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Posts posted by Sahfur.5612

  1. It had a niche before the range "fix". Yet pets and traps on other classes got no such fix and still use the same two ranges we used on axe before that fix.

    Range 1 (placement). Player -> location for trap.

    Range 2 (attack of entity toward other player): entity -> targets players range.

    Having a very high range between player and the traps functionality is what everyone else gets. It was fine. It wasn't capable of one shotting, and it was incredibly telegraphed and easy to dodge, especially compared to a stealth burst with a portal back.

    Other classes such as DH and ranger can use their traps at a range with forethought just fine. But we can't because anet couldn't get a clue if you put them in a mystery isekai for babies.

    In other words, thief is not having to play by the same rules as everyone else even though axe was very, blatantly designed as a mini trap weapon to be used to set people up for bursts and that -should- include bursts at range since the player had to be in range of the location the axe would land and the axe had to be in range of the target when bursting.


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  2. It makes no sense. Axes are basically easily visible traps. If the opponent plays in such a way that you can set them up for a burst at a large range and don't see the heavily telegraphed attack I don't know what to tell them. They wouldn't have had a single chance against most of my other thief builds and often I will dodge  almost everything they try to hit me with at that skill level. Axe wasn't even that effective before just fun and new but yeah its dead now.

    Why is this not obvious to other people? Is this because we stopped reading books and stuff as a society?

    Meanwhile most classes get traps that are invisible with no telegraphs that can be used at a very large distance.

    When someone else uses a trap or pet on other class or builds:

    Range 1. The player must be in range of the position they put the pet/trap at, and so they cast it on the ground there.

    Range 2. The trap must be in range of its target/radius to hit them.

    Its like the people who designed it weren't the ones that are doing the balancing since one of its few advantages is now gone.

    You had to be in range of the location the axe lands to spin. (Range 1). Then you needed the axe to be in range of the target. (Range 2). That just makes sense. You set your trap in a location utilizing your personal range for placing it, then the trap has its own range separate from you. 

    Axes are traps that are remotely triggered and result in a projectile that travels toward the target, with telegraphing. That is the entire concept for the weapon.

    Axe was consistent with other classes designs and capabilities and now is hamstrung whereas they are not on other classes. It is objectively unfair and kinda pants on head.

    Now its some weird hybrid approach that takes the entire idea for the weapon and trashes it. You should have just given me greatsword.

    I'm glad the killing over walls thing is gone, even if it was hilarious, as that was a bug.

    A trap/ambush weapon being able to stay spinning in place and attack people based on -its- range instead of your position just makes sense. It should calculate the distance from the axe and not from you, which is what it was doing.

    Do pets lose their ability to use their skills when outside your distance? No, their range is determined based on their position.

    I was already killing people much faster and with less of an opportunity for them to dodge on my other builds, now axe isn't even a fun thing to try sometimes. Its just inferior.

    I agree with that guy, its a double standard. Usually when people complain about this kinda thing its unreasonable but legit axes attacking from their position just makes sense. It opened up fun situations where it could be effective.

    Functionally, I'd rather at this point ambush by simply going invisible, teleporting to them with one shot build, putting them on the ground, finishing quickly and then teleporting back using my portal. Axe wasn't letting me do anything I couldn't do better on other builds. Anet is clueless.

    I will have to farm people using the same boring builds I've used for years in this game because people don't understand thief or how to balance it or have the ability to see in a non biased manner.

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  3. Depends on your build. Also not every class is a hammer that fits every nail in wvw, so find your location, commit and distance that suits your build.
    That said, staff doesn't do enough for how much work goes into it so regardless of what people think about other ele kits, at least a rework of that should happen.
    Didn't mess much with pistols yet, so can't really say much about it. Didn't look particularly fun.

  4. 7 hours ago, Auragen.4162 said:

    And there it is folks, the boonballer's cope that it takes skill 🤪

    You know what takes more skill (or is impossible)? Killing invincible people while you yourself are not invincible. How far this game has fallen since 2015 lmao...

    This. The sheer power creep and buffs to make boonballs more hand holdy have become silly. You can burst people with circles of damage that should obliterate them, they can do no dodging and press all the wrong buttons while you press all the right buttons and they get by simply because the balance team said they would. Their leader can use every incorrect positioning, timing, etc and still have it work because anet only listens to boonballs when balancing. They already had an advantage, being organized. They don't need to have this much free sustain too. I've always enjoyed anti-zerg bursting with various builds, positioning, coordination and more and it has become silly because I can play all my cards right and what used to melt a group SOUNDLY and fairly can be passively survived through skill-free comping. At least make them react to their surroundings. Stop pretending boonballs are some super elite form of gameplay.


    Example: Like half of their players can continue to use aoe projectiles into reflects and instead of needing to move or stop casting all their damage at themselves, they can simply facetank the entire mistake while doing no dodging or reacting at all beside their braindead rotations. People should die when you kill them. Controversial take in 2023 I know.

