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Posts posted by Markri.9475

  1. Not sure if it's aboutface that is iffy, but rather free-cam.

    is it mesmer staff port you are refering too?

    Personally I've seen issues where withdrawal/'roll for initiative' will after completing the aboutfaceroll turn the camera around at the end.

    There is also the 'sluggishness' of camera/movement;

    If for instance you use free-cam and run forward then use aboutface while maitaining forward view(hold Lclick) .And then try to force your character to again go forward by releasing Lclick and holding Rclick, it will take a few noticeable frames before it does. actioncam can do forward backward forward movement instantly no problem.

    Also run forward hold Rmousebutton to control camera, then attempt to do a no-target leap in another direction by swinging camera in that direction. Do it too fast and leap will happen in direction your camera was, not where your camera is. Same procedure using actioncamera leaps correctly.

  2. The first leap seems to be just out of range, curvature of terrain might cause it to "land early".The second is a 0-distance leap; at time of activation game decides it should not go any distance. So if the target moves out of range during the leap animation it will miss. I think Bull's charge has a homing part to it and is not locked into a leap per se. It's more of a "runs a path" (it cant leap over gaps).As for the blink; If you have "place aoe-markers under target" option enabled this would happen when you haven't deselected your target. I doubt anyone uses that option, but if any did I suppose GS mesmer might. If this is your footage you would know if its on or not. If it was off, then yeah teleports are sometimes wonky!

  3. @Math.5123 said:

    @Math.5123 said:We are finally here people, it took us 8 and a half years. But people are finally complaining about spirit weapons being too strong.

    Good riddance.While alot of abilities got nerfed in the febuary patch, there where those that didnt get a damage shave. which made them meta viable, Grenades for example. Sword of justice still uses the same dmg coeff.How long ago an ability was changed or how many times it has been changed is irrelevant to the overall balance. Its just small minded.

    This complain from Crab Fear probably stems from SoJ and not all spirit weapons..I dunno at what part of SoJ or its synergistic traits a nerf is best applied, but I think SoJ is a too strong ability today.

    Well, you're wrong. SoJ is not the issue, eternal armory and permeating wrath are too strong. Decreasing the count or increasing the cd "of spirit weapons" not just SoJ, is not the solution.

    The coefficient isn't even high to begin with and it's not used on any power builds (in pvp)

    What I said was "I dunno at what part of SoJ or its synergistic traits a nerf is best applied, but I think SoJ is a too strong ability today."I maybe need to clarify that when I say "SoJ is too strong ability", I mean the usage of SoJ we see in the meta, with it's traits/synergies. When someone says steal/swipe is thiefs strongests ability, I just assume they mean traited and how we see the ability in the meta. Since swipe/Steal without traits is pretty garbage.

    Wether its used on power builds depends on alot of things. Can a guardian power build afford running SoJ over survivability? I assume they cannot. That doesnt mean SoJ is not strong when they eventually gets enough buffs so that they can afford dropping a utility for SoJ.Wether SoJ dmg coeff is high or not depends what you compare it too. 0.72 per strike is not low imo, considering how it works.As you noted, SoJ is used in PvE. The only difference between the two modes for it is the vuln stack duration 8sec vs 6sec(pvp). So its using the same dmg coeff, and used in pve for its dmg I assume.

    As said with my first post though, Im not sure what part of SoJ & its traits/synergies to tackle with a nerf. But as it is now, its too strong (imo).

  4. @Math.5123 said:We are finally here people, it took us 8 and a half years. But people are finally complaining about spirit weapons being too strong.

    Good riddance.While alot of abilities got nerfed in the febuary patch, there where those that didnt get a damage shave. which made them meta viable, Grenades for example. Sword of justice still uses the same dmg coeff.How long ago an ability was changed or how many times it has been changed is irrelevant to the overall balance. Its just small minded.

    This complain from Crab Fear probably stems from SoJ and not all spirit weapons..I dunno at what part of SoJ or its synergistic traits a nerf is best applied, but I think SoJ is a too strong ability today.

  5. @Alabastrum.9361 said:

    @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Well reapers deadlier than warrior in melee range so why wouldn't it have a deadlier transform as well, anets balance....what a wonderful thing.

