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Posts posted by Kuulpb.5412

  1. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:I'm happy with many of the changes to core Necro and excited to give them a try. I haven't been playing much lately ( the last time I was online was about a week ago I think ? ) but seeing these patch notes has made me want to hop on again.

    That said, I'm also a little disappointed compared to the changes many of the other professions got. It seems like the buffs to core are mostly cooldown reductions with a slight functionality change to Dark Path ( which I'm still on the fence about because I was one of the few people who loved Dark Path ) while most of the other professions had various significant reworks. I understand not every profession got huge buffs or reworks, but it certainly made me less happy about the buffs to core after seeing what everyone else was getting. Like at first it was "yay! love for core Necro hype!" then it was "oh... Can I have some more cool stuff too? Look what they got!"

    Either way I'm content, even if a little disappointed by comparison. But in regards to the Reaper nerf, I'm not nearly as bothered as everyone here seems to be. It's one trait... Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an insane amount of healing when cleaving mobs, granted it is a pretty significant reduction to offensive potential by not taking Reaper's Onslaught. Still, you could full heal yourself with a few swipes of the Shroud when using both of those traits and having no Healing Power. I don't think Soul Eater + Blighter's Boon was an OP combination, that isn't what I'm saying. I do however think it was very strong and although sustain potential will be reduced without the healing from Soul Eater, I don't think it's any reason to throw a fit as much as you guys are. It's literally one thing related to Reaper that got a nerf. Just be glad we're not Revenants because it looks like they got kneecapped pretty good.

    Reaper is and will remain strong in the right hands. I'm in no way concerned with the nerf because it was perfectly good before Soul Eater healed based on outgoing damage so it will be just fine going back to that.

    The reason(s) I have an issue with this, are as you mention taking blighter's boon/Soul eater is a dps loss, Necromancer overall does not have a lot of defensive abilities or traits, it's all rather Mild or Hindering, Like if a necromancer gets CCd, good luck doing anything before you die, sort of thing, or if you get chased, good luck escaping anything that has more than one movement skill, Removing something that could let Necromancer survive - also note this was ONLY within Melee range, Is a Horrible change that should be re-thought. Necromancers have never really been loved, they have a lifesteal mechanic while is extremely bad compared to GW1 lifesteal ( and revenant's Lifesteal is getting a 400% buff so Necromancers are even further left behind), the Removal of Hexes means Necromancers should be more about Conditions, However we get left with Bleed... Bleed and Poison, while you look at someone like Mesmer who gets torment and confusion, Which are MUCH stronger, then there's Renegade who gets bleeding and Piercing on the same skills, meaning more Bleeding at the same range, without Any self-hurting skills like blood is power.

    That and the fact that I haven't seen a GOOD Necromancer Skill Rework, Ever. Focus and Warhorn got gutted, and They removed the One reaper trait I loved after Hot dropped which was Chill dealing damage, It was Unique, it made necromancers Feel like condition masters as they made a normally non damaging condi Do damage, but no, they instead get a trait as a GRANDMASTER that is WEAKER than a core Revenant skill. ( 2 bleeds on chill vs 1 torment on chill, 1 torment does the same as one bleeding, and that is without moving, moving doubles it)

  2. @XECOR.2814 said:

    @Tobias.8632 said:ESO has necromancers now and the devs treat them much better then GW2's devs do, abandon ship

    Thanks for info. I was always sceptical about eso and its classes but if they have necromancers now ill gladly jump ship from this trash implementation of such a great concept.Punching bag that cant move or get healed, fake magician with 0 magic skills, just throws severed hands at people and toy level minions ai. Elite spec with devs laughing face to mock you, corrupt bot with no dynamics and pigeonholed role.

    necromancer with a bucket of hands


    throws hands randomly

  3. @Obtena.7952 said:Honestly, WHEN are you going to realize these things about how Anet balances the game that I have been telling for you for years? No one here can honestly say that the healing we were getting from Soul Eater in shroud wasn't ridiculous. I mean, I was healing MORE when I was in shroud than not ... pretty sure that was an oversight.

    Personally, I think the change was reasonable ... I was almost NEVER dying. It actually made Reaper feel boring that all the risk was removed from it. To say we were hard done by this patch ... that's just a guilt trip.

    I think you never dying is because reaper shroud was doing more damage per second than out of shroud, especially if you took the quickness + ferocity trait

  4. @"Nimon.7840" said:They should have said the truth: "all in order to kill any build diversity"We don't want people to do well in PvP modes without pof. So get your freaking money out and buy pof

    It's so stupid how every patch in recent "balances" have Just Given necromancers something to hope for, then Removed it just as fast, while leaving Other builds that do WAY too much on other professions fine, ALSO - Thief is getting portal ( one way portal), and That is STILL better than the "Poor excuse of a portal" Sand swell is scourges get. Based on wording so we'll have to see, Thieves get one direction portal that does not require Line of sight or valid path, Scourge requires both and limited to 900 range.

  5. "all in order to make the choice of an elite specialization more meaningful." - Reducing effectiveness of reaper survivability, while buffing core necromancer, the only "meaningful" thing I see here is choosing an elite spec is becoming more of a hinderance. No scourge changes, No Life steal reworks, Reaper Nerfs, No Staff or Focus tweaks.

    What is the point in choosing an Elite Spec if they just Nerf it to hell and buff core?

  6. @Crystal Black.8190 said:

    Can we get some clarification here, ANet? It's been a while, and the note regarding the supposed application of the hotfix was not very helpful.

    Along those lines, I'm curious. Is there anyone who had an item that wasn't properly reset with the original patch that later got reset by this hotfix ? Can we confirm the hotfix even happened? I can tell you that nothing on my account was affected.

