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Posts posted by Bern.9613

  1. On 11/9/2023 at 3:26 PM, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Just saying....do not underestimate a low rank like bronze invader.

    There are many people in this game who have alt accounts that are not as high level as their main account. You'll regret it.

    Also if thief is dying to mesmer (a class they counter) i would uninstall if i were you.

    Go and try Obs on mag and see how you do. Just notify us when you plan to uninstall.

  2. On 11/5/2023 at 5:38 AM, Puck.3697 said:

    You want thief completely gutted in spvp for the sake of killing its ability to play WvWvW incorrectly. As it isnt balanced for 1v1s but large scale pvp which its already terrible at? 

    Itd be complete garbage in spvp if these nerfs occurred lol. You'd delete the only viable way thief can be played lol. 

    The nerfs I mentioned have already happened.

  3. On 11/4/2023 at 5:04 PM, Sleepwalker.1398 said:


    Recent vid, first fight shows still can be done.
    Also many would argue that Shadow Arts made thief better.
    Heal in and out of stealth, super speed in and out of stealth, init in and out of stealth.

    Not sure how beating on a bronze invader, aka newb, really validates your point. Go try a diamond mesmer then we can talk. As for making thief better, really? They took away what we had and gave back a lesser version. As well as nerfing stealth ONLY on thief because "it's a source of frustration in wvw and pvp".  If you're so convinced that that is soooo good, I have 100 shiny new pennies that I'll trade you for those 100 crumpled up, old $1 bill you have.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Old video yes, and some may argue that stealth on heal trait has been removed but another recent video has just change the heal skill to hide in shadows.


    How about, the nerf to shadow arts ended this. No more 50% increased speed. No more hp regen. No more initiative regen. No more chaining stealth with heal. No more increased base damage and the damage multiplier by 100%. No more increased base healing by 100% and the heal multiplier by 60%. No more life stealing base damage of 320. Reduced dagger storm power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.4 in PvP and WvW. So yea, old video that has no bearing on what this topic is about.

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  5. 15 hours ago, FrancisN.9276 said:

    As a thief main, I am sure that everyone of us has gone through this problem on many thief builds. Playing a power dps Deadeye? Kneel and and spam rifle 3, repeat until target dies or you do. Playing power dps Daredevil? Bound and spam staff 2. Playing condi dps dagger/dagger Deadeye or Daredevil? Spam dagger/dagger 3. Playing condi dps Specter? Spam scepter/dagger 3. Playing alac healer Specter or quick healer Deadeye? Spam scepter/pistol 3... Though Initiative is a great system that gives a lot of gameplay freedom, it also engenders a spammy type of gameplay, leading to devs nerfing skills with good initiative value in the name of PvP balancing (looking at initiative cost for rifle 3, rifle 4, shortbow 5,... in PvP and WvW mode). Therefore, I have a suggestion to fix Thief profession in general (for core and all 3 especs): make all Thief's weapon skills Sequence Skills (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sequence_skill)

    Sequence Skills prevent spamming a single skill time and time again, leading to 3 gameplay outcomes:

    1. Thief cannot just spam the most cost-effective skill over and over again.

    2. No more abusing a single skill's effect, making it easier for devs to balance the number in the future.

    3. Spicing up gameplay, so Thief has to go over several skills in a fight, even for PvE fights, to make playing Thief more interesting while retaining the freedom of the Initiative system.

    The downside is that, of course, devs have to put a Sequence Skill for every existing Thief weapon skills, which is A LOT of work. However, "a lot of work" right now for a whole lot less work in the future seems worth it unless they do not intend for the lifespan of this game to be much longer into the future. What do you think?

    Edit: Okay, I looked at Ranger's pet revamp in Nov 28 patch and that is A LOT of work. If devs can spare the same amount of commitment to fix Thief as they had for Ranger, my suggestion can certainly be made possible.

    What I see you asking for is to get rid of thief. The initiative system is uniquely thief. If a player is spamming, they will eventually be punished for it. From your examples of skill spamming, I see you are strictly pve. ANet has already decreased the power and increased the cost of initiative in competitive modes to the point of spamming 3 uses of any skill will then leave you hanging your *** in the wind waiting for initiative regen. Maybe they should mimic the energy system of revenant. Low cd on weapon skills, higher power output, quicker energy regen with traits and/or weapon use, special utilities depending on specialization. This way the thief can use more weapon skills, have more utility skills and have at least 2 healing skills available in utilities.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    The only thing you know about the "thief" class is how to spell it.


    I am literally writing this out for you, so no clue how you fail to understand. 


    I am a thief. I hit someone for 5k damage, cloak and dagger. I am now stealthed.

    I wait till the STEALTH RUNS OUT. A fraction of a second after it expires I do another 5k damage cloak and dagger.

    There is absolutely no stealth debuff when you let the stealth expire before you attack again.


    With dodges and shadow step (+shadowstep back) a thief can kill someone this way and face next to nil in retaliation.


    A thief is like that xman "Wolverine". Almost no risk with a crazy high damage output.   He isn't cool. Just someone who exploits his godmode. 

    What are you fighting in your scenario? That golem in the sf area of lion's arch that stands there making noises? An afk thief? There isn't a single player that would stand still, not run any boons and let a thief hit them enough times with CnD to die to it. Most classes run 17k+ hp with endless boons except thief. Thief can't generate boons nor heal like other classes. If a player uses lock auto target and snap ground target then starts any channel skill, the thief is going to eat it in or out of stealth. Unless they dodge. However, neither the dodge nor a shadow step will stop rapid fire, poison dart volley, grenades, etc. from hitting. So once again, how is this a "god mode"?

