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Posts posted by Kako.1930

  1. On 2/22/2023 at 1:04 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    Queue times would be quicker for 2v2 & 3v3 gamemodes because matchmaking pulls less players. Match quality would improve drastically IF this was soloQ only... this would be true for Conquest as well.

    The problem this game continues to have is premades; people are dodging premades, leading to solo/duo to go up against top25, resulting in more blowout games.

    Generally the Leaderboards top 3 or top 5 players don't really have much for competition. Incorporating AT fixed the 5's premade toxicity issue but there's still the issue with premade dodges & player rotation boosting in ranked duoQ conquest and the miniseason..... so why not just have 2v2/3v3 AT's for the miniseason, while also making 5v5 Ranked soloQ only?

    5's AT every 2hrs

    2's/3's AT every 30minutes during the mini-season.

    5v5 Ranked SoloQ only | Miniseason gamemodes Ranked soloQ | Unranked 5's remains the same.

    Edit: There will still be rating/match manipulation but top players attempting to queue sync, with multiple accounts, would be more difficult if ALL Ranked enabled gamemodes were soloQ.


    That's a good point about the queue dodging for premades. I've definitely done that as well to avoid getting crushed so much as a solo player, and I really like your suggestions here. These would be really interesting changes if implemented. 🙂

    • Thanks 2
  2. It would be nice for matchmaking and team balance if they would separate pugs from premades (solos from full teams), but the pvp population just isn't big enough for that, unfortunately.

    For each of the players in here saying they want required premades only and berating anyone who disagrees, there are several more silent players who would just not play at all if that were the case. Then the same people here would be crying even more about how pvp is dead, queue times are so long, and they're always put against the same team every match. 

    "Careful what you wish for." 


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  3. I just saw the most recent AT on MightyTeapot's channel on Youtube and it looks like this happened to the catalyst in the final match (Xdd Raiken at 2:22:23), too. He had to relog and never got back into the match due to the timeout, but fortunately it happened so close to the end of the game that their team still won. 

    Hopefully they fix this. Even just giving it the same treatment as the old engi's Overcharged Shot would be nice. I'm not sure why they would fix it for them and then give eles the broken version lol. 😅

    • Haha 1
  4. Has anyone else had issues getting stuck in walls and objects when using Wind Storm (4 skill in air on the hammer for catalyst)? This has happened so many times to me now that I try to avoid using it unless I'm in an open area, but it stinks to basically not have access to one of the skills most of the time. (Especially for one of the few CC skills available)


    This happens in PVP, WVW and PVE. In PVP it turns the match into a 4 v 5 until you die, and if the other team doesn't kill you then you have to manually relog and deal with the added respawn delay. 


    I was thinking that maybe having the skill be similar to the engineer's rifle knockback after the changes would be better. (It used to knock the engineer back, too, but it's much better to use now.) Or maybe have it stun the ele for 1 second or something instead if the self-CC needs to stay, rather than knocking the ele back. Thoughts? 

    • Like 2
  5. The current meta is good, but I'm definitely looking forward to testing the ele scepter changes. It probably won't ever be quite good enough to be in the meta, but FA was so fun to play before they progressively nerfed it into the ground through indirect changes. As long as I can play ele without constantly being told "Please switch to literally any other profession" in every match (when I'm the only ele on the team) then I'm good. 😄

  6. We have the ability to hide the helm portion of the outfit, but it would be super nice to be able to use our armor helm skin with the outfit, as well. Especially with all of the ears, horns, hats and halos from the gem store available for helm skins. Would this ever be a possibility, or has this been discussed and ruled out already? 


    To be honest, there were a few outfits I had purchased in anticipation that one day it might be possible to use them with our own helms. If it's a 'hard no' then I'll at least know to avoid outfits altogether moving forward unless I really like the helm that goes with them lol. 

    • Like 1
  7. Idk how it is now, but when I leveled my ele it felt a LOT better once I hit level 80 lol. Being below level 80 sucks, but once you start to work on new builds and armor sets and get into more challenging content then it's a lot more fun. You can either play an easier build like condi/hybrid and incorporate some heals in there if you feel like you're dying a lot or go full glass and learn how to destroy everything before it can kill you. I like to roam around with a fresh air scepter/focus weaver build in open world and wvw as well as pvp, and switch to a glass staff tempest build when I'm zerging, but I used to enjoy messing around with condi builds, too. 