    Nothing after the initial patch, however I will state a few things that got reset were: An Exotic backpack in the IG collection on sandswept, Mawdrey(Ascended), Mordrem Loop, Caladbolg weapons. One Mist ring from fractals.

    These did not: Raid rings, the other mist ring from fractals, Black ice earring, mist accessory, SAB Weapon, Raid weapon drop.

    Mawdrey and Caladbolg were supposed to get reset?

    So were living season trinkets like black ice earring. but mine was not.

  7. @jimbothirtytwo.1547 said:@Stephane Lo Presti.7258

    Can we get some clarification here, ANet? It's been a while, and the note regarding the supposed application of the hotfix was not very helpful.

    Along those lines, I'm curious. Is there anyone who had an item that wasn't properly reset with the original patch that later got reset by this hotfix ? Can we confirm the hotfix even happened? I can tell you that nothing on my account was affected.

    Nothing after the initial patch, however I will state a few things that got reset were: An Exotic backpack in the IG collection on sandswept, Mawdrey(Ascended), Mordrem Loop, Caladbolg weapons. One Mist ring from fractals.

    These did not: Raid rings, the other mist ring from fractals, Black ice earring, mist accessory, SAB Weapon, Raid weapon drop.

  8. Just to say point of view on this because I only have my view:

    My changes were as follows: Dagger/Dagger becoming more mobility and power with focus changing to condition for the purposes of a cater being condition/spells and a dagger stabbing people, The dagger boon rip and daze/stun is just a weaker thief F1, since thief F1 can: do damage heal you stealth poison give you boon steal boons stun and guve you an extra skill.

    The dagger 5 works off the dagger 4 daze

    The warhorn change states an area, by this i meant a 900 radius around you i probably should specify, so tou get increased area but lower cc duration.

    And my control was more applying hindering effects to enemies or helping allies in a more you control the people not so much battlefield,Regarding mark triggers I assume it would be damage and not like an actual ground targetted mark except for staves, and the triggered by allies would be if the condition is met, so the remove condi mark would only “trigger” if you or an ally had a condi in it. Otherwise it would stay dormant, i guess my idea was a mix of Symbols (duration effect) and Traps (Effect on trigger), Any changes in this I said were about Utility i meant as could be used in a way other than damage, and the greatsword changes were so you felt castery while also reap-y.

    However despite these being my intentions I don’t know how well they came across, so thank you for replying.

    Edit: the “army” isnt an actual ai npc its a visual replacement for the slow movin g hand necromancers usually get.

  9. @Asum.4960 said:

    @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:From a WvW roaming perspective.

    As a Staff lover myself, I fully support your Staff Ideas.It retains the original purpose of Staff and enhances it further to make it a lot more useful for both range and melee area denial.Love the pulsing marks idea and the traited changes.

    No comments.

    Can't say I like the changes you propose.We are losing a lot of boon corrupt potential with those changes.The Focus Condi change you're proposing is more a boon-rip + condi damage weapon.This is IMO not as good as boon corruption.Necros shine not because of burst, but because of the ability to apply a variety of conditions.And a large part of that comes from boon corruption.

    Dagger MH:
    No comments.

    No comments.

    Dagger OH:
    I don't like the changes though I can understand your thoughts behind them.This my fave weapon and I love the utility/counterplay options it currently provides with blinds and weakness and condition transfer and boon corruption.Cast time is currently also sweet and has a multitude of uses.Do not touch my fave weapon with those changes!If your proposal was boon corruption instead of boon rip, maybe.

    No comments.

    I like the changes. More soft controls which are much needed for a melee weapon that has no mobility skills.Though again, the loss of boon corruption and blind is painful.

    No comments.

    On the weapons that I touched on, I dislike the idea of losing so much boon corruption potential.And the blinds and weakness lost are also life savers for Necros!Too offensive natured, not enough defense/utility though I did note you moved most of them onto the warhorn.Nice Staff and GS suggestion though.

    I have a Spear.I have a Trident.Uhh. Trident Spear.

    The main issue I have with boon corruption or removal is that corruption is a LOT weaker, Sure you can turn stability into fear etc and make someone use a stunbreak, but for example: Mesmer sword auto attack removes 1 boon on the 3rd hit, Necromancer sceptre at once point corrupted boons on the third hit, Because this was "too strong" or whatever that got moved to skill 3, meaning Mesmers are still better at removing boons, Mesmers as Mirages are also Much better at applying conditions, as torment is just a better bleed and their axe has tons, not to mention sand shards bleeding and conditions lasting 20% longer, so mesmers are better at that too, then mesmers also have survivability by mobility and stealth, necromancers get basically nothing, so if necromancers has boon strip instead of corruption, or boon transfer instead, then they might eventually get access to a suitable amount that can easily handle boon heavy foes they just cannot otherwise, as you cannot corrupt ALL boons ona foe at once, I believe the maximum is 3, whereas you can strip boons with spellbreaker elite every 0.5s.

    Edit: I am glad you like the staff idea, I've tried suggesting it a few times, or variants of it, but people either don't comment on it, or dislike it for some reason.

    That has never worked out.Since release people have been going "If they just nerf X about Necro, Necro can finally gets buffs over all", which always resulted in said nerfs, without any compensation.

    What did Necro get in return for Epi being nerfed by 50%?Scourge already lost about half of it's ability to corrupt since it launched with no compensation too.Necro lives and dies by it's ability to corrupt, providing it's overwhelming cover conditions, which is why it often struggles to find a place in PvE since launch.

    The reason Mesmer is allowed to keep all those things, like Boon removal on AA while it got nerfed off Necro, is because Anet loves Mesmer, while not understanding Necro at all, not because one of them was a corrupt.Mesmer skills are just bloated like crazy in general with what they do for no reason.