    • Like 4
  7. So you've taken away the 6th bonus from runes. Meh, not really happy about that. It made runes unique and a thought process when figuring out a build but whatever. You replaced most of the 6th bonuses with relics (RIP 10% hp and golems). OK. But what was the thought process with making them soul bound on use? Account I can live with, soul bound is a tough pill to swallow. If I want to experiment with different relics, I would have an inventory full of them without the option of using it on another toon for another build. Why?

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  8. On 9/20/2023 at 4:27 AM, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    Hey there, i wanted craft legendary weapon, then i realise its almost impossible to get Gift of Battle. i Spend over 20 hours in several WvW maps and didnt got anything. (Couldnt finish a single event)

    Option 1) There is no one on the map on your side, you just get killed

    Option 2) There are only mount players on your side, so its impossible to follow, You always come to late to any event or any spot

    Back at release everyone had a fair chance in WvW, you made Swiftness trains and rushed arround the map. Nowdays you cannot play WvW without the mount, and to get the Mount you need to play WvW. But you can't cause everyone just outruns you. Even with Quickness and Swiftness on you.


    This is the most frustrating experience i ever had in gw2 so far.

    LOL What? So I suspect you're getting served up on a silver platter by the camp guards maybe the sentry as well, trying to solo a tower and/or keep then dirt napping. Hate to burst your bubble, this isn't pve. Not to over state the obvious here but pve builds and play styles aren't going to cut it. The way I see it, you have 2 options;

    1) Ask when the "prime time" is for your server and jump into or follow a zerg; and/or (my favourite)

    2) Adapt and overcome.

    I and others on this forum can understand you getting served up by roamers but taking a camp is doable solo by all classes. DO NOT try a T2 or higher camp, stick to T1. Start by pulling 1 guard at a time. I start with the scouts because they blind and that's annoying. Remember there is a ri timer of 5 mins after an objective has been taken. You have no idea how many times I see new wvw players laying down at the feet of the ri supervisor. Makes me laugh every time. It's written in the description when targeted. It's the wvw equivalent to pve invulnerability, you can't kill it but it can kill you.

    • Like 2
  9. On 9/11/2023 at 2:21 PM, Gadzooks.4687 said:

    So here is the deal. Ive tried the various meta builds out there, and despite them all being able to do great golem damage, the one thing they all seem to lack is the ability to provide survivability.


    LOL IKR? This is what I've been saying all along. Their response is always the same, "it shows the potential". Well potentially you're gonna die!!

    Anyways, I like DE for the condi clears and the ranged power. This is what I like to use in pve (a slight modification from my wvw build):


    When using s/d make sure you keep an eye on your malice build up and use it while at enemy. Also there is a small cd for the fireworks relic but Mercy will reset it increasing duration of effect. I like to mark, build malice to max using rifle 2 X 3 or s/d 2 followed by 3 X 2, Mercy, F2, stealth attack, s/d return, mark again, repeat. Remember rifle 4 and return s/d 2 are condi cleanses. Signet of agility is your OH CRAP!! saviour. You can use smoke screen (good for blocking projectiles for the group) in place of shadow step. I prefer shadow step for solo'ing or in case things go south really fast.

    Good luck out there.

  10. On 8/22/2023 at 6:02 AM, MorningGlow.5376 said:

    Old SA was indeed a source of frustrating gameplay.

    No doubt you're OK with stealth on one shot mesmer, engi, and ranger. Right? Also good with cele fa ele, one shot burn willbenders, might make right warrior, cele harbinger, bounding heal vindi? None of these is frustrating nor game breaking. Right? Because they aren't thief. We already know ANet is good with these, they keep them around, enhance them even but nerf the thief into oblivion. People choose to forget that in 2012 a stealth class, thief/assassin/rogue, was a quintessential to a mmo. Now 11 years later there's a concerted effort to kill the class, not the mechanic of stealth, just the class. If no other class had access to stealth, I could see the point.

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  11. On 8/25/2023 at 1:10 PM, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

    Play the Weaponmaster Training Beta June 29 – July 2!

    by The Guild Wars 2 Team on June 28, 2023


    What Comes Next?

    We’ll be back in the next week or so with details about the next WvW World Restructuring beta, which will feature the ability for guilds to team up in Alliances for WvW.


    Sooo its been 2 months since Anet made this announcement. We just not going to get details. All you have told us for the Summer/Fall roadmap is "WvW Update" which doesn't seem like details to me..

    WVW has been updated. They "runed" you and added relics. What kind of an update were you expecting? OHHHH That. The threat of alliances since  2017 or 2018.

  12. On 8/17/2023 at 5:58 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

    It's literally now a 2 second stealth on a 45 second cd....as an ULTIMATE!?

    They removed the part that made it unique, that is, you could bypass revealed to get back into stealth.

    Dude...does this talent tree have anything left...lowest damage in the game, no utility....if you didn't want anyone playing DE you could have just removed it lol.

    DE has Binding Shadow.... oh wait. That got the ULTIMATE nerf hammer as well. No more knock down of marked target. It will immob marked target, not any other, if the target doesn't have immunity to cc's like warrior's sprint. If you can remember, ANet is killing thief even further by increasing initiative costs. Shortbow Infiltrator's arrow, 6 initiative in pve, 8 in pvp and wvw because..... Initiative regen also feels slower with M7. And the ULTIMATE betrayal is the huge nerf to Shadow Arts because, to quote an ANet senior staff, "it's a source of frustrating game play"

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