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X T D.6458

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Posts posted by X T D.6458

  1. On 10/7/2022 at 3:10 PM, displayname.8315 said:

    Just left AR myself man it's boring when the playerbase all stacks.  Not much going on in the fights department.. T2 was kinda OK at certain times...  *Yawn*


    I don't have much time for WvW nowadays, but Ill stay when I see some big fights going on. No fights=no fun basically. I have been on AR for 3 years now and I have thought about floating around every now and then, not that there is an issue with AR but seems like it would be fun to play with different people and guilds once in awhile.


    Siege stacking, spawn camping, upgrading enemy EB keeps, juvenile meme heavy nonsensical and idiotic chat spam.... Not for me

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

    Here is one more piece of food for thought, what would happen if there were actual rewards for winning the weekly matchup?


    It was tried before; the result was server stacking and player burnout. Although there is some benefit (for some at least) in getting a desired placement in a matchup, to avoid a potential matchup for next week or avoid Red Bl for the week 😐

  3. I would really like to see some weapon reworks, especially for Necro. Staff needs to be reworked, get rid of marks, change the auto attack into something like fireball with some aoe damage and vuln application, and add some aoe skills (similar to ele staff) so it can actually work as a proper power weapon. In its current form it just doesn't work well, the auto is power based, there are some condis mixed in, and it does not work on downed players in pvp/wvw or objects. Necro staff is basically used to spam 2-5 and swap, it doesn't make any sense to continue to keep it as is. Changing it would provide more build diversity and a ranged option for power-based builds for all necro specs not just reaper. Dagger is also useless as is.


    Warrior sword doesn't work well, it's too weak for power and mainly used in a melee condi build for berserkers. We have axe as the one-handed power weapon, make sword more condition oriented.


    • Like 5
  4. I really like the Engi rifle changes from the update, very fun to use now. I especially appreciate that it now has so much synergy with traits. 


    I tried to theory craft a Catalyst build but just could not find one that worked for me and the damage was just not there with hammer. I went back to Tempest and would like to use the new Lucid Singularity trait but still need Elemental Bastion and auras for sustain. I like that the 5% crit chance increase will now apply to all attunements because now after the update Fury basically gives an extra 10% if traited in air for Ele's. This leaves a little extra room for stat tweaking and I was able to experiment with different rune sets for more flexibility. 


    As far as Ranger goes, I think Longbow skills need to pierce by default and the range reduced back to 1200 (or maybe just in WvW), so we don't have to trait into Marksmanship specifically for that ability.

  5. 1 hour ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

    You'll be able to get a gift of exploration through WVW when we're able to get the gift of battle through PvE.

    inb4 confused emotes because god forbid you have a different opinion.

    HA, well technically you can in a way through big spender daily and badges of honor from achievement chests. No confusion here lol 😊

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Ulysses.2058 said:

    They are not comparable and they know it. What they are actually doing is using a fallacy, placing both people in the same "group" to discredit both at the same time, even if those criticizing the developer vastly outnumber those sending death threats.

    It's not a fallacy to point to unacceptable behavior.... He did not say criticism is not allowed, there is such a thing as crossing a line.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Ulysses.2058 said:

    So you're seriously comparing wishing someone's death to saying somebody's not capable of doing their job properly? Especially when that someone admitted to having to look for their job's subject in a community-based wiki and playing favourites with its professions?

    Alright, I'll take your statement literally and stay far from this franchise I've loved for more than a decade and its community, that somehow endures being laughed at over and over again.

    How can the two even be comparable? One is a form of criticism or personal verbal attack; the other is a criminal act. 

    • Like 7
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  8. 5 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:


    Finally, I’d like to thank those of you who have approached this discussion in a civil manner. To those that have chosen extreme toxicity, called for developers to be fired, or sent death threats–you're not welcome in our community.

    Josh Davis
    Game Director

    Yikes...I have said some mean things in the past but kitten people it's a game...death threats.... wtf. When I am not happy with changes or balance updates, I go play or do something else. There is never any justification for that level of hate and vitriol. 