    As for the ideas themselves, a lot of it seems a bit over complicated/loaded for no reason as well, although I do like a lot of it.Don't see a reason to turn Dagger offhand into a power weapon just to pair it with Dagger MH though. All it needs is a slight bump in damage somewhere, and it's in a solid place as condi weapon without any rework necessary.

    the dagger was so : Dagger/Dagger could be power and sceptre/focus could be condi so for Power your would be a bruiser and for condi you would cast spells,

  10. @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:The hotfix of attribute-selectable item’s reset was deployed last week and all items that should have been reset have been. I want to dispel a misunderstanding that all attribute-selectable item would have their selector reset: only the ones that were level 80 and that were affected by selector changes, minus a few categories that were listed in the blog post and my previous post, were eligible for a reset.

    I can VEEEERY easily assure you it was not, one major example are Two items owned by two different player, but other than that the exact same item, One got reset one did not. Unless the Hotfix was "player specific", I can safely say that not ALL that were supposed to did.

  11. I apologise if “bumping” is bad- i would just like more people to say what are the issues, as seen earlier in this ghread some people have issues with changing some weapons, but others are fine. I know there is a VERY high chance this wont amount to anything however if we can all agree on some changes fhat sound balanced maybe Anet sill have a look at changing some things.

  12. @"jimbothirtytwo.1547" said:I just put in a ticket regarding the items I have that were not reset. Most are LWS3 ascended trinkets, and going by the patch notes those items should have been universally reset regardless of current stat combos. I'm not misreading anything there, right?

    I also have two Mawdreys that were not reset, though I guess those could fall under "crafted backpacks". Still, it's very disappointing that the crafted ascended back items have new stats available and existing owners can't access them.

    Anyway, I'll see how it goes with the ticket, though I'm fully expecting a PFO message.

    Incorrect if mawdrey was classed as ceafted mine shouldnt have bren reset, it is also not ascended exclusive as my exotic backpack from sandswet isles reset, however some armour and trinkets that should DEFINITELY have been reset were not. I am still 100% with my decision that should make all ascended armour stat selectable, any armour created after the patch would not be, but all ascended items would be stat selectable that are made and owned by a player at the time of the patch.

    Edit: i should also mention i sent in a ticket and they said they are currently working on a patch for this - I think the absolute best thing would be make an npc that takes “old” ascended items and will give you a new ascended one along with any runes and infusions the item had and change the code for ascended, since they all now will have all stats available there is no need to have “some” items reset while unfortunately not successfully resetting those items.

  13. @Linken.6345 said:

    @"Zevlove.4396" said:Has this hotfix been applied yet? I have a quiver of a thousand arrows that's stuck as rampagers, and 2 of the crafted ascended mist weapons that dont have the stat selections updated. Not including all of the wvw and bladed exotic armour that never reset.

    Well rampagers is a core stat it looks like core stats wasent affected

    earlier in this thread I stated my knight's backpack did reset, the "type" of stats on the gear does not correlate.

  14. @Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:

    @Ahratan.1098 said:My fractal/mists ring/acces/amu with grieving stats did not reset. My LS3 viper stuff did reset. My alts’ crafting backpieces did reset.

    Moreover, my infused ‘There with Yakkington’ backpiece with Mad Memories skin (details included in case it helps fix...) was reset from Soldiers stats, but now only has berserker/knight/rabid options! That is fewer options than before!

    • Attribute combinations related to raids and fractals
      (Assaulter's, Defender's, Healer's, and Malicious)This one seems to be the thing. I have multiple once selectable sets with core stats, which did not reset. Same sets with HoT stats did.

    There are a few items that were missed in the reset and will be reset in an upcoming hotfix. Sorry about that!

    When exactly is this hotfix coming, any ideas?

  15. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @Kuulpb.5412 said:Not the case, My knight's Mawdrey got reset and my Viper raid rings didn't get reset.

    Well that's even odder. Okay, there's no pattern?

    Regardless: I stand by my statement that I'm glad that any of my gear was reset, since two weeks ago, I didn't think any of it would be.

    TBH I thought all stat swap ascended items would be reset, and I even hoped ALL ascended would be reset just so that people could choose because of the entire choice rework and moving stats, so people who make viper gear could change that if they so wished etc., I do not know if this is buggy or intended but not all has been reset as is obvious by this thread.

  16. TBH Gw2 should just do a Game Wide ascended stat Reset, make EVERY ascended item that is already owned by players stat selectable, so any crafted after the "wipe" isn't reset, but this would fix issues people have while also letting people who do not have many ascended items have a different set for what they need instead, such as a lot of people may have gotten the ascended boxes from fractals and not gotten the right stats and just chosen some, making ALL Ascended reset would solve this issue. The Only issue from this as far as I can see are people who would claim that "They had to work hard/spend money for a stat and now everyone gets it free" and all I can say to that is the stats were always available to everyone and you didn't need to spend gold to farm them when you could just get lucky.

  17. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @Knighthonor.4061 said:I been using this in PvE and SPvP to see if I get the same results. And Yes I did. I noticed that Life Siphon now fails a lot after the first 3 hits of the channel. it will get interrupted or something while the character continues to cast it doing no damage nor healing. its kind of the bread and butter for this weapon yet easily can not work.

    not to confuse with a "Immune" or "Blocked" attacks. I got no combat text to indicate the target was immune to damage or blocked it. and why just that ability even if that was the case?

    I hope this gets looked at.

