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Everything posted by Aether.7095

  1. Oh it is, but when both instances are full, there's no way really to join. So the only option is to retry together.
  2. I can't believe I even have to type this here and I'm really mad so I'll make this short and not say what I'm thinking right now. Wanted to jump into a public Convergence with my team member, who also is in the same guild. We tried THREE times when the Convergence started, and every single time we were put on separate instances. Every. Single. Time. Fourth time, Convergences were closed again and we couldn't join anymore. Apparently there's only a 1 minute window to join????? You have a LOT of stuff to fix here. Thank you. Edit: After two minutes standing in the Tower, the instance closed and we were put in a Tower instance where the public portal was still open. So apparently the public portal doesn't open on every Tower instance. Something that apparently needs a fix! At least we could play now, it finally put us in the same instance, after four tries! Not good.
  3. While we agree that there is optimizations needed, very much so, you might still want to check your system. I have worse hardware than you do (5800X, 4070) and I get 48fps in the same location with higher settings than yours.
  4. Bringing this back up, because it seems not to be fixed after the September 26 patch. When using the Heart of the Obscure to highlight a rift, and not getting there in time to participate (which can easily happen when it's already running and about to be done), all rifts afterwards are not marked on the map or showing event information in the top right corner, you can only see the visual hint (magic particles?) around the character. Yes, there is a workaround, go to character select and back into the game, to make it work again, but it's extremely inconvenient and time consuming. Any chances for a fix anytime soon? Thank you!
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