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  1. So far I've tried out that scourge necromancer with all pets and staff (so aoe circles?). It was okay, but didn't feel like I contributed much except rezzing everyone endlessly on the Claw of Jormag. I think I need to do some more research on this build - I really felt ineffectual. I also tried out the scrapper engineer, with a hammer and rifle - found myself just using flamethrower most of the time, but really liked the speed buff from healing. While shooting flames everywhere felt fun, it didn't feel like I did much in terms of damage, but I sure felt tanky. Tomorrow I'll give guardian a try. Thanks for the suggestions so far, keep them coming!
  2. Hello community, I hope you can help me with some advice. Based on the following information, what profession and elite spec(s) would you recommend that I focus on?? About me: I'm a returning player after a long (4+ year) break. I have an 80 of each profession. I'm an older player, retired. I have 4-6 hours per day to play during the day (10am-4pm EST.) I have a budget of $50 per month to spend on GW2 if need-be. My favorite activities in GW2: I very much enjoy the map meta events (Auric Basin was my favorite the last time I played) I am horrible at, but love, jumping puzzles I used to love WvW, particularly large zergs I really like the story content - the expansions and living world My preferred playstyle: I prefer to not die. Getting downed and sent back to a respawn point bums me out. I love doing AOE damage. I'd rather block damage than constantly dodging out of the way. I absolutely love supporting groups - helping them move faster, heal, remove debuffs, helping people get up from downed state. I'd like to have 1 character that can do all the things I enjoy - I'm okay with different sets of gear and builds. I do not like (nor am able to complete) complicated rotations. Though I have broad and lengthy experience in multiple MMO endgames, I would now consider myself a casual player, and prefer to learn by doing and experiencing rather than reading and watching videos for hours on end. Additional Notes: I'd like to branch out into other areas of the game (PvP, Fractals, Raids) but not at the cost of stress and sanity. I'd love to find some friends and be part of a community (guild, wvw group, etc) Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and hopefully offering your guidance.
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