    I have this issue too, and we tried testing ,my friend and I, I would cast 2 and they would teleport behind me etc, and it wouldn't stop, and yet during fights it would randomly stop, so there's no real... reason for it stopping other randomness

    Glad somebody else noticed this. Hope more attention gets put on this so Anet can take a look at this. Dagger MH is one of my Favorite necro weapons and this been making it pretty unusable in SPvP for me.

    as the ONLY melee necromancers and scourges get, it should be more useful, so having a major bug means you can't do much :P, especially after warhorn nerf

  18. @"Knighthonor.4061" said:I been using this in PvE and SPvP to see if I get the same results. And Yes I did. I noticed that Life Siphon now fails a lot after the first 3 hits of the channel. it will get interrupted or something while the character continues to cast it doing no damage nor healing. its kind of the bread and butter for this weapon yet easily can not work.

    not to confuse with a "Immune" or "Blocked" attacks. I got no combat text to indicate the target was immune to damage or blocked it. and why just that ability even if that was the case?

    I hope this gets looked at.

    I have this issue too, and we tried testing ,my friend and I, I would cast 2 and they would teleport behind me etc, and it wouldn't stop, and yet during fights it would randomly stop, so there's no real... reason for it stopping other randomness

  19. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:Lifesteal is in absolutely no way underwhelming in this game..

    If you play even a slightly durable minion master with blood magic traitline you would know that lifesteal is amazing.

    If they changed it to benefit from power and crits like you suggested it would literally make one of my favorite builds unkillable.

    If they made lifesteal more powerful like that you'd have Necro MM's AFK farming world bosses and tons of other group events as the minion lifesteal would easily be enough to outheal many of those more powerful creatures.

    one main issue I have is: Things seem to basically "require" other things to even function normally, lifesteal as it is now, is more "50-100 healing a hit" which is Almost nothing when you consider necromancers have 20-30,000 health and very low armour, so healing already has a lower "effect" on necromancers as Healing benefits from toughness over vitality.

    the build you mention I assume is a Blood magic and Death magic thing, but as death magic outside of some general use PvE builds is REALLY bad it doesn't really mean much if you're "unkillable" when you do very low damage, Minions don't benefit from your power etc at all and for you to get any noticeable healing from it you need healing power or to hit lots of things fast: reworking lifesteal would mean reworking traits too, so the "unkillable" build wouldn't be unkillable since it'd be tweaked from a balance standpoint, although having said that necromancers need something they excel in because they have nothing atm, Healing is druid, condition is Mirage, tankinees is spellbreaker, Power is basically anything.

    Blood, Death, Reaper yes, used to use Soul Reaping pre HoT.Designed largely around maximizing minions and heal sustain.. it's very hard to kill in PvE and prior to minion changes and the addition of Elite specs it was really hard to kill in PvP too pre HoT.I don't actually use Healing power (except the 150 I get from Last rites).. I use Soldier stats so my damage isn't as terrible as you might expect neither is the incoming healing.In many fights I can maintain around 10-11 minions sometimes 12 depending on what i'm running and how many enemies are around and that does add up both in damage and in incoming life steal.Sure I'm not going to win any DPS awards or anything but it's good enough to go toe to toe with just about anything solo.

    Adding to that I have access to regen on dodge (Lesser Mark of Blood) and protection when leaving shroud (Beyond the Veil)Sometimes I use Death Nova for more minions = more lifesteal + more damage and tons of poisonfields when they die :D or Corrupter's Fervor for more toughness.I get more toughness per minion with Flesh of the Master amd More damage from minions and they take conditions with Necromantic Corruption.Minion and Player Lifesteal with Vampiric and Vampiric Pressence as well as stopping ally bleedout and being able to pull rez them in shroud.

    Then in Reaper line I have lifesteal on shout + reduced cooldown for Rise per target, 15% damage increase to chilled foes which is easy to exploit with focus 5, Reaper Shroud and GS auto and lastly I get 300 ferocity and quickness while in shroud which goes really nicely with Decimate Defences 2% crit chance per stack of Vulnerability on foes allowing me to get 50% crit chance without needing any precision stat in the build at all.I can get more ferocity and power from food etc too if I want extra damage as well as more crits from Superior Sigil of Preception(25 stacks combined with 25 stacks of Vulnerability = 66.90% Crit chance without a single investment in precision)

    Contributing to the healing factor as well I have constant health regen from Superior Rune of the Dolyak and I AoE heal on crits with Superior Sigil of Water.

    So as you can see I have a lot of constant incoming healing from multiple sources mostly life steal from on average 10ish minions. (can also get more from food)Likewise multiple pockets of damage being done by myself, minions and poison fields caused by their death which are numerous thanks to timegated minions I get when I kill stuff and the minions summoned with Rise.I can get almost 70% crit chance without precision (which is ridiculous)My stats bounce around 2,382 Power + 2,340-2,500 Toughness depending on how many minions I have (2660 in shroud) which gives me a max Armor rating of 3,307- 3,500 (3600+ in shroud) Not so "very low" after all is it :PCombine that with 29,812 base Hp (30K + with food) and 20,571 Life force and you can see what I mean when I say lifesteal is already capable of making you nearly unkillable as it is without needing to completely sacrifice your damage.

    Functions great as a solo build and benefits from a moderate damage buff when playing with others thanks to 25 vulnerability and perma chill being extremely easy to maintan with a small group.Dagger 2 even functions as a main healing skill thanks to it's bigger heal and 6 second shorter cooldown than sacrificing the Blood Fiend.

    I highly recommend giving it a try sometime if you like the power tank playstyle, more than happy to give you the exact build I use, all traits, gear etc.It's never going to be best DPS meta or anything but it's still very capable, definitely the kind of build you use to help people out when they get in over their heads which is a fun pastime for me.Oh yeah the Shroud skill 4 does AoE healing too, I've managed to get upwards of 6K AoE healing on it in some situations (around 4-5K normally) which is a nice boon for fractals and stuff, I've saved a lot of people with this build over the years not to mention being the main reason my fractal pug group hasn't wiped multiple times in the same encounter ^^

    It is very low since you're ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability.

