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Posts posted by HtFde.3856

  1. @Taelac.7036 said:I don't recall encountering this bug before, and with a few others saying it's the first time they've run into it, I'm curious as to whether it's spreading, or just likes the folks who have experienced it multiple times a lot.

    I never experienced this (and I have all LS3 and LS4 nodes) - so this is a first. Although - come to think of it - I think I bought the Chili node before I bought the Mistborn Mote node simply because I had like 500+ Motes and didn't feel the need to buy it. But with the Chili node in my HI I cannot purchase the new one - my alt (with an all empty HI) sees the node and could buy it.

  2. @"mbhalo.1547" said:Killing off Almorra in such pathetic way for no apparent reason felt really cheap.

    You watch way too many cheap Hollywood productions, I guess. Death is like that. It's not how you go that gives your life a meaning but the pains you inflicted and the joys you gave during your life. The expectation that there must be a special moment when the reaper swings the scythe is really a Hollywood cliché. I find it refreshing that ANet chose not to follow such a script. Came as quite a "What the heck ..." moment ...

  3. @Providence.7185 said:

    @Voltekka.2375 said:And why would anyone wanna buy expansions, in that case?Edit: the fact that you cant play guard healer isnt druid. Its firebrand.

    You raise a good point. However, it goes beyond what you stated. Buying the expansions is not enough to get the elite specs. It simply makes them available.

    To get use the elite specs a new player must 1) purchase the expansions as you stated, 2) get the necessary glider / mounts for step #3, and level up said mounts and 3) get the hero points in expansion content - all this on an under powered (in most cases) core spec.

    Or you are a regular WvW player and just buy the points with your excess on proof of heroics and are done in a few seconds. Just saying ...

  4. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @"HtFde.3856" said:The deficiencies become apparent with the Labyrinth farms - after trying 30 groups and getting "The world you are trying ...." messages, I gave up on it. It WOULD be useful if it would filter out full maps and only show maps where you can join but I assume this is hyper-advanced programming and thus not available within the next two decades.

    pick squads with less than 20 people in them.

    ie, start at the bottom of the lfg list.

    That, alas, isn't working well in the Lab. After I levelled one of my Alts on my "other account", I decided to do a bit of proper grinding with my main. So I tagged up and ran. Open Squad - I had 6 (!) people in the squad but maybe 40 people running after me but refusing to join the tag. So ... squad size doesn't really tell you how many people feel anarchistic today and follow, but refuse to join.

  5. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"HtFde.3856" said:The deficiencies become apparent with the Labyrinth farms - after trying 30 groups and getting "The world you are trying ...." messages, I gave up on it. It WOULD be useful if it would filter out full maps and only show maps where you can join but I assume this is hyper-advanced programming and thus not available within the next two decades.

    That makes no sense, people constantly join and leave the maps, so you'd just keep seeing flickering squads in lfg when mulktiple instances of the same map would get repeatedly filled or left by singular people. Also considering that when one player leaves the instance, the squad shows up in lfg because instance isn't full anymore and then multiple people can join the squad before one of them swaps instances and fill them up again, your so-called-solution would solve exactly nothing.

    You have this problem with Metas as well. Try to join the Gerenth or Tarir. You always end up with the same problem - full worlds. And if you're unlucky and struggle through the Meta you may end up with a HP party on your map that does not want to participate in the Meta but won't leave either. So it was all for naught.

    I'm not saying that it is an "easy" thing to solve and ANet has painted itself into a bit of a corner with Meta participation and advance on some maps but a solution would be welcome where parties looking for people and people looking for parties could actually come together and not be locked out by "world full" messages.

    If need be, you could transfer such a group and all aspiring joiners into a new instance. You'd "just" have to deal with how to take Meta participation into the new instance and how to transfer Meta achievements from various instances into the new one.

  6. The deficiencies become apparent with the Labyrinth farms - after trying 30 groups and getting "The world you are trying ...." messages, I gave up on it. It WOULD be useful if it would filter out full maps and only show maps where you can join but I assume this is hyper-advanced programming and thus not available within the next two decades.

  7. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Karma builds slowly over time and veterans eventually end up with millions, without even trying. However for new players, it takes a while.

