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road range.6293

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Everything posted by road range.6293

  1. It has split the guild members again. It's officially unplayable with friends until next month! 6 years of Betas have never worked. And they never will work. They always ruin the game. Just shut this mess off now! Reboot it. ... And quit with the whole alliance restructuring mess forever! Grouping with guilds, or grouping with servers, will end up in virtually the exact same place. Except, that players will be controlled by alliances requiring membership in specific guilds. So it will be far less inviting. As people will no longer be able to just show up and play, on whatever server they choose. It is never going to help the game. Just quit it. You are destroying the game with these useless Betas. And this Beta is once again, chasing off more of the player base.
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