    I'm not though.As I said it's main stat is power not toughness and despite no stat investment I can still hit 70% crit chance quite often.That's why I call it a Power Tank not just a Tank.

    You'll just have to try it yourself to understand, it's by far the best build I've used that you could call a highly proficient Jack of all trades.It could be more tanky, it could be more dps focused, could be more healing focused but it sits nicely in the middle being respectably competent at all 3.I've attempted to make similar builds on other classes but they simply cannot replicate the same level of tankyness while possessing the same level of damage output and sustain, that's mainly where the minions and lifesteal come in and Necro is the only class that can use summons to that effect.There are ways to make other classes play Jack of all trade playstyles but they cannot compete with the Necromancer on that front.. not even remotely close.

    Two of your stats are defensive, meaning the MAJORITY of you stats are defensive. that makes it Defensive.

    Defensive yes but that's not what you said.You said i'm "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability." and that's not true.

    I may only be using 3 defined stats on my gear.. Power(Main), Toughness and Vitality but my traits and skills give me the ability to function as a character that's utalizing 4 different stats at high investment, therefore i'm not entirely specced for toughness/survivability.The 69.90% Crit chance I can get upto through the combination of my Sigil stacks and the enemies applied Vulnerability (which like I said is almost constantly 25 in any group based content) effectively means that my build can operate with more base crit chance than a character running a full set of Bezerker gear without me needing to put a single point into the precision stat on any of my weapons, trinkets or armour.

    My Ranger in full bezerker gear has 2,145 precision giving him a base total of 59,52% Crit chance.. that's 10.38% crit chance lower than what my Necromancer can get without any gear precision stat investment at all.Granted the Ranger can self apply Fury and Might and my Necro build can't but it can get that from allies easily and often.The difference comes down to Ferocity and that's the only real weak point of the build, high crit chance but low ferocity crit damage.

    It's still enough to make a noticable difference when I am operating at my peak though.High crit chance and raw power combined with high toughness and health.. and add to that a significant amount of constant incoming healing.No other class in Gw2 can function like that.. i've tried to replicate it in various ways on most classes but none of them can gain the same level of tank, damage and sustain at the same time.. Necro is the only class capable of it thanks to it's unique traits and skills.

    The way the build works essentially means I am more or less running the exclusively PVP Paladin stat set in PvE and WvW.Power, Precision Main - Toughness, Vitality minor..Only i'm doing it with higher stats than the Paladin stats can provide.

    Paladin Amulet + Superior Rune of Dolyak2050 Power2050 Precision (55.00% Crit chance, easily caps 100% crit chance with Vulnerability)1860 Toughness1660 Vitality (25,812 health, 17,811 Life Force)

    My PvE Build + Superior Rune of Dolyak2381 Power1000 base precision (5% crit chance) +250 Precision Sigil (19,90% Crit chance) + Decimate defences Vulnerability (69,90% Crit chance)2261 Toughness2061 Vitality (29,822 health, 20,578 life force)

    2 Primary stats are defensive yes but with maxed sigil and Decimate Defenses taking advantage of 25 Vulnerability it technically remains as offensive as it is defensive since when my crit chance is at 69,90% i'm effectively functioning as if my precision stat is 2384 which is higher than my base toughness, vitality and power.Factor in additional Toughness from traits though my two main stats are typically Power and Toughness.. but when operating at my peak they are Toughness and Precision.So either way my two highest stats at any one time are one offensive and one defensive, so I cannot be as you said "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability" when the offensive capabilities of the build are equally present.If anything at best combining Power/Precision against Toughness/Vitality i'm technically more offenisve than defensive stat wise.

    did you try mirage, or revenant of any kind with a mace, with runes of tormenting? that heals as much as lifesteal and you proc it every hit

    Yep, I have a Hybrid Mace/Axe Renegade build with Sigil and Runes of tormenting, the heals are nothing close to the Necromancers lifesteal though.Necro Dagger is faster and lifesteals on hit as well as the big skill 2 heal, plus Revenant doesn't have 5-12 minions feeding it lifesteal either.

    Yeah but did you try Mallyx's AoE skill + the torment on chill trait? you apply torment ( in an AoE) really fast

    I will have to check to be sure but I think so.I don't use my Revenant all that much tbh but It is built to maximize torment so I probably do use it considering each traitline is kind of defined to a legend and I do use Mallyx.

    Regarding the whole lifesteal thing, The existence of the rune of tormenting states lifesteal needs work, as lifesteal is on the following: Necromancer, Thief, Revenant.Torment is on the following: Warrior, Revenant, Thief, Mesmer, Necromancer. This means that the Rune of Tormenting for Condition-centric builds is much better than lifesteal as in this list, professions like revenant get a TON of torment. On the flip side, Lifesteal is NOT good for Crit-centric builds because it CANNOT CRIT, so it is Lacklustre in both condition and crit, which having a replacement in condition. The only professions that should have Lifesteal as a central point are Necromancer and Revenants, these do as a "central" idea, however due to the lack of any real benefit to taking lifesteal over some other trait ( e.g. taking lifesteal wells over Transfusion, or taking Assassin's Annihilation over Swift Termination), If lifesteal was an entire mechanic that could be built around, like torment for revenants etc, then I feel that it'd be in a much better place.

  20. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:Lifesteal is in absolutely no way underwhelming in this game..

    If you play even a slightly durable minion master with blood magic traitline you would know that lifesteal is amazing.

    If they changed it to benefit from power and crits like you suggested it would literally make one of my favorite builds unkillable.