    That's quite true for the core game and the core expansions. With season 3 and the karmic retribution they offered a bypass - a bit wonky and unreliable in season 3, though. In season 4 almost ALL enemies you kill give you a karmic retribution item. And even the lowest level yields 50 karma. Especially on mass events or metas like Palawadan, Great Hall on Istan, Specimen Chamber pre on Sandswept and Thunderhead Peaks metas you're rolling in karma. Even at the lowest level. It's a shame you cannot have it for DS or Tangled. :)

    Compared to the amount needed for a leggy, though, it will STILL take some time and dedication - even with karmic retribution.

  8. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @"LucianDK.8615" said:I think most casuals runs screaming away from Gourmet training with the costs of 4 spirit wood planks, 1 elonian leather and 3x heat stones.Most everyone has run away from it, so far.

    I am not sure, but I think if you follow the Sylvari quest and the Charr quest, staying short of buying the garden, you could be able to "harvest" the ingredients, though - and these steps do not require a lot of effort or cost, and make a profit by selling the ingredients.

  9. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    According to GW2 Efficiency, half of newer players (under 500 hours) have less than 200k karma and even 10% of veterans (over 4000 hours) have under 300k, not enough to start a legendary.

    Wow, thanks for the info on that. So I'm a bit off with my 5 Mio+ AFTER I bought Obsi shards for 2 Mio (Vision). New players, however, won't be making ascended food, I think?!

  10. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I'm not sure I agree with the OP's recommendation. 25 karma sounds cheap unless you have other uses for karma than as a gold substitute for tools, kits, and extracts. It also depends on farming to get the materials needed: I'd prefer not to put that sort of pressure on me for ordinary substances. And finally, the materials used have value. In many cases, it's cheaper to buy stuff from the TP using the funds one gets when selling mats.

    For example, Loaf of Rosemary Bread, recommended by the OP for masterwork extract. It uses over 60 copper of materials (including the Rosemary), while the bread can be bought on the TP directly for under 20 copper. (Mind you 40 copper per item isn't much; I'm just using it to illustrate that materials have value.)

    The best tip is to use the detritus from certain reward tracks and PoF drops: historically, that's just wasted inventory space and now you can gain extracts from it. That is free, except for your time.

    Ah, yes - I forget that GW2 is a mirror of today's life where people completely and utterly lack any sense of even basic principles and will, indeed, sell a 60 copper item for 20 copper. My bad. So yes, cou can buy and the TP is a valid option, although I assume that the TP excess stockage might take a hit sooner or later and that we will arrive at the point where making might be cheaper than buying. But until the 100 millions of Rosemary Breads are off the market you do have a point.

    Out of curiosity: What does one do with Karma? Apart from Obsidian shards? Mat upgrades still a thing with volatile energy material caches? With my Karmic Retribution level all I need for the Karma needed for the bread is to run10 seconds Palawadan and place 3 staff marks.

  11. @Palador.2170 said:I think the first question is: what decides the quality of extract you get from composting food? I'm guessing it's the level of the food, but I'm not sure.

    Second question would be what resources you have. The garden plots with all the seeds can make it easy to get some resources, especially if harvested with a Glyph of Bounty. Access to the LS maps, and some of the home nodes, may also give some options.

    I'm going to be trying a few things. I'll post more if I find any 'bargain' items to compost.

    [Edit] Just made some lemon bars (it makes 3 at once). First two times it gave me Fine extracts, third time gave me a Masterwork extract. So, it's not level based, or not entirely on level. There's some RNG involved too. That's... bad.

    Eeep - so far my results have been consistent - see updated first post. And I am not going to use anything that uses butter. Since they removed butter in bulk and THEN nerfed the bags, it's become a precious thing that I'm not going to use for compost. :)

  12. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @"Palador.2170" said:I think the first question is: what decides the quality of essence you get from composting food? I'm guessing it's the level of the food, but I'm not sure.

    Crafting tier.

    Actually it may be strictly on level. I just remember trial and error with the tiers until I got the salvage component I wanted.

    That's my conclusion as well. It's QUITE misleading as the actual "item quality level" is ignored. A level 200 blue food will always give a green compost, not a blue one.

