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Posts posted by Sovarica.4368

  1. Gave it a shot but the pistols just feel so dormant and passive and very ranked unworthy just can't really hold a candle to the established meta classes

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  2. Is it just me or Whirling Light is just doing too much.. it does a big heavy crit burst damage, has a big radius which makes it hard to react to and covers most of the side nodes completely. The skill has a pretty low recharge rate so it's pretty in your face most of the time. WB just feels like the rinse and repeat process of just teleporting and spamming Radiant Light which makes the play styles just have a boring identity. Also the combo finisher has cleansing which makes condi builds have a hard time dealing with them a pain in the rump. I would like to see the other utilities buffed more so I could see different play styles and bring something unique to the table, but as it stands WB has been pretty strong for a long time and it just seems a bit too much for one utility to get that much benefit out of it, also just constantly just steamrolls most of the casuals, overall I'm pretty tired of it and it just gives the vibe of a very exasperated meta

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  3. I'd rather have Radiant Fire pre-nerf back instead of pistols lol. But speaking of pistols they feel too tame maybe they need a burning relic that could give them a bit more of a punch to them. In any case I have seen my desire to play PvP go down a lot.

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  4. I run Sanctuary and Glacial Heart it's a clutch for me and fun to use. But yeah, we'll see what happens.. but my gut suspicion tells me they are nerfing it because they don't want chill to cover the burning from Pistols and would make it easier for other players to clear the burning which is a very aggressive bursty condition

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  5. Torch throw feels way too unreliable almost every game I have like 50% of my throws missing the target.. even up close enemies.. like ridiculous.. they should just rework it already and make it do something else since it's been like this forever. Torch just seems even more super lame now with the Radiant Fire nerf.

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  6. I don't like the change the fun factor has diminished 200% and the torch throwing is so horrendously bad I keep throwing and throwing and it misses 50% of the time if they are going to give us a nerf at least fix the torch throw because it's really bad and I think all of us guards are not happy with it and we all stand together on this

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  7. What do you guys think of Necro staff unblockable trait is it me or does it seem like it's just too powerful and has no drawbacks or cool downs it seems like the game loses a lot of strategy trying to duel or team fight, to me unblockables should be something you really have to plan things out and read the opponent not just have a trait that gives you perma unblockables combined with short cool downs on skills that use them. It's kinda one of the things that break the PvP immersion when you're trying to gauge the duel and here comes four sets of infinite unblockables which feels cheap. I'm just saying this because Necro just seems to do everything too well and they need to throw a bone to players who want to counter Nec with some rewarding strategy and fair and square fights by maybe adding some sort of cool down. I would rather they give Necs more lifeforce than to deal with an onslaught of unblocks. I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this maybe I'm wrong about it and haven't looked into it deeper

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  8. Just wondered since the burst damage has soared and distortion seems to be a pretty big clutch an a lot of peoples play styles shouldn't it have a counter or a good strategy to deal with it or at least some sort of negative status after using it? It feels way too strong or am I wrong?

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  9. 5 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

    My only issue with downstate guard is the F1... why in the world did Anet disable F1 procs for downstate guard?? I would understand if it was disabled for Willbender but it has been disabled entirely, basically since the game released.

    Burst dps power guard can hit anywhere between 800 to 1000 ticks while condi guard will only hit for 100 to 200 damage lol.

    Ah yeah, I was using condi burn I guess that explains it

  10. What do you guys think about the Down state Guardian skills? it seems like if both people are downed at the same time majority of the time Guardian seems to come out the loser. Just seems like other classes have a better comebacks to their downed states one of the most annoying examples is having a ranger/guardian downed at the same time you just push the pet and it goes back to insta rezzing and there's not much you can do about it and the damage is just so low you are pretty much helpless in that situation and the symbol just regains health too slowly.

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  11. Guardian was in a tough spot for a while but the weapon training for some classes are so good and Guardian weapons were so crappy that it sent Guardian to C tier. Hard to also compete with classes that instantly cast something and doesn't miss attacks meanwhile Guardian feels slow and clunky and pretty much the new punching bag of the game.

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  12. Some ideas

    Player housing instanced with monetized gem store items > Make an expansion bringing back all of the villains like Joko and Scarlet and Balthazar for blast of nostalgia which will probably create a buzz for people who quit the game > Use Ai to speed up the process of skins and maps and new cosmetic faces > Make short 2 man party content like mini dungeons in the style of SAB > 1v1 arena for pvpers > Make a new festivals to keep people busy

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  13. Guardian feels a bit miserable right now, pretty sure Scourge does it better than core support. Only thing left is Willbender and that's still kind of slight above mid tier also kinda rare seeing a Guardian in Plat nowadays just by walking through the lobby seems like it's all Necro or Mesmer. Anyways hopefully the next patch makes things a bit better

  14. Pretty much the key ingredients for an easier win since the aoe radius pretty much covers most of the nodes and too much synergy with the healing and rezzing which makes the game too oppressive and dumbed down and cancels out too many specs viability. Anyways am I the only one noticing this or is this type of meta is good?

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  15. Scrapper doesn't bother me in a duel but it does bother me how fast my teammates get bursted by it probably the biggest G1 killer in the game

    Willbender has a huge range of damage with it covering the whole capture point with the swirl damage and it's too in your face and it bursts too easily

    Mesmer's in general have too much of the same play style of just attacking you from a distance and coming in for the kill, it's very hard to get a good rhythm of dueling going against a Mesmer with it's too many options to get out of tough situations and too many options to counter you would be nice if they exchanged a bit of distortion with a bit of aegis on the last second

    Condizerker is too strong right now can pretty much carry a game and make a team turn against itself with toxicness


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