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Everything posted by preacherdad.3751

  1. @Embered.5089You were correct. There is one other house in Venta that can be entered and it turned out to be correct. Thanks!
  2. This is rather frustrating. The clue for this item is to find an empty frame in a house in Venta, stand in the right location in front of the frame, and enter "/cry" in the chat box. I've done this multiple times with several different toons and still haven't received the item. The empty frame doesn't even appear for me any more. There is a picture on a canvas off to the side, but I haven't been able to pick it up. Any ideas why this won't work for me? Thanks.
  3. How do I find out about event timing? Boss events are easy as there are sites that list them, but there are other events I need to play (to complete a collection) that I can't find out the timing on. I just have to visit the location until I happen to pop in at the right time. There has to be a better way.
  4. Well, it finally showed up in the Trading Post pickup bin. Long delay.
  5. I just purchased a hardwood node for my home instance, but it isn't showing up. Waited a day for things to reset, but still no show. The trading post deducted my gold, so I expect to get what I paid for. Is this a bug?
  6. Ok, Skolia, now I get it. Point the targeting arrow at the crystal then fire. Worked good. Thanks.
  7. Ok, so leecryx figured it out, but I can't. I use and use and use the crystal special skill and still can't kill the riftwalker.
  8. Thanks, guys. That clears some things up for me. :+1:
  9. I've been salvaging Awakened weapons that I pick up during activities in Path of Fire. Each time it tells me that somethings been added to a collection and a skin has been unlocked. However, when I go to the wardrobe that skin just isn't there. I can't find a collection that contains the skins, either. That goes for the Elonian weapons I've salvaged as well. Where is all this stuff and how do I access it?
  10. I'm really wondering what brandstone is good for. I bought the first of the tools and noticed that one can get a node for the home instance, but what is it good for?
  11. I decided to level up my jeweler above 400, so I found this crafting guide -- https://gw2crafts.net/jewelcraft_400.html. I've been following it, using up a lot of resources in the process, but my jeweler hasn't advanced a single point. Any ideas why?
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