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gyravi.9632's Achievements

  1. I was climbing up in the new push gamemode and almost reached 1500+ because I wanted to try to get the new title. From there I dropped down to 1250 like over 20 games loss, constantly matched with core rangers thieves with healing signet, people with random pve build who joined pvp for the first time, while the enemy was always perma double support and most of the times double willbender as well. Why this idiotic bad luck on my part? Obviously even if played a meta support or anything it's impossible to carry those kind of players. And before you attack me, I am not a crazy pvp monthly at winner or something, but at least I run proper builds when I play and I know what I am doing. I got matched even against Zan and we won, after that the lose streak happened and seems scripted, the enemy comp is full meta, I get pve pugs who click skills with random builds. And this was supposed to save pvp ok... Tell me if you are experiencing the same please.
  2. However I'm sure you are a kid. I was just wondering and that's all.
  3. Title. After the spear nerfs why even all the other condi variant disappeared from snowcrows benchmarks? Dps is dropped that low that it's not even listed? Anyone knows?
  4. Yeah exactly where? In low silver bronze? and in WvW in the past roaming month I only encountered 1 Bsw๐Ÿ˜…
  5. If they could at least admit that they have professions preferences. Like "Guardian and Necro are the main core professions of our game, because of their unique identity that only them can fulfill". So we reserve them a special treatment in every patch. Meanwhile there are specs like Bladesworn in pvp or wvw (maybe even pve not sure) that are completely forgotten and in their current state even a dang core engi is by far a better pick than them. Ok warrior has spellbreaker and berserker, but it starting to get boring imo. But yeah spear warrior with single target damage for the most part was a big deal, more than an aoe spear with double the damage and utility it provides... ok then.
  6. And it's even more sad seeing always the same specs mainly necro and guardian always receive royal treatment. As soon there is a bug fix or buff to do, it's done immediately. A shame that in the 8th upcoming balance patch bsw wasn't even mentioned.
  7. Seems that way. It is never mentioned or talked. It's like warrior have only 2 expansions specs... so sad
  8. It all comes to your knowledge of the professions and the builds. I've seen core engis melt down and make willbenders cry. So if you like a build and master it, everything becomes viable. This being said, if we ignore thieves, willbender and celestial my top 5 is definitely power vindicator, power virtuoso or the new spear mirage, longbow soulbeast, tools or granade holosmith/scrapper and fresh air catalyst not in a particular order. Hope I somewhat helped๐Ÿ˜Š
  9. I don't know much of PvE in general. Currently it is the worst competitive spec. Even worse than core. It never appears in any balance patch. After it got nerfed it was completely forgotten. And it's a shame because the design of having a standard skill kit same as holosmith is cool, a samurai oriented spec. In the currest spot, it has no real damage anymore, no reliable CC and everything is too telegraphed even for warrior. It has some aegis generation which seems odd for warrior and a pretty decent self sustain, but the damage numbers are way too low even running full glass. Please do something about it and I don't care if you nerf spellbreaker instead who became such a boring spec to play... Thanks.
  10. Meanwhile guardian spear4 does even more damage than the warrior one, it's aoe for the full damage and wasn't even touched. Just wait to see it spammed like hell. Same thing for mesmer spear.
  11. And the sad thing, at least in solo roaming WvW you are still forced to run spear. Because what else I could run? Being only melee in this meta is suicide. Rifle is so garbage and it's a 2012 weapon never revamped, longbow is just a melee condi weapon, you have no other options, but keep using spear for the CCs and evades. While willbender is laughing hard and its spear4 does more damage then warrior's pre nerf and it's aoe for full damage always. Nice job anet.
  12. Let's talk of WvW then. Spear was a pretty strong zerg weapon I guess, and it was nerfed there too. But it was also a very solid weapon to make warrior finally viable for roaming to kill those pesky celestial bots that are bad at the game and are carried by cele stats. In the meanwhile willbender is still the top roamer, spear is good in both zergs and so good in roaming even more than warrior spear and wasn't even looked. They indirectly nerfed roaming warrior too. I was having lot of fun with a full glass core and it wasn't broken at all, but very high risk high reward. Now the change and damage nerf of spear4 is so noticeable and I can't kill those lame cele harbs catas and willbenders even if they random dodge like idiots. Damage is not enough even running full damage traits and stats. Before the nerfs I could. So again, in pvp it was probably overtuned, but the problem never was the damage, but the bunker style of spell breaker able to hold even 3 people. And that has nothing to do with spear. So yeah nerfs were expected, but why willbender is still that broken and it's not touched? Blue child treatment.
  13. I mean I was having fun running spear in wvw on a core full glass max build, the pvp problem is spellbreaker and it's ability to hold 2+ people with ease. and what they do? They nerf the damage. probably spear is not yet dead because other nerfs will follow for sure considering it's warrior. while the blue child got bug fixes only because willbender and guardian spear is totally balanced. just wait to see it shine even more and never get nerfed instead. what's your opinion?
  14. And still willbender is not even touched coz its spear is very balanced instead right. Classic anet blue child treatment.
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