  13. Now that ANet has offered yet another variety of functional food (so far functional food was measured in cost, time to make, etc.) by providing the "compostability" property. So we know that, depending on the "crafting level/character level to use" of the food we get blue, green, yellow or orange compost. Which kind of leads to the question: What is the best way to get the compost? Best as in: Easy to get the ingredients in quantities, not being too expensive and probably best made mostly of karma ingredients.

    As people have pointed out, the compost depends on the required character level of the food:

    • Blue < 29
    • Green 30 - 59
    • Yellow 60 - 79
    • Orange 80

    For those who are looking for the overall cheapest way to get the food for their compost, this seems to be the TP at the moment. So buy from there until the supply runs out or people withdraw their offers and increase prices. The following deals with those who wish to make their own food instead of buying it:

    So, what's your strategy? I'm still experimenting a bit, but I guess I'll use these:

    Blue Compost:

    1. Buy Bread from Heart Quest in Queensdale (the farm where all our Keyfarmers ended up as soon as they left Divinity Rock) for 25 Karma/piece
    2. Make Cups of Potato Fries - salt is Karma and there are 2 easy to get to potato farms (Metrica: Akk Wild, Plains of Ashford: Loreclaw) and one in the Crystal Oasis. Subtracting teleport cost from Rata or the citadel (as you can get there for free) I ended up with around 6 bronze/potato (not counting normal wear and tear an non-permanent harvesting equipment) which makes it a good option.

    Green Compost:

    1. Probably gonna use Loaf of Rosemary bread. All but the Rosemary is from Karma, it uses just one bit of Rosemary and since I'm hitting all those herb nodes, I'll get rosemary eventually. It's also available via Guild or WvW synthesizers AND you can grow it in your garden.
    2. Spicy Lime Steak when rosemary become rare in supply. I know I'll get red meat from trying to get the "special cut", chili is more or less unavoidable in the desert maps, pepper comes from herb nodes and Lime is karma.

    Yellow (Rare) Compost

    1. Probably Bowl of Tropical Fruit Salad. Passion fruits are easy to get from Ember Bay and "Karka Island", Omnomberries are easy to get in Orr and Sirens, Mangos are Karma and Oranges might become a problem, though I have quite a lot of them so they seem to drop quite often. :)
    2. Bowl of Blackberry Pear Compote - Pear and Sugar = Karma, blackberries to be found in abundance.

    Orange (Exotic) Kompost

    1. Cup of Lotus fries - Pepper is easy to come by, Lotus is Lake Doric and Orr, though Doric is easier and cheaper to get to with the tome and oil and salt are Karma.
    2. Flatbread. I drown in milling stones, the basins can be bought, salt and water is karma, and Cassava just happens to accumulate and 10 is reasonable for one piece of flatbread. Although I hope I'll find an easier/cheaper recipe for exo.
    3. My winner: Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee. It's a feast, so it gives 10 compost when salvaged and this is a common reward in many WvW tracks. So I'm going with this one ^^ It's NOT worth to MAKE this. I'll only use the ones I get from the reward chests.

    Side-Note: Sometimes you get feasts as a reward. Those tend to be salvageable to 10 exotic composts, yay.

  14. @Guildwars.4893 said:Actually we have on reddit the descripton of all composants to craft these recipes (I tried some) BUT the real problem is: is it really interesting in PVE ?Maybe for meta event or in WvW but during raid or dungeon/fractals it's totally usuless why ? Because the passives are not interesting for raid or fractal, you need to improve the real statt it's ascended !I'm not interesting by these passives statts which does not bring anything. Why I will craft this food really expensive if yet the time is only 1h00 ! And it's expensive.Ok, if you are 5 - 6 Dps why not but the supports (chrono - fire - rene), war, druid ? Go take your normal food because it's too expensive for 2 people/ 1 person just for 1 boss. It's the same for the dps sometimes when you need condi and zerk like for VG and too maybe you will must change your food between 2 boss so why I will do this expensive food ? (no reason)

    Actually you have created this food but you have not thought to the use in some game mode.If you want return this food attractive you must update the real statts (like power, accuracy, heal ...) MUST BE ASCENDED

    You haven't bothered to check the cost of those ascended food items, have you? Because if you HAD (and not just assumed things, which, alas has become quite the thing nowadays) you woul dhave noticed that the ascended food items are downright cheap for what they offer. Even if you include the cost for compost to grow the special herbs. And, yes, party-wise it's a bit of a problem since a healer would like to output more healing and the dps guys would love to do more damage. That's why food made with peppercorn is a good compromise as it offers 10% damage reduction (less to heal for the healer) AND adds +power +ferocity on top.