    If they made lifesteal more powerful like that you'd have Necro MM's AFK farming world bosses and tons of other group events as the minion lifesteal would easily be enough to outheal many of those more powerful creatures.

    one main issue I have is: Things seem to basically "require" other things to even function normally, lifesteal as it is now, is more "50-100 healing a hit" which is Almost nothing when you consider necromancers have 20-30,000 health and very low armour, so healing already has a lower "effect" on necromancers as Healing benefits from toughness over vitality.

    the build you mention I assume is a Blood magic and Death magic thing, but as death magic outside of some general use PvE builds is REALLY bad it doesn't really mean much if you're "unkillable" when you do very low damage, Minions don't benefit from your power etc at all and for you to get any noticeable healing from it you need healing power or to hit lots of things fast: reworking lifesteal would mean reworking traits too, so the "unkillable" build wouldn't be unkillable since it'd be tweaked from a balance standpoint, although having said that necromancers need something they excel in because they have nothing atm, Healing is druid, condition is Mirage, tankinees is spellbreaker, Power is basically anything.

    Blood, Death, Reaper yes, used to use Soul Reaping pre HoT.Designed largely around maximizing minions and heal sustain.. it's very hard to kill in PvE and prior to minion changes and the addition of Elite specs it was really hard to kill in PvP too pre HoT.I don't actually use Healing power (except the 150 I get from Last rites).. I use Soldier stats so my damage isn't as terrible as you might expect neither is the incoming healing.In many fights I can maintain around 10-11 minions sometimes 12 depending on what i'm running and how many enemies are around and that does add up both in damage and in incoming life steal.Sure I'm not going to win any DPS awards or anything but it's good enough to go toe to toe with just about anything solo.

    Adding to that I have access to regen on dodge (Lesser Mark of Blood) and protection when leaving shroud (Beyond the Veil)Sometimes I use Death Nova for more minions = more lifesteal + more damage and tons of poisonfields when they die :D or Corrupter's Fervor for more toughness.I get more toughness per minion with Flesh of the Master amd More damage from minions and they take conditions with Necromantic Corruption.Minion and Player Lifesteal with Vampiric and Vampiric Pressence as well as stopping ally bleedout and being able to pull rez them in shroud.

    Then in Reaper line I have lifesteal on shout + reduced cooldown for Rise per target, 15% damage increase to chilled foes which is easy to exploit with focus 5, Reaper Shroud and GS auto and lastly I get 300 ferocity and quickness while in shroud which goes really nicely with Decimate Defences 2% crit chance per stack of Vulnerability on foes allowing me to get 50% crit chance without needing any precision stat in the build at all.I can get more ferocity and power from food etc too if I want extra damage as well as more crits from Superior Sigil of Preception(25 stacks combined with 25 stacks of Vulnerability = 66.90% Crit chance without a single investment in precision)

    Contributing to the healing factor as well I have constant health regen from Superior Rune of the Dolyak and I AoE heal on crits with Superior Sigil of Water.

    So as you can see I have a lot of constant incoming healing from multiple sources mostly life steal from on average 10ish minions. (can also get more from food)Likewise multiple pockets of damage being done by myself, minions and poison fields caused by their death which are numerous thanks to timegated minions I get when I kill stuff and the minions summoned with Rise.I can get almost 70% crit chance without precision (which is ridiculous)My stats bounce around 2,382 Power + 2,340-2,500 Toughness depending on how many minions I have (2660 in shroud) which gives me a max Armor rating of 3,307- 3,500 (3600+ in shroud) Not so "very low" after all is it :PCombine that with 29,812 base Hp (30K + with food) and 20,571 Life force and you can see what I mean when I say lifesteal is already capable of making you nearly unkillable as it is without needing to completely sacrifice your damage.

    Functions great as a solo build and benefits from a moderate damage buff when playing with others thanks to 25 vulnerability and perma chill being extremely easy to maintan with a small group.Dagger 2 even functions as a main healing skill thanks to it's bigger heal and 6 second shorter cooldown than sacrificing the Blood Fiend.

    I highly recommend giving it a try sometime if you like the power tank playstyle, more than happy to give you the exact build I use, all traits, gear etc.It's never going to be best DPS meta or anything but it's still very capable, definitely the kind of build you use to help people out when they get in over their heads which is a fun pastime for me.Oh yeah the Shroud skill 4 does AoE healing too, I've managed to get upwards of 6K AoE healing on it in some situations (around 4-5K normally) which is a nice boon for fractals and stuff, I've saved a lot of people with this build over the years not to mention being the main reason my fractal pug group hasn't wiped multiple times in the same encounter ^^

    It is very low since you're ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability.

    I'm not though.As I said it's main stat is power not toughness and despite no stat investment I can still hit 70% crit chance quite often.That's why I call it a Power Tank not just a Tank.

    You'll just have to try it yourself to understand, it's by far the best build I've used that you could call a highly proficient Jack of all trades.It could be more tanky, it could be more dps focused, could be more healing focused but it sits nicely in the middle being respectably competent at all 3.I've attempted to make similar builds on other classes but they simply cannot replicate the same level of tankyness while possessing the same level of damage output and sustain, that's mainly where the minions and lifesteal come in and Necro is the only class that can use summons to that effect.There are ways to make other classes play Jack of all trade playstyles but they cannot compete with the Necromancer on that front.. not even remotely close.

    Two of your stats are defensive, meaning the MAJORITY of you stats are defensive. that makes it Defensive.

    Defensive yes but that's not what you said.You said i'm "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability." and that's not true.

    I may only be using 3 defined stats on my gear.. Power(Main), Toughness and Vitality but my traits and skills give me the ability to function as a character that's utalizing 4 different stats at high investment, therefore i'm not entirely specced for toughness/survivability.The 69.90% Crit chance I can get upto through the combination of my Sigil stacks and the enemies applied Vulnerability (which like I said is almost constantly 25 in any group based content) effectively means that my build can operate with more base crit chance than a character running a full set of Bezerker gear without me needing to put a single point into the precision stat on any of my weapons, trinkets or armour.