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  5. In small scale and roaming it IS pretty hand holdy and I would argue ele to be stronger than the others vs good players. The amount of reflects shut down like half the other team which means not only are they healing, instantly removing stuff like immob and other boons even if the enemy comp isn't condi (and yes, how fast the removal is matters in small scale) and providing boons but they are also making people immune to a large % of damage they would be getting in the first place, passively in their rotations and without having to focus on particular skills or need to time stuff much, like the other classes would have to. Now pop lyhr relic on there (as an example of one of the relics, many of which seem to be great choices for ele, yes it is more effective on some other classes in some situations) and you have dramatically reduced what people can do to your group and predictability opens up many opportunities in small scale.

    Yes, maybe they won't teleport the downed player to you, but the enemy warrior using their ranged interrupt boulder juggernaut 4 to stop your rez? He hit himself with the boulder. The immob thief had to waste precious seconds using scepter 3 a nearby moa to avoid bopping itself with the immob projectile so it could even cleave with slow beam at all. Many things that offer more than just damage, and much of the damage too.. also become harder to use when everyone has reflects on them every few seconds, even vs many "melee" builds.

    Rev and necro meanwhile in those situations will offer the other group more counterplay or take more effort and they are a little more predictable/ less flexible (your reflects and such are either static or must persist in one location at a time and your allies will make effective use of this a struggle by running from your heals or moving out of your reflects) so in small scale with good players they will have less of an impact on the outcome I'd say. Not to say rev and necro won't make things more difficult.

    (I play both rev and ele sometimes, though I play most classes)

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  6. Bind closest target to your mouse. At least thief doesn't make you fight the UI/controls just to select the correct target like clone spam does.

    There are tutorials for fighting thief. I recommend watching those.

    If they are doing damage to you at all really, they have to be reasonably squishy so you can kill them. If you are not doing any damage to them... are you perhaps using condi and they OOC'ed briefly to put on anti condi traits and you aren't bothering to use cover condi, instead relying on only burn or bleed?

    If so, deal with it. You used condi gimmick, and if their gimmick overwrites your gimmick, find a new gimmick to win the fight. This is the state of roaming in 2023 because of build swap being added to the game.

    An Ele could counterbuild against that cele condi damage even better tbh. If there is a power imbalance, it is probably mostly due to being able to swap builds on the fly and certain classes having crazy mobi such as thief, yes, and other stuff such as willbender and ranger as well. Counterbuilding is currently quite strong and it gives the edge toward mobi classes over slow fight builds. However, the game is meant to have somewhat of a rock paper scissors dynamic and if some classes were not strong in roaming situations, they would have no real niche  (except willybender, guardian is kinda strong at everything..) because zerging doesn't exactly get much thief population.

    Still, you can fight them and I doubt you have spent much time on thief yourself because if you do, you will probably die a ton before you get the hang of it because it lacks many of the gimmicks of the other classes because of having stealth access.

    Some things to remember:

    1. Stealth is just invisibility, keep attacking, don't waste big cooldowns but understanding of object permanence is something we are supposed to have pretty early on in life.

    2. Don't make backstabs easy.

    3. If you ARE condi, you should front load the conditions then stop attacking to let them tick, as an evasion will likely simply clear the conditions. You know, like how when you attack guardian wall of reflection mindlessly and end up sending a dozen burns to your teammates, sometimes sheathing weapon makes sense.

    4. If the thief is using demon queen relic, your heals are going to be garbage until you clear the poison effect. Thief is far from the only profession that is able to abuse this currently but it is something to look out for.

    Just.. pray thief groups don't start running the heal blast relic. It definitely opens up new group play dynamics for various classes that might be a lil absurd but you won't have to worry about it in 1v1 and it will be even stronger for Rev, Ele and a few others.

    • Confused 3
  7. This is a controversial and wild new thought but... why not just do a pass on the tower collision geometry to fix the problem.

    You can literally automate the process. Its how some games avoid having holes you can fall in and not escape from. You use a scanning algorithm. Anet should have devs capable of this on their team, they just now made a new map for pve.

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  8. Maybe some way of barely buffing burn guard multi target mechanic for 5+ targets specifically (damage ramp up when many targets standing in hits) to make it so they have to dodge out of the circles or do something other than facetank everything with numbers all the time 24/7 in the most boring low skill way ever. Not that burn guard takes a high IQ or anything.. lol. 

    Don't buff anything else on guardian please, lots of stuff needs nerfs on it probably such as willybender. Don't buff anything that would scale down to small groups or roaming since guard is already too strong at that.

