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Nep Leet.5491

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Posts posted by Nep Leet.5491

  1. @"Umbramagna.9268" said:I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder.

    Dag nabbit! I had completely spaced on deleting the local.dat file as a possible fix--especially as I know it works wonders for other wonky performance issues.

    I deleted the local.cat file just now and loading times are slightly better than before the patch. So this is a GOOD THING!

    Thank you for your post, it helped resolve this post patch issue! <3

    UPDATE: AT FIRST this seems to resolve the issue, but the more I play, the longer the load times become. Ugg! :angry:

    ANOTHER UPDATE: Following fusioncon.3269's advice to remove the "mapLoadInfo" command line argument has resolve the issue for me: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1136690/#Comment_1136690 ?

  2. You're not the only one experiencing exponentially longer load times now. What was 8-15 seconds loading is now 45-60 seconds with my GTX 1080. Another thread on this subject: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95747/loading-times-after-patch#latest

    Folks are also reporting this issue in this patch bug thread on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/eoovdn/patch_bug_thread_14_january_2020/


    https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1136491/#Comment_1136491"I have deleted my local.dat file and it resolved the issue, now I can even say that its now slightly faster than it was before the patch, where my loading times were 15 to 20 seconds, now are 10 to 15 seconds. If you want to try it, search google how to find your appdata folder (windows), then find the GW2 folder inside the \roaming folder."

    I deleted my local.dat file, and my load times are slightly better than before the patch. Deleting the local.dat file can resolve all sorts of wonky performance issues in the game. Deleting the local.dat file WILL revert your Sound and Graphic settings to default, so make sure to tweak those settings again.

    ANOTHER UPDATE: Deleting the Local.dat file helped for awhile. Unfortunately, the more I played the longer the load times would be come. I followed fusioncon.3269's suggestion to remove the "mapLoadInfo" command line argument and that has resolved the issue for me: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1136690/#Comment_1136690

  3. My game locks up oddly sometimes (unfortunately, now more often than not, lately) when I Alt+Tab out of the game (fullscreen mode). I can hear the in-game sounds but I am unable to Alt+Tab back into the game. My mouse, even though I am on my desktop, looks like the GW2 in-game mouse.

    I'm unable to do anything (unable to interact with the mouse or keyboard in any application or the desktop) as the game has 'focus' even though I am unable to bring up GW2 window again.

    For instance, I am able to Ctrl+Alt+Del and bring up the Task Manager, but because the game has 'focus', I am unable to interact with the Task Manager to End Task for GuildWars2.

    I can only Ctrl+Alt+Del and restart my computer (or use 'Sign Out' and then have to restart all applications again).

    This has been an issue for me for several months now (starting with the PoF release to be exact) though it now happens with much, much greater frequency as of the last few days.

    Another way I can sometimes--though much more rarely--trigger this same issue is to dismount from any of my mounts. Game freezes and I am forced to restart (or Sign Off) computer.

    I have the Windows 10 1803 build, I have Focus Assist turned off (including "When I'm playing a game"). I have an nVidia card and am using the most current drivers.

  4. A stalled event in The Desolation is blocking progress for players trying to complete the event for the Villager Defense Recording (Redeeming IG-6417 achievement).

    The issue myself and others have is being unable to get to another instance of this map since yesterday--so we've been unable to complete this Recording.

    Map IP: event: Defeat the clanmarshal and vizier

    The Clanmarshal and Vizier are just standing around, green-named, in the center of the Clanmarshal's Pergola.

    This event needs to complete for the next event, "Help Rebel Keyon steal weapons from the garrison" to spawn, which is then followed by "Defend the captive villagers from the garrison's Awakened until Zuri returns with weapons". Its this "defend" event that players need to complete for the Villager Defense Recording.

  5. Wouldn't Guilds and Alliances almost completely negate the whole intent of the Individual Player Metric that's there to ensure balance? It feels as though it would end up being back to the same-old-same-old as we have currently.