    Try experimenting with different weapon and skill combos to get a hang of which rotations net you the best damage output and balance your control out. A lot of the elementalist's high damage comes from using good rotations, so you won't notice big numbers if you're only staying in one attunement and auto attacking, for example. Once you get the hang of it, ele is a load of fun! 🙂

  8. How re"fresh"ing it is to see a new fresh air roaming video! (Badum-tss!) I'm running something similar except with focus instead of dagger (because I spent so much time to get the binding of ipos and even with the nerfs, I refuse to let it go, lol). 


    Fun fights! Thanks for the upload! :D

    • Thanks 1
  9. @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:Took some time to get some better shots and edits of my Charr Rev, Warbeast using the white and blood dyes with crimson assassin sword and glint's bastion. One of my favorite looks for charr with the whole snowleopard look. FBnN0XL.jpg6vzPUHu.jpg

    Woah, those are good enough to be a wallpaper! Excellent pictures! Very cool!

  10. @Derkon.7408 said:So, we've created a 13 page insanely long read. Do we have any proof that ANet is doing even the slightest towards these concerns? We've been fooled before only to see mindless number crunching. What is our hint that they are interested in anything that has been said so far in this thread?

    The hint that they don't care was when they went through all the forums to take down anything that even remotely mentioned ele and either merged them into this abomination of an echo chamber or deleted them. There was just confusion from other eles who didn't know the backstory of the thread and assumed the devs were actually seeking feedback, and they kept posting here thinking that someone was reading what they were writing.

  11. @vesica tempestas.1563 said:pve for ele has never really been a concern (i.e what this thread is discussing) and spamming aoe in blob v blob of is not really relevant to anything as you don't balance for blob play beyond builds that can shot at a distance.

    This thread was originally several mostly PvP threads that just got merged and shoved here so that no one had to look at them actually. That's why the move was extra frustrating. Most of the people that do post in this echo chamber are primarily AI whackers, so they don't get the original points of the threads.

  12. @Milosz.5938 said:I think ... and Im really sad for that reason... that our friends from ANEt are not interested in that post anymore.... and in anyother simillar posts that touch any topic about reconstructing, buffing elementalist. Only they notice posts about nerfing elementalists. Sad :(

    They never were. These posts were taken from various other areas that might get more attention, merged together, and stuck here so that nobody has to look at them. It's sad to see people keep posting as if someone is actually reading them.

  13. @Jski.6180 said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:I think we need Arcane Fury back. It would really help to get some more fury from other places instead of having to rely on Raging Storm (crit). Having that trait back would definitely benefit staff weavers and those who use scepter.

    We actually have builds that can one shot people, but we are held back by our own lack of fury. The might gain is a nice idea, though it's not what we need. We can get that from multiple sources via sigils, runes and other places. Fury is the one thing DPS weavers need on demand right now since you've introduced the ferocity buff to Raging Storm.

    Maybe I'm talking rubbish, but it's worth changing it back to what it was and then having a look at the impact afterwards.

    Do the same for Lava Font. I'm still pissed off.

    Dont bother, terrible balance team never ever actually admit to their mistakes and revert things.

    They do just in a weird way. Its a very randomly try something new balance and hope for the best the problem is the time in-between the balance is way too long for this to ever work.

    Added note no real response from devs. on these forms at all not looking good for this threat doing any thing...

    It won't. This thread wasn't created to collect feedback. It's just so threads don't show up elsewhere... where people can actually see them.

  14. @Poelala.2830 said:

    @Kako.1930 said:This is why I created a new and improved elementalist a while back. She now has clones, stealth, more reliable damage, better boons, better cc, and no longer needs to be babysat. It's like she's all grown up now. :)

    I made a new core elementalist with a pet, decent base health, more boons, stealth, cc, evades, build diversity, and a decent long ranged weapon that is capable of reliable CC ?

    Nice! That's a huge upgrade, congratulations! You'll be 10x more effective in any game mode now! ^^

  15. Hey, thanks for joining us on the dark side! ;) You're totally correct in your observation. Thank you for seeing the truth for yourself, as well, and not just joining the bandwagon of anti-eles in assuming that nothing is wrong.

    I also really like your suggestions! Those are things I hadn't thought about, but they would definitely make the ele feel less like an outlier I think.

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