    Honestly would not mind if a few other professions get a sort of build that is kinda useless vs single target but if enemies just stand still in a huge group in a boring manner they get punished more for passive hand holdy play. We need more builds for people to use vs pure numbers low effort/low skill zergs when outnumbered to even the odds and punish mindless clumping. Make people smash that dodge key. Frankly tired of seeing huge tryhard comps being borderline immortal while playing vs pugs in their keeps since half the day the game is dead except for those groups. If no effort will be made to fix matchups, time zones or any such thing then... Spice it up. Make it so these groups at least have to think or react to something instead of tabbing out and watching youtube.

    I don't wanna buff clouding when outnumbered toooo much but at this point things can be pretty nutty for no legitimate reason.

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  9. I, on the other hand, think they did a stellar job replicating the fashion "soul" of a partially de-beaked farm chicken mixed with a dash of Jay Lenos chin.

    I don't use it, but any fashion pleb can observe that Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit helped to give it that sultry stare that will be haunti-... uh blessing the runway at every fashion event it goes on.

    A slow clap for the non gem store skin that Anet made.

    They could have given you a purposefully ugly skin that will still get you to buy gem store skins anyway just so they could say there is technically a non gem store skin available now, but instead they... what was I saying again?


    • Haha 3
  10. Agreed, I didn't do it yet since I promised to wait on some people until the end of today for the story so I've been basically just not having access to the content in the game mode I typically play since I do PvE with close friends when I do it.

    Also,  thanks for the heads up on what to expect, haha.


    Ah wow, so they pull that auto lose story trope thing again? They remember that they already did that multiple times, right?

    They have pulled that so many times in the story by now and it kills my immersion just as much every single time since I am usually on some un-killable over-tuned fortress build or at least something with escapes so I can reset the fight since I don't feel like using my build slots on pve builds these days. I tank groups of WvW players... Arenanet, nothing is going to be as bloodthirsty and persistent as some of the people I run across in the mists (I say that in the most endearing and respectful way ❤️ love you all). Not gods, demons, creepypasta monsters, whatever. If I can survive them usually, don't make my character fall over randomly for story reasons. Seriously, the people I encounter in WvW are like majestic unicorns of murder. It sometimes feels like that scene in jurassic park where the dinosaurs figure out how to open the doors. They are like universal dispensers of pure condensed violent energy (and I love it), so making us lose so many times to random PVE lore nerd things is just a bit insulting. Piccolo trained me to bloody dodge out of the way, ok?

    Anyway, it just feels silly to script in so many losses in storyline, especially when for some of us in this forum going back to pve feels like turning down the difficulty all the way down in a bethesda game.


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  11. You have to counter that kind of annoying playstyle to deal with it effectively.

    When you encounter the pull spam, I would suggest swapping to something with reflects (bonus points for stab) and pretend they are lemons. Pour your reflection sugar all over the situation to make lemonade. This won't work on all of them, but it works on enough of them to make them heavily reconsider spamming it on cooldown.

  12. Give us WvW players a way to get Weaponmaster Training without doing the story. You did it for other things, it only makes sense to do it here too. Some people just genuinely do not care to play it and that should be respected since you built an entirely different game mode and advertised it so locking the feature behind pve is kinda absurd.

    I like the story but I tend to play it in a group of friends. I shouldn't have to sequence break as a wvw main. Do the same for pvp players.

    Give us a method to unlock it here in WvW, please.



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  13. Dear Arenanet,

    This is just a reminder that you still didn't get Richard Steven Horvitz aka Zim from Invader Zim as well as many other short and very animated cartoon characters to do a voice for an asura yet.

    Maybe grab Gir while you are at it (Rosearik Rikki Simons).

    They would both be such perfect casting opportunities for an asura character and adding them would pretty much make this game a complete collection of all the english voice actors from our childhoods which is a +1 in my book.

    The voice actors tend to communicate a bunch so you could probably just ask one for his details.


    If you would also like this sort of casting decision, feel free to comment below. :3

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  14. There has been lots of criticism that was well thought out and it got no response. Not by people who hate the game, but from people who want to see it succeed.

    Pretty much only toxic positivity hugbox praise gets a reply because Anet doesn't actually use the criticism for anything meaningful and it does not get forwarded to anyone in charge of changing anything until years and years pass. Most WvW players are sick of this and at this rate the only esport around these parts is betting on what part of the balance and build diversity they will break next and how long it will take for it to be corrected.

    If you haven't noticed some of the weird choices, you are probably in PvE playing this games version of that old flash game "You Have To Burn The Rope" and getting your builds off of some streamer.


    It isn't like we dislike the game in its entirety, we just have some issues with some of the frankly obviously rushed decisions (the crunch is real) and wish they would have put more time into some things.. and listened better. Most of us like most of the game, but we have issues with how some things are implemented, or even not implemented at all. For years.


    Also on another note: Isn't it weird how someone manages to always react in complete confusion to every post that isn't full on shining praise of everything, is always around, does it relatively immediately with almost no fail? Its almost like its the persons job or something. It certainly is an interesting pattern since I noticed many posts from different people getting that reaction immediately. Does that person sleep?

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