    • Like 1
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  9. I'm still hoping for an alternative method of acquiring a gift of exploration through WvW, because I really hate mapping...mainly because of the tedious hearts. I made several suggestions in the past of having it as a reward for completing a series of reward tracks for each region, all together it would amount to basically the same amount of time more or less I think. Unfortunately has not happened yet, I still want to make a couple first gen legendaries but cant force myself to go through mapping again 😬

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    "Extra rewards when taking defended objectives" -- Do you think this will lead to defenders abandoning the objective to reduce rewards, unless they are sure they can beat them?

    Would really depend on what the rewards are. Theoretically, even if you know you cannot hold an objective, you can try stalling or just going to dump supply or tag enemies and waiting out the defend timer to get rewards. But of course, we won't know until there are more details released. The scaling system might be messy and open to abuse.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Nimon.7840 said:


    Soul Reaping

    • Death Perception: This trait now gives 10% critical chance, regardless of whether the necromancer is in shroud. This trait now increases critical damage by 15% instead of increasing ferocity while in shroud.

    so reaper is now officially the worst power build in the game in pve?
    no promised 5% critchance
    full berserker build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSQAEOSXlNbA-zRIYRUwXC2OA-e
    wont be critcapped because: 50% from gear, 10% from Death perception, 25% from fury (dependant on other classes) 
    = 85% critchance

    2. when changing specializations with templates necro shroud visuals bug out and display the wrong shroud - not fixed
    3. Harbinger still displays lifeforce as health while in shroud


    As I understand it, this rework is more like a tradeoff where you get these bonuses at all times not just when you are in shroud. Basically less of a bonus, but now it will be active full time.

  12. 1 minute ago, Ombras.2853 said:

    +1 for Legendary Accessory, Portable improvements and Primers as rewards.

    Conflux was a horrible gold/mat sink BUT the biggest advantage about making it is that you can craft 2 of them at once and have them available for all your toons. I would think a Leg Acc would pretty much require the same items just use a Mist Acc instead. They would have to add some little lore, and ingame cosmetics but it would be really nice to have.

    • Like 1
  13. After reading the dev post today, here are a few things I would really like to see added.


    A WvW exclusive Legendary Accessory

    Add Box of WvW supplies, Metabolic Primers, and Utility Primers to Reward and/or Skirmish Tracks.

    Update Portable Provisioner food selection to include more options like celestial foods.

    Allow us to convert Testimonies of Heroics from Pre-Eod Skirmish Chests to Jade Proofs. Or to use desert Heroics instead of Jade Heroics for Eod items.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I have done just that, and a fully finished home instance does not produce 100 snowflakes. Also, if you farm gathering nodes as usual, the amount these tools will produce is also ridiculously low. It is faster and much more productive to do Festival Dailies and open Wintersday Gifts for that purpose than to farm for Snowflakes, really.

    With a full set of tools giving you a snowflake per strike, it equates to 250 snowflakes. It might be time consuming but it does get results. Combine that with dailies, and gift farming. Also I don't want to get into a debate but I do get 100-120+ snowflakes per home instance farm, with full tools, and that's w/o a bauble node. Of course I am just using home instance farming as an example, not everyone has access to a full home. 


    Back onto the topic though, the OP was complaining about the vendor prices for items. It is understandable but like with Dragons Bash and Jorbreakers/Zhaittafy, the value of the currency used is entirely player driven. If Snow Diamonds went for 1 silver, would anyone complain if the vendors required 50 Snow Diamonds for minis or skins? 

    • Like 1
  15. The value of snowflakes and snow diamonds is entirely player driven. If the value of Snow Diamonds was 1 silver, nobody would be complaining about the cost of vendor items. You can easily farm snowflakes with frostbitten tools and each strike produces a snowflake. A full home instance farm for example will give you well over 100 snowflakes, farming the nodes in a guild hall can give over 30. 

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