    For instance: You have an alliance of guilds who play mostly during prime time. Will there be enough individuals/guilds/alliances out there to balance the other play times for that World (and all the other Worlds with the same imbalances), or will nothing really change from the way it is currently?

    I feel this restructuring will not solve any issues with matchup balance. I feel it only replaces the concept of "Servers" with "Alliances". The imbalance issues remain.

    Unfortunately, the only way to ensure balance is if the system only measured the individual, thrown together in a herd with other individuals, with no friend/guild/alliance association. Sure, it would SUCK not being with your friends/guildmates, but it would be balanced.

    Bottom line, having it both ways truly is not possible. The WvW community will need to genuinely realize they can either have balance (via the Individual Player Metric only) or community (guilds/alliances).

    The WvW community will have to come to terms with what they REALLY want here: balance OR community.

  6. Ironically, I much prefer the Mount Stable boxes over the "can only get in Black Lion Chest, maybe" items (at least with the Mount Stable, one does get a skin--unfortunately the gross mistake in presenting this to your customers has been what skin they do get is random. Folks do not like random.)

    Then there's the latest Wild Magic Glider/Backpack, for instance. Especially after using 45 keys and not getting it, truthfully I'm fairly babymad about it. :p I deeply resent not being able to just buy stuff outright with Gems. I think the whole general consensus that the "can only get in Black Lion Chest, maybe" super sucks because those items are normally obtainable by just buying them directly from the Gem Store--gliders, weapon skins, and outfits, for instance--so them being stuffed into a BLC is a really frustrating and unwelcome way to obtain them. The Permanent Contracts, on the other hand, are only obtainable via the Black Lion Chests, so its generally expected that's the only way to get them.

    And silly me, I purchase quite a number of Black Lion Keys when they were on sale a few months ago. After it taking 90 keys to get the Jackal Pup and still not getting the Wild Magic Glider/Backpack after opening 45 boxes, I will never, ever purchase Black Lion Keys again. You know that old adage, "Fool me once..."

    ANet, if you want to--yet again--rise above all other MMO developers with the way you present various aspects of your game, please consider, seriously consider, rethinking how you present items in the Gem Store. It really is not okay to have a number of Gem Store items stuffed into gambling boxes--not when your customers are infinitely more inclined to just outright buy an item instead of gambling for it.

    Now, admittedly, I have never converted gold to Gems. Yes, I am one of those notorious 'whales' everyone is lamenting about. There is a tremendous reality that we all have to consider when it comes to items in the Gem Store: how many Gems (purchased with real money) VS Gems (converted from gold) are being used to purchase all these shinies from the Gem Store? You know, that may very well be why some of these items we want are stuffed behind gambling boxes--so many Gems being spent are converted from gold instead of real money nowadays--they gotta make things more expensive (via outright cost or stuffed behind gambling boxes) to make up for that (read this thread, for instance... https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7bkijr/7_years_of_anet_ingame_shop_cosmetics/ ...it discusses how costs of Gem Store items have risen over the years.) As a game ages, more in-game money is earned/stockpiled by its players. The general population of the game has a lot more in-game money now than it did during the first few years of the game.

    Anyways, bottom line: I want all the shinies. Let me be able to buy them outright. Please. :)

  7. The mob density is way too high. There's a tipping point where mobs every few yards (truly not exaggerating about this) makes one's gaming experience VERY tedious and frustrating. It's not fun. (I've almost wondered if its some weird 'double spawn' bug, because it just doesn't seem 'intended' in its current state.)

    Aggro range on some mobs is in the "absurdly long" range like some of them used to be in Bloodstone Fen.

    Mobs have a much longer leash, takes a distance of probably 2 to 4 times farther to lose aggro. (Which means you've then run into another dozen or so mobs, resulting in a seemingly endless chain of aggro.)

    And the respawn timer on mobs is bizarrely fast.

    As it stands currently, I'm not sure how appealing trudging through dense herds of mobs will be for players in relation to replayability in these zones over time.

    I truly hope ANet will tone down some of these issue with mobs, just as they did in the Heart of Maguuma zones shortly after HoT launched.

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