    Rampage actually outtrades Lich because of the dmg reduction and extra vitality. If you land dash its even better. Lich doesnt get any dmg reduction after all.Same thing with Tornado btw. there you have too much stab.Rampage is the best transformation elite in a head to head with other transformation elites. It also last longer enabling to cc the Necro after his Lich form has ended.

    Naw I disagree, loch 100% is more effective in team fights and as a oh kitten button, rampage is extremely easy to kite and wait out.

    Which is Why I said in a head to head.In teamfights both Lich and nado are seen as more usefull by popular belive.

    Still rampage wont be useless as it will be able to pressure the person using the elite and also bodyblock Lich projectiles. Lich from non power necros are extra puny ofc.Again in a 1v1 its not even close.

    bodyblocking; the AA pierces, so you are just taking extra damage on your team. Do Necro even use anything besides the AA?

  6. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @Hollow.5382 said:Title.Currently, there is no reward for properly timing a dodge/evade against a stealth attack and no risk to the attacker for missing an attack.

    Being hit while in stealth should unstealth you(conditions excluded).Starting an action while in stealth should immediately unstealth you.Missing(blind/it being evaded) an attack in stealth should unstealth you.Stealth shouldn't stack duration.

    Being hit; since stealth doesnt stop attack tracking, this would mean most attacks started will find the stealthed player. Things like rapidfire, necroaxe2.. Pretty sure even normal castingtime abilities will track if stealth was entered during the cast time.

    @"Sismis.5390" said:When gw2 released there was no stealth all was fine..August 28, 2012 Patch release:Stealth has been added to the game.So deal with it forum crusaders done it.Everything was "added to the game" in that "patch".

  7. @"aymnad.9023" said:...Edit : it also misses on targets just running in the opposite direction

    Where was this argument born from (Ive seen it before)? It is in no way unique to ranger GS.Most melee attacks are 130 range as standard. autos on GS are 130 range.However Maul is 220, hilt bash is 300.I dont see warriors arguing that their attacks are "countered by opponent moving away", yet most of their attacks are 130 range.

  8. @Taobella.6597 said:

    @Taobella.6597 said:probably just dodge you can dodge forever on thief in WvW. if you are built for it

    Don't exaggerate, can we dodge a lot yes, forever, idk if so I want that cool aid. Nerf thief!

    do not misunderstand what i am saying just because you can dodge almost forever does not mean you are evaing all damage.

    You might want to re-read your own post. As your first post didnt have "almost" in it, hence the call on exaggerating.

  9. is teamqueue an unfair advantage? no.is teamqueue an advantage? yes.Same goes for metabuilds or proffession countering.What gets me though is that the discussion tends to try and deny it is an advantage. The whole reason you use an advantage in a competitive mode is because in such an enviorment you want/need it.That being said, I wonder how many enjoy the joint queue types. If you as a player go online to play for 2 hours of pvp, but when your teammate goes offline after one hour, do you keep queueing solo, or is that experience so horrible that you'd rather stop playing?Personally I soloqueue, but accept the system for what it is.

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the algorithm attempt to match by proffession aswell?That makes a "comps meta" mirror matches by design. I hope the proffession matching is excluded from TDM.TDM does put a light on balance issues, or rather it shows wich proffessions can teamfight and which ones cannot.Keeping TDM would force class balance to provide a teamfighter build for all proffessions.I would like to keep 3v3, but leave 2v2 out.

  11. This D/P build is a Daredevil right?I don't see how you can assume to do a heartseeker + backstab combo surprise attack. Swipe is 600 range.And you doing the combo from stealth requires timing so that stealth ends just before heartseeker hits. Otherwise heartseeker breaks stealth and doesn't give backstab.Or are you using shadowstep to get the HS jump on them?The combo HS BS with swipe is more likely done once the battle has been joined.

  12. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @"omgdracula.6345" said:Most opponents will often have some type of boon that reduces the damage.

    Prot has a high priority and almost always gets ripped by steal, no?

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_TheftNot sure if assuming steal is available everytime thief deals dmg as baseline is a good balance point.Regardless: The trait is what rips boons, it was recently nerfed to 2 boons. it steals prot third. aegis first stability second. Aegis isnt common, so in most cases it can get prot too.personally, ive been thinking if Thief could do with making some of their attacks do more damage to a full health, or "above 90%" target. Not enough to be enabling oneshots. It would give better openers on sustain heavy targets, or bunkers. But still would have less impact when coming to +1 a fight. Since targets then are rarely at 90-100%.

