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Posts posted by Lyndina.7984

  1. Building a class around shatter, guess what. The Elite specialiation takes away the opportunity to use your chosen talents. Thats balancing for monkeys. Playing Core Mesmer right now is better then using Chrono. Congratulations, the first Elite specc from HoT vanishes out of the game to boost PoF Sales. Could we destroy other classes main ressources of damage as well? Warriors loosing Adrenalin while we attack them, its only fair that they couldnt use anything of their Class skills, cause mesmer can't either.

  2. Yeah...its outer crap. Did a pvp match right now...i could shatter for maybe half a second until these fucking clones get destroyed. And since Mesmer is build arround those shatters to survive shit...yeah. Back to condi cancer mirage...or maybe a other game.glares over to wow Yeah..i think i give it a try right now. Sick of these constant nerfs mesmers had to go through.

  3. I'm gonna be honest. If Gw2 had a subscription i wouldn't play it anymore. I'm not doing much anymore in here,except following the story episodes and daily pvp rounds for the dailys. The rest is for roleplay purposes in here (yes, i'm one of "those" that do roleplay in a tavern ;) ) . Never seen a gw2 raid from the inside and the last time i did fractals or dungeons is probably over 2 years ago. And i know there are a lot of other players that are like me, they use Guild Wars 2 as a Rp Platform and nothing more. Why? Because its free to play. If Classic Wow or Retail Wow goes free,yeah, probably lot of Roleplayers would change side, but as long as it takes the 13 Euro to play monthly nothings gonna change. Sure Gw 2 doesn't have a big rp community, but its enough to make a change if they leave (Counting around 1500 players on Drakkar Lake Rp, and thats just the german community).

  4. Imagine getting hyped for a 15 Year old mmo, those who are interested in have seen the content times and times again. Will it take some players? Yeah,of course, but i don't think it will hold most players longer then 3 months. Its grind heavy, be it farming elixirs and flasks,reputations and even gearing takes forever. Have fun collecting 40 players for your weekly molten core run. Yes, it worked on private servers, and there were lot of players on Nostalrius or how it was called. But why? Easy, you didn't had to pay a monthly subscription. I don't think it will keep people for a long time. But we will see.

  5. Aside from capturing points for almost 7 Years-which gets boring more and more the best reason that keeps me from pvp is that it feels more like gambling rather then skill. You can get lucky and get competent team mates or you don't have luck and get the trash players. There is no skill involved in raising the ranks when you hope for a good group. Also the classes are very imbalanced.

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