    My Ranger in full bezerker gear has 2,145 precision giving him a base total of 59,52% Crit chance.. that's 10.38% crit chance lower than what my Necromancer can get without any gear precision stat investment at all.Granted the Ranger can self apply Fury and Might and my Necro build can't but it can get that from allies easily and often.The difference comes down to Ferocity and that's the only real weak point of the build, high crit chance but low ferocity crit damage.

    It's still enough to make a noticable difference when I am operating at my peak though.High crit chance and raw power combined with high toughness and health.. and add to that a significant amount of constant incoming healing.No other class in Gw2 can function like that.. i've tried to replicate it in various ways on most classes but none of them can gain the same level of tank, damage and sustain at the same time.. Necro is the only class capable of it thanks to it's unique traits and skills.

    The way the build works essentially means I am more or less running the exclusively PVP Paladin stat set in PvE and WvW.Power, Precision Main - Toughness, Vitality minor..Only i'm doing it with higher stats than the Paladin stats can provide.

    Paladin Amulet + Superior Rune of Dolyak2050 Power2050 Precision (55.00% Crit chance, easily caps 100% crit chance with Vulnerability)1860 Toughness1660 Vitality (25,812 health, 17,811 Life Force)

    My PvE Build + Superior Rune of Dolyak2381 Power1000 base precision (5% crit chance) +250 Precision Sigil (19,90% Crit chance) + Decimate defences Vulnerability (69,90% Crit chance)2261 Toughness2061 Vitality (29,822 health, 20,578 life force)

    2 Primary stats are defensive yes but with maxed sigil and Decimate Defenses taking advantage of 25 Vulnerability it technically remains as offensive as it is defensive since when my crit chance is at 69,90% i'm effectively functioning as if my precision stat is 2384 which is higher than my base toughness, vitality and power.Factor in additional Toughness from traits though my two main stats are typically Power and Toughness.. but when operating at my peak they are Toughness and Precision.So either way my two highest stats at any one time are one offensive and one defensive, so I cannot be as you said "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability" when the offensive capabilities of the build are equally present.If anything at best combining Power/Precision against Toughness/Vitality i'm technically more offenisve than defensive stat wise.

    did you try mirage, or revenant of any kind with a mace, with runes of tormenting? that heals as much as lifesteal and you proc it every hit

    Yep, I have a Hybrid Mace/Axe Renegade build with Sigil and Runes of tormenting, the heals are nothing close to the Necromancers lifesteal though.Necro Dagger is faster and lifesteals on hit as well as the big skill 2 heal, plus Revenant doesn't have 5-12 minions feeding it lifesteal either.

    Yeah but did you try Mallyx's AoE skill + the torment on chill trait? you apply torment ( in an AoE) really fast

  21. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:Lifesteal is in absolutely no way underwhelming in this game..

    If you play even a slightly durable minion master with blood magic traitline you would know that lifesteal is amazing.

    If they changed it to benefit from power and crits like you suggested it would literally make one of my favorite builds unkillable.

    If they made lifesteal more powerful like that you'd have Necro MM's AFK farming world bosses and tons of other group events as the minion lifesteal would easily be enough to outheal many of those more powerful creatures.

    one main issue I have is: Things seem to basically "require" other things to even function normally, lifesteal as it is now, is more "50-100 healing a hit" which is Almost nothing when you consider necromancers have 20-30,000 health and very low armour, so healing already has a lower "effect" on necromancers as Healing benefits from toughness over vitality.

    the build you mention I assume is a Blood magic and Death magic thing, but as death magic outside of some general use PvE builds is REALLY bad it doesn't really mean much if you're "unkillable" when you do very low damage, Minions don't benefit from your power etc at all and for you to get any noticeable healing from it you need healing power or to hit lots of things fast: reworking lifesteal would mean reworking traits too, so the "unkillable" build wouldn't be unkillable since it'd be tweaked from a balance standpoint, although having said that necromancers need something they excel in because they have nothing atm, Healing is druid, condition is Mirage, tankinees is spellbreaker, Power is basically anything.

    Blood, Death, Reaper yes, used to use Soul Reaping pre HoT.Designed largely around maximizing minions and heal sustain.. it's very hard to kill in PvE and prior to minion changes and the addition of Elite specs it was really hard to kill in PvP too pre HoT.I don't actually use Healing power (except the 150 I get from Last rites).. I use Soldier stats so my damage isn't as terrible as you might expect neither is the incoming healing.In many fights I can maintain around 10-11 minions sometimes 12 depending on what i'm running and how many enemies are around and that does add up both in damage and in incoming life steal.Sure I'm not going to win any DPS awards or anything but it's good enough to go toe to toe with just about anything solo.

    Adding to that I have access to regen on dodge (Lesser Mark of Blood) and protection when leaving shroud (Beyond the Veil)Sometimes I use Death Nova for more minions = more lifesteal + more damage and tons of poisonfields when they die :D or Corrupter's Fervor for more toughness.I get more toughness per minion with Flesh of the Master amd More damage from minions and they take conditions with Necromantic Corruption.Minion and Player Lifesteal with Vampiric and Vampiric Pressence as well as stopping ally bleedout and being able to pull rez them in shroud.

    Then in Reaper line I have lifesteal on shout + reduced cooldown for Rise per target, 15% damage increase to chilled foes which is easy to exploit with focus 5, Reaper Shroud and GS auto and lastly I get 300 ferocity and quickness while in shroud which goes really nicely with Decimate Defences 2% crit chance per stack of Vulnerability on foes allowing me to get 50% crit chance without needing any precision stat in the build at all.I can get more ferocity and power from food etc too if I want extra damage as well as more crits from Superior Sigil of Preception(25 stacks combined with 25 stacks of Vulnerability = 66.90% Crit chance without a single investment in precision)

    Contributing to the healing factor as well I have constant health regen from Superior Rune of the Dolyak and I AoE heal on crits with Superior Sigil of Water.