  13. Sure, more power to the people. Though its not hard making clear what your post is focused on by specifying it in the header.As a sidenote; I find that thief in PvE is lackluster. I "main" thief in openworld (staff drd), for years. But awhile back I tried out reaper. I was blown away at how it performed. Nowadays, I still do play thief in openworld, but when I need to solo a Champion , I switch to reaper.Making me believe a reason Thieves are so focused on pvp, is they still have potential there.

    Ps. I dont raid so can't speak for raid-thieves.

  14. Let Anet judge wether or not something is "broken" or cheese. They are afterall the only ones with the power to change it. At best the community can provide feedback to Anet.Players that complain about builds/cheese ingame tend to only be when opponent is using it. I have yet to be in a game where teammates "call out" cheese on their teammates, unless they are losing. Making me believe they dont actually care about OP builds. In fact I tend to see more players calling out teammates for using non-meta builds.Giving yourself the handicap of playing non-meta, just so you can claim yourself superior. is a scrub argument.

  15. I have had a habit of using Shadowstep to get out of, or into for kill, these abilities. Noticed that their effect triggers when you "pass through by teleport".I find that odd, as I dont consider teleporting to be going through the barrier put there. Atleast you end up feared at your teleport location going from inside to out.That got me wondering if Ive been making misstakes elsewhere on the same subject..Does DH traps deal the crossover damage if I teleport through them(test of faith trap)? Do firewalls?

  16. @Captain Kuro.8937 said:

    @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Thief is the worst 1v1 class in the game or close to it lmao. Just because u need to improve ur ability to fight them does not make them op.This is exactly why u shouldn't post nerf threads on classes just because u find them hard to fight. If ur having issues vs a thief in a 1v1 it's because the thief was a better player and u got out skilled. Sry it sucks to accept that but I can assure u thief is no where near op in 1v1's.No offense but u come off as a new player who faught a better player on thief and are salty lol.

    Maybe try to copy some tactics , from this guy if you loose most of your 1v1 ?There is room for improvements

    wvw lmao

    Yeah you right .In the pvp scenario the Necro would be still in his captured point , limiting his mobility

    326 auto / 3400 shadowshot /3k backstab . Maybe his stats are bugged in WvWvW and he doesnt benefit much from them

    Same goes for the thief, if he is even attempting to contest the node. Even looking at the reaper footage the thief isnt contesting the node. Nor is he winning fast enough to get value.And next is how vurnable the thief is to getting +1d himself by opponent thief.and yeah wvw is not a good showcase for powerlevel in spvp. sigils, stats, buffs and no-mmr-system just makes wvw too varied.

  17. @ArlAlt.1630 said:

    @ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.Thief is overpowered in terms of mobility (you can't finish him and he can waste your time forever) and underpowered in terms of fight presence (if you are a low mobility profession and duo with a thief and get 1v2'd, the thief can't stand right next to you and take the pressure of you - he has to hit and run all the time or will die in the cleaving of your targets).

    It depends on what you need in your team composition. Most PUGs need fight presence and not mobility. Thief is useless when your team constantly fails at mid and gets snowballed. A reaper or symbolbrand or warrior or... is required to carry these situations.

    I'm not gonna dwell into what ifs, the supposition is that having a thief in a team that knows kitten they're doing, is pure profit.

    Shouldn't any profession played correctly be "pure profit" to your team?I dont understand the arguments quantified with "when they play well, they are a threat", Im more worried when a profession doesn't need to be played well to profit.As I see it, thief is just uncontested in its role. I wouldn't mind if rev/mes were made able to build for the same role, resulting in similair damage and mobility to be an equal to thief in that role.

  18. @"Crab Fear.1624"
    "But, over all games, according to the devs, premades lost more to pugs than they won."I recall somewhere hearing that premade teams had an increase to their MMR when queueing to prevent stomping pugs?Regardless, Im only against the notion that premades can queue into pugs. Most of the time hearing the argument of "I dont want randoms on my team, but my opponent can go ahead and be randoms". Sounds more to me that they actually dont care about the fairness of the match.Maybe take away premades in unranked, make ranked 5man only. and have a 5man- leaderboards.