    In WvW where there are damage dealers and support, you can make use of two feasts - one damage redux + damage and one damage redux + healing/concentration.

    All of that lasting one hour and for as many people as are around and at a bargain price (if you ignore the somewhat high upfront costs). The ascended food ONLY becomes expensive, when you're too lazy to farm or want to produce food to a greater extend than you can grow yourself and thus use the TP.

  15. @Cronospere.8143 said:

    @"LucianDK.8615" said:Wont ever happen because of this item.

    Does anyone buy that?10 sec and you are inside you home instance without the stone.

    When you leave the home instance, you're right back where you started. No teleport cost and now thanks to bank access in the home instance ... previously you had to use your guild hall (if you had a scribe station) or Obsidian Sanctum to free inventory from farming and return to where you were before. It's also a nice way to bypass the tutorial when you do key farming.

  16. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @BorgCollective.4509 said:Now that I think about it, dungeons could be a great precursor to fractals for lower level players. They are level gated already. If they just made them a bit easier so groups could reasonably get through themStory mode dungeons can already be soloed on level appropriate characters in level appropriate gear.How much easier do they need to be?

    Sigh, when the population moved on, new players were stuck as the story mode gives no tokens and people were doing them for those tokens. So they HAD to change them to be solo-able. Just like they had to change Orr. When you played from the very beginning you know how different contemporary Orr is to back then. You can actually WALK in orr without aggroing 10 mobs nowadays. And they spam WAY less cc than they used to. AND they seem to have far less HP (but this might be due to the power creep).

  17. @Tinnel.4369 said:

    @Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

    Supporting data please?

    every person that has ever played the game

    That's not data. There's two claims there, only one of which I'm inclined to believe. WvW'rs still spend $.

    Commanders often get donations from the zerg to afford the food, siege and suchlike. And many WvWers have a PvE routine to make some money. Like a short round of Palawadan, a meta in Thunderhead Peaks, etc. The rewards in WvW are roundabout. Little money, poor drops (especially if you play a support class, compared to a damage class) - but I always like the clover from the reward tracks for the legendaries as it saves on mystic coins. In addition WvW ascended armor is quite a lot cheaper than their PvE equivalent.

  18. @Hashberry.4510 said:

    @LucianDK.8615 said:More like its to gouge those looking to craft the ascended food. Pure greed.

    Oh lord you sent out the bat signal for the market fundies. Look out for the flock! :p

    He's actually mistaken but I guess we live in a time where this no longer matters. The TP has two sides - the buyer's side and the seller's side. Simply because someone WANTS to get 10 gold for something doesn't mean, he will get them. Equally - if a buyer wants to pay one bronze for it, it does not mean he will get the item for this amount. But if someone offers to buy the item for 8 gold, then it is not the greed of the seller but the greed of the buyer (wanna, wanna) that makes him place this offer.

  19. @Acheron.4731 said:

    @Infusion.7149 said:WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically.

    Supporting data please?

    every person that has ever played the game

    Depends - actual money is meh-ish. But on an active server you get reward tracks done quickly and a mystic clover is roundish 6 gold. Which is a lot, given that you get two per track (7 for the one-time ones). If you're not into building a legendary, though ....

  20. @bluberblasen.9684 said:With this new buff foods.Why?Why are you doing this?Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.....Thats all....

    Well, the supply is a bit limited by the number of gardening plots but you get 1h duration. If you concentrate on one ingredient, you will get 4h worth of buff per day. Getting the four seeds does not take long and the ascended food is actually cheap ingredient wise. For the +power/ferocity with 10% damage reduction you only need the special red meat (takes killing a few creatures) + one jug of water (cheapo) + a few herb ingredients. The upfront cost of completing the achievement is high, the food is cheap, though, as long as you don't try to produce more than you can grow. But since you can get more than one result from harvesting, you get at LEAST 4h worth of buff for a bargain cost AND your fellow players get it as well.

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