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Posts posted by Calvsie.3675

  1. @Diak Atoli.2085 said:

    Why should anyone do more? You mean the devs that took the job and responsibility? Yes....? And yes it’s just a rant wishing the new big guys the best. When you have a big job with a lot of responsibilities, sometimes it’s nice to see other people understand the load of things you have on your plate.

    Interesting concept, by the way, wishing people well in the form of a rant.

    But no, I think he also means us other Forum readers and posters. People tend to skip big blocks of text, but prefer structured and ordered text because it gives more clarity to the writer's point of view. And it also makes it easier to respond to.

    That said, why should PvP be tied in to PvE? Or why should WvW, for that matter? They're different game modes. Skills don't even work the same way in PvE and PvP/WvW. They're split from each other. Keeping them separate from PvE is completely in line with the intentions of those game modes.

    Fyi, Fractals, Raids and Strike Missions are all PvE so don't need to be mentioned separately. And if you think those 3 have no connections to the story in PvE (Raids and Strike Missions) or the history of Tyria (Fractals) than you haven't been paying attention to the story in those instances. Which might also explain why you feel GW2 is such a disjointed game.

    To be fair, after six years I'm still trying to figure out what Cliffside has to with
    in GW2...

    Yeah... Cliffside always felt like a plot hook they left dangling for something they wanted to do but never actually did.

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