  19. Ive seen this for mounts and stealth(enemies) that dont render until my system is able too. Im convinced this is due to low systemspeccs on my computer. The game though registers the input. Like the mount not rendering, my charcter sitsstill bobbing, but on minimap my charcter has moved.. Funny thing is if I dismount beforethe mount renders, I get teleported back to where I mounted up, if I wait on it to render, i get ported to where me and my mount moved too.In PvP its more annoying with stealth enemies not rendering, but its not as frequent there because conquestmaps arent as hard on the system as openworld can be.Ive not considered this happens to pets, but anything that needs rendering would be affected I guess.

  20. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Dave.6819" said:Oh boy here we go again. Add cast time. Add cooldowns. Make initiative regen slower. Basically nerf everything that makes thief a thief.. U should go and try out thief then u'll realise skill isn't about spamming. Skill is in trying to survive against classes that hit way harder then you do while you're wearing basically nothing and have no sustain at all. If you'll be a spamming thief you'll never win. You'll run out of initiative and u'll be dead. I encourage you. Go and try out thief. U'll be back in forums saying "OMG holo/guard/slb/warr/mirage/scourge/rev is so OP! nerf it. it 1 shotted me".

    Thief has 450hp heal on every evadeLow cooldown, healing skill that is impossible to interruptfromThief having low sustain is a lie.

    Thief does not have 450 heal on every evade.

    Only A daredevil thief has access to EA and EA only works on a successful evade. Not Every Evade. You can not just evade and heal on thief. You need someone attacking you and need to avoid that attack. Now a thief has a lower hit point pool. If a daredevil thief manages an evade of an attack that might have done 5500 in damage then he evaded 5500 in damage and gets 450 health back for avoiding that damage. If he started with 11000 health out of 12000 total health he will see his health jump 11000 to 11450. I mean....wow.

    This forum makes the ea seem way stronger than it actually is. The SUCCESSFUL evade part and the fact it's not a constant regen like some other classes defensive skills plus the fact that thief can be 2 shot by anything if hit makes it a pretty balanced trait imo

    Is that what thiefs keep telling themself when they compleatly ignore all condi damage due to minor trait ?

    You still mean Escapist fortitude? Its a Major now, not a minor. Also doesn't work like Resistance.

  21. @Dea Beyond.5183 said:IT happened to me too , is it bugged actually , it doesnt do the attack of nr 1 skill it does a 2nd cloack and dagger.You sure this isn't because you doubletapped #5? gw2 uses a queue system for abilities

    @Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:As others have stated, disabling auto attack is essential for thief.Problem for me is that if I run manual, then using things like sword3, sword2 will not stop the manual sword 1. making it extremly clunky. Same with shortbow 1 vs needing to quick sb3. Died alot i #1 animations that way.@Sarnax.8357 said:Every time I use this I keep auto attacking and it immediately brings me out of stealth. Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the execution of Dagger 5 stop auto attack so you can reposition for a backstab?

    What am I missing...As for the ontopic; Im not sure exactly how it is. But backstab is a flipover skill, its not available before stealth. If you prep dagger#5, and press #1 before it flipsover, it might be queueing a regular #1.

  22. @babazhook.6805 said:

    @"Markri.9475" said:Im curious how the trait works with flipover dualwields. will both parts of Flanking Strike procc it? will p/d repeater add it, thats potential one poison stack (and a bleed) for 2 ini if you stow during the channel rinse and repeat?

    This a question yet to be answered. I am assuming it does as if you look at repeater it clearly states it a dual wield skill meaning shadowstrike repeater and repeater should each get a proc. The wording "Can only happen once per dual wield skill" suggests that the 5 shots on the repeater or the 3 attacks on the singular deathblossom will not each get their own proc.

    Most likely so. But I also was refering to the use of repeater . Use p/d#3: acess to repeater for 4 seconds. during those 4, I start a repeaterchannel, and stow/cancel it after it hits once then start a new repeater and again cancel.. repeat until the 4 seconds are up.Note also that I said one stack, but considering potent poisons trait each application would be 2 stacks.. I assume getting 4x repeater start/stops done wouldnt be difficult. which in this hypothesis would mean 8 stacks for 8 ini, in a 4sec window. And pretty easy to again just do again, if ini allows.

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