only activate the chain attacks when in melee. For short, it should work as Ranger Skill 1 Spear. Skill 3: Addle, should have the range increase to 170. Skill 4: Distress, should have Fear on teleport. Skill 5: Extirpate, should have Weakness and Remove 2 conditions insted of the Boons negate.
  2. Im not sure if they will ever change or adjust the spear, cause they have this vision of the weapon. But at least hope for just a small adjustment, witch is: Skill 1 and Skill 3 should have the range increase to 220(or at least 170), for a more mid-close range style, and Skill 4 Distress, should have Evade, cause you must likely get stun when teleport. And if they are open for a change, and listen to our feedback, here is my suggestion: Skill 1: For short, it should work as Revenant Skill 1 Spear, but with 1 range throwing and 2 chain slash and stab attacks on melee. Dark Slash, should be change to a Range Throwing Attack, 3 Targets, Range 600, Cast 0.75 sec, and not a Chain skill. The Chain Attacks Deadly Slice and Sinister Stab should be the same as they are now, except the range should be 170, and only activate the 2 chain attacks when in the range of 170. Deadly Slice should have the animation from Dark Slash, and maybe a name like Deadly Slash. Skill 3 should have the range increase to 170. Skill 4 Distress, should have Fear on teleport. The weapon feels fine, they did a nice job, and i appreciate what they did. But, again, the weapon needs some adjusments, and to have an AA as a kite skill, would be just perfect.
  3. Thats what i said in Beta too, Skill 1 and 3 should have at least 240 range, and other improvements for the rest of skills.
  4. But still, i would be happy if the Skill 1 AA would work like Revenant has. A 600 range attack throwing spear with a stack of poison. And then it would be the 2 Chain skills Deadly Slice and Sinister Stab with their respective tooltips, soul shards etc. It would be nice to have the animation of Dark Slash for the Deadly Slice, and the name combined like, Deadly Slash. So the first skill would be range Throwing skill ( Dark Spike, why not), and the Chain skills Deadly Slash and Sinister Stab would only start when the enemy is in 170 range. But ofc, it probably wont happend, cause its "my deam weapon" 😇☁️ So i invite you to tell about your dream weapon as well, cause apparently we are in the realm of dreams. ☁️😊😋
  5. Well.. im gona make my own game then 😓
  6. I gived my opinion on Beta too, And ofc some aspects were dealt with. And i know they wont do a revamped or major change. Its not just some poison. What i try to do here, is to make a Hybrid, power and condi, range and melee. It will still be a power weapon, just with AA kite poison, Deadly Slice and Sinister Stab will be the same. And for Skill 4 Distress could add 1 sec immunity after teleport and condi remove. And just a simple support buff of Regen on Skill 5. But i still try, not only for me, for others too.
  7. As far as i know, Spear 5 has only 240 range, and the max range some skills have are 1200, so entering combat casting Spear 5 first without any enemy in range its just a waste of key pressing. And without anything to kite, till you get in range with melee, you can only use Spear 4, but its easy dodgeble. And even if you land the fist skill of Spear 4, and after you teleport you can easly be stunned before you use your Spear 3 to stun them, ofc it would be great if we got a Stability Boon when we teleport, but i think that could be too much. And Ofc the second ability of Skill 4 resets the cooldown of Skill 2, but if you miss the Skill 4, you have nothing to kite or close the gap and the enemy doesnt spawn near you so you can hit.
  8. Of course i cant force Anet to make any changes. But the steel is hot, and we must hit it. So i try, cause i dont want to have another greatsword... i mean whats great about the greatsword? the name should indicate it, but no, we got an AA thats 130 range, and it should have been at least 200 range, its a 2 handed sword, it should have better range then a dagger, and ofc they wont change it, cause no one cares about it any more, and i dont want this Spear to be the same, this is new, and we must act.
  9. This weapon could have had much more potential. If you agree with my suggestions, please consider the following changes that should be implemented. Skill 1: should have added a Range Throwing Attack, 3 Targets, Range 900, Cast 0.75 sec. The Chain Attacks Dark Slash, Deadly Slice and Sinister Stab, Range increase to 170, and only activate the chain attacks when in melee. For short, it should work as Ranger Skill 1 Spear. Skill 3: Addle, should have the range increase to 170. Skill 4: Distress, should have Fear on teleport. Skill 5: Extirpate, should have Weakness and Remove 3 conditions insted of the Boons negate. Those are my suggestions, that i think it should be implemented. All Classes should have the Spear Skill 1 a Range attack!
  10. I did some testing, for how much i played and waited for a good weapon for necro, and this one came, a pointy stick with green trails, and i come to the conclusion that the spear for necro is bad and under performing. The dmg is kinda mediocre and it could do some more work, is slow, no support, low healing, the animations are clumsy and undefined, and it feels like it doesnt have and identity, just another weapon on the shelf. I just wana be short and to the point about the changes on what it should be added or modify, a bit more on the mid range side, and dont tell me it has range, cause skill 4 is just a teleport. So: Skill 5: For an AoE skill it should have a radius of 300, with an additional Regen Boon for Self and for Allies. (one thats for the support) Skill 4: The Soul Shards should be on Isolate when you throw the spear, and Distress when you teleport should leave a 130 radius pool for 5 sec wich apply Crippled and does 250 dmg every sec. Skill 3: This is the skill that kinda gives the question mark, cause its kinda work like a stun, kinda wana do dmg, kinda wana do something... For this i'd say, a range of 240, and also when you have shards above the threshold you remove 2 condition from self and allies. (another for the support) Skill 2: Its nice, i like it, but it could show how much hp you heal from a shard consummed. (and maybe a Burning condition cause its fast 😅) Skill 1: And this is the main problem. I dont realy like how the animation works and what stats has. The animation should be 1st Slash, 2nd Stab, 3rd Spin Slash (kinda like the 1h sword autos). First 2 Chain attacks should have both dmg above 1,000 cast half a second and a range of 240, the last Chain attack should have range of 300 with the same cast time, but with 5 targets. First Chain attack shoud give 2% Life force, and the 2nd Chain Attack should apply 2 stack of Bleeding for 5 sec. Or Better, the Skill 1 autos to work as the 1h sword works, but first 2 chain attacks with a range of 240, and for the last Chain Attack to be a wave (same as 1h sword but larger visual) with 900 range and 5 targets too. Every Soul Shards should refresh the stack, and should have a time of 5 sec insted of 10, cause its hard to keep them up with skill 1 autos while the other skill are in cooldown. And im not criticizing just cause its bad, but i want it to be better. This is not my dream weapon, i dont see it to be an op weapon, but a good one, and i would like to think its possible. And i hope at least the Skill 1 to be change, for more range, mid-range, dmg, and the animation and cast time, cause otherwise, its just a pointy stick with green trails. 🙂
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