    So as you can see I have a lot of constant incoming healing from multiple sources mostly life steal from on average 10ish minions. (can also get more from food)Likewise multiple pockets of damage being done by myself, minions and poison fields caused by their death which are numerous thanks to timegated minions I get when I kill stuff and the minions summoned with Rise.I can get almost 70% crit chance without precision (which is ridiculous)My stats bounce around 2,382 Power + 2,340-2,500 Toughness depending on how many minions I have (2660 in shroud) which gives me a max Armor rating of 3,307- 3,500 (3600+ in shroud) Not so "very low" after all is it :PCombine that with 29,812 base Hp (30K + with food) and 20,571 Life force and you can see what I mean when I say lifesteal is already capable of making you nearly unkillable as it is without needing to completely sacrifice your damage.

    Functions great as a solo build and benefits from a moderate damage buff when playing with others thanks to 25 vulnerability and perma chill being extremely easy to maintan with a small group.Dagger 2 even functions as a main healing skill thanks to it's bigger heal and 6 second shorter cooldown than sacrificing the Blood Fiend.

    I highly recommend giving it a try sometime if you like the power tank playstyle, more than happy to give you the exact build I use, all traits, gear etc.It's never going to be best DPS meta or anything but it's still very capable, definitely the kind of build you use to help people out when they get in over their heads which is a fun pastime for me.Oh yeah the Shroud skill 4 does AoE healing too, I've managed to get upwards of 6K AoE healing on it in some situations (around 4-5K normally) which is a nice boon for fractals and stuff, I've saved a lot of people with this build over the years not to mention being the main reason my fractal pug group hasn't wiped multiple times in the same encounter ^^

    It is very low since you're ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability.

    I'm not though.As I said it's main stat is power not toughness and despite no stat investment I can still hit 70% crit chance quite often.That's why I call it a Power Tank not just a Tank.

    You'll just have to try it yourself to understand, it's by far the best build I've used that you could call a highly proficient Jack of all trades.It could be more tanky, it could be more dps focused, could be more healing focused but it sits nicely in the middle being respectably competent at all 3.I've attempted to make similar builds on other classes but they simply cannot replicate the same level of tankyness while possessing the same level of damage output and sustain, that's mainly where the minions and lifesteal come in and Necro is the only class that can use summons to that effect.There are ways to make other classes play Jack of all trade playstyles but they cannot compete with the Necromancer on that front.. not even remotely close.

    Two of your stats are defensive, meaning the MAJORITY of you stats are defensive. that makes it Defensive.

    Defensive yes but that's not what you said.You said i'm "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability." and that's not true.

    I may only be using 3 defined stats on my gear.. Power(Main), Toughness and Vitality but my traits and skills give me the ability to function as a character that's utalizing 4 different stats at high investment, therefore i'm not entirely specced for toughness/survivability.The 69.90% Crit chance I can get upto through the combination of my Sigil stacks and the enemies applied Vulnerability (which like I said is almost constantly 25 in any group based content) effectively means that my build can operate with more base crit chance than a character running a full set of Bezerker gear without me needing to put a single point into the precision stat on any of my weapons, trinkets or armour.

    My Ranger in full bezerker gear has 2,145 precision giving him a base total of 59,52% Crit chance.. that's 10.38% crit chance lower than what my Necromancer can get without any gear precision stat investment at all.Granted the Ranger can self apply Fury and Might and my Necro build can't but it can get that from allies easily and often.The difference comes down to Ferocity and that's the only real weak point of the build, high crit chance but low ferocity crit damage.

    It's still enough to make a noticable difference when I am operating at my peak though.High crit chance and raw power combined with high toughness and health.. and add to that a significant amount of constant incoming healing.No other class in Gw2 can function like that.. i've tried to replicate it in various ways on most classes but none of them can gain the same level of tank, damage and sustain at the same time.. Necro is the only class capable of it thanks to it's unique traits and skills.

    The way the build works essentially means I am more or less running the exclusively PVP Paladin stat set in PvE and WvW.Power, Precision Main - Toughness, Vitality minor..Only i'm doing it with higher stats than the Paladin stats can provide.

    Paladin Amulet + Superior Rune of Dolyak2050 Power2050 Precision (55.00% Crit chance, easily caps 100% crit chance with Vulnerability)1860 Toughness1660 Vitality (25,812 health, 17,811 Life Force)

    My PvE Build + Superior Rune of Dolyak2381 Power1000 base precision (5% crit chance) +250 Precision Sigil (19,90% Crit chance) + Decimate defences Vulnerability (69,90% Crit chance)2261 Toughness2061 Vitality (29,822 health, 20,578 life force)

    2 Primary stats are defensive yes but with maxed sigil and Decimate Defenses taking advantage of 25 Vulnerability it technically remains as offensive as it is defensive since when my crit chance is at 69,90% i'm effectively functioning as if my precision stat is 2384 which is higher than my base toughness, vitality and power.Factor in additional Toughness from traits though my two main stats are typically Power and Toughness.. but when operating at my peak they are Toughness and Precision.So either way my two highest stats at any one time are one offensive and one defensive, so I cannot be as you said "ENTIRELY specced for toughness/survivability" when the offensive capabilities of the build are equally present.If anything at best combining Power/Precision against Toughness/Vitality i'm technically more offenisve than defensive stat wise.

    did you try mirage, or revenant of any kind with a mace, with runes of tormenting? that heals as much as lifesteal and you proc it every hit

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