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  1. You cant even unlock the masteries unless you finish the story parts to unlock them, if this wasn't gated there would be no issue because the launch of the expansion wouldn't be locked behind garbage.
  2. We want to be able to play the game without being held hostage for an hour to listen to drivel. I took today off work to play the expansion, I gave up and went back to work because I have more fun doing that then this expansion has provided so far. It would be one thing if you were doing....anything....other than standing there watching npc's talk to each other.
  3. I miss the cutscenes you could skip...or like go take a shower and move on with your day. The story would be engaging if I didn't hate the guts of every npc Im forced to interact with. When Isgarren popped back up I went to get a drink.
  4. I wish they would stop gating all the masteries in the story too, it would be one thing if it was enjoyable at all. I mean did you miss the part where your are like.."oh be careful, a cliff." I was riding on my dragon..having previously stood in the middle of two angry elder dragons, but a 20ft drop? Watch out for those wilds man.
  5. They really know how to kick the excitement for an expansion down about three notches fast don't they. If your launching today make sure you have something interesting to watch or a book to read, because the exposition load is heavy.
  6. "The raid will be integrated into the main storyline, and players who might be hesitant to join a raid group will be able to enjoy their own personal narrative. The 50-player version is built as a Convergence, similar in structure to those found in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure™. " It makes it sound to me like I am going to have to do one of the versions to proceed no matter what, if you have to do the raid it sounds like its being setup the same way the entrance to the wizard tower was.
  7. This makes me hesitate to buy the expansion. It was bad enough getting stonewalled by a map event in the last expansion to progress in the storyline, a raid sounds even worse.
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