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  1. hit me up in game please and I will get you squared away.
  2. I am only nasty top those who show their teeth first. I give what you give, but thank you for helping that person to find their way to us.
  3. I have 2400 guildies pal , I don’t need an alt to know when your team chat is whining . Not to mention half your tag watchers ousted themselves on this thread. They even gave me a screenshot of you guys referring to a certain tele hack . Definitely sharing that with some friends. Meme us all you like , try to take pot shots about my skill level , we have our fun regardless.
  4. Well you seem to have the friends list follow thing down , I heard you announced my going invisible with a LOL , you are quite the skilled player.
  5. Cause you know it all and defuse it by name calling , or labeling it crying . It’s a thing my dude , and this is me calling it like it is my dude , you can go watch another thread if ya don’t like it.
  6. Stash , our skill level varies, and I guarantee that you have never seen a million dollars , but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We deal with a lot of underhanded tactics, and the fact you are on the very server trying to defuse my post by saying such things is blatantly obvious.
  7. Thank you for the kind words, nice to know there are some cool people on MAG.
  8. No one is avoiding fights but thanks for completely missing the point.
  9. Demon Puppet, you aren't wrong that some just want fights, I like fights and don't shy from them unless drastically outnumbered, then we adjust and do our best. I can accept losing just fine, just not the underhanded tactics. I do plenty of PvE metas , and training in EoM< but thanks for the cheap shot to let me know where you stand, maybe I should make fake guild tags to harass other people like you did to ViP many moons ago, do better , be better than the toxicity. We been doing WvW for 5 years now, I don't need acceptance from any of you try hards attempting to stifle my voice with your rhetoric. It didn't stop me then it won't stop me now.
  10. My friends call me Spitty, its jballs to you. Tons of guilds alt que out maps, OP, MAGS, the boys, IE, and quite a few more , I digress you said good guilds. You have fought us? All I remember is [bed] running away per fight guild tactics, we only portal bomb so as to not frighten you, no morals as we defended? You hear yourself? We have training once a week, and I have played organized sports, its where I learned my sportsmanship. Also where I learned to stand up for myself, and take no stuff from anyone. Due to the toxic nature of WvW our turnover is or can be higher than Willie Nelson, but our core continues to train and fight for the casual player in this mode as the try hards to gaslight, bully, name call , and make us out to be some sort of plague for being here. I accept my guilds casual nature , I don't accept underhanded tactics that you want to dismiss , yet you are just as guilty of if not even more while paired with Maguuma. We don't spawn camp though , never have, never will, now I know one of my tags gave Maguuma a taste of the spawn camp , and they went right to reddit and whined.
  11. My backline is usually pugs, new guildies , and hard cases that struggle with that, and yeah that cloud gets em alot, but they won't learn otherwise and just as much as you think your pretty white charr is my objective it isn't we just love watching you stealth the entire fight and try to direct that chaotic cloud of hatred. The double team with blue the matchup before the beta was pretty blatant, obvious and pretty pitiful considering you have the coverage and numbers you do.
  12. So I should block all the honest fun loving folks too, because my entire follow list is spies?
  13. We only play closed squad if we are close to squad capacity and want room for guildies, otherwise we do run open. We have a WvW specific discord that is in our squad message whenever we run. We do not advertise in team chat when our runs start or end because folks love to come que out maps with ALTS , as I stated in the original post. We work fine with all kinds of guilds that aren't elitist toxic try hards who talk down, patronize us or name call. You presume our skill level , and yet really only know what you have assumed here and all that was almost completely wrong. It is these types of assumptions that most of the WvW community makes because they think PvE guild = trash. It is offensive to think that some fool hardy , fun seeking adults, can be okay with training folks at their own skill level and be accepting of all. Crazy notion I know but that is how we roll.
  14. I have those that I am friendly with, likeminded or not , and I share the gg with those that aren't trolling or being bullies. Sadly most of the whispers I get are negative and name calling ones, telling me to take my guild and its players back to PvE. I was even dox'd by some sad soul , my info was given to a hate group led by a disgruntled sad little man. They had their accounts taken away for 6 months, should have been a perma ban but ANET.
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