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Posts posted by MarshallLaw.9260

  1. 12 hours ago, Duligraws.8214 said:

    [QoL] Indicate on map and in chat-log response when attempting to enter a restricted area.

    The map indicator for when exploring... not fun traveling to fog-area only to find you can't go there.  

    When running all along the edges of an area for a place to enter, it is terribly annoying to find YOU CAN'T.


    No offence, but looking at all the recent posts/topics/threads you've started, you do not understand parts of the game and seem to think that things should be "fixed" when they are functioning as intended.....

    Every one of your posts is a complaint of some sort related to a feature you don't like and think is a problem, when it's not.

    As the previous poster mentioned, check wiki if you find yourself struggling.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Nobody "needs" those ugly weapon skins, really. Also, when you are fully equipped in legendary gear like me, you certainly don't need those.

    What the skins look like is subjective. Nobody "needs" to have ascended/legendary gear, all content can be done in exotics (minus perhaps HT CM, etc.) so "need" is an irrelevant factor.

    The point is, if you have spare GM marks and have not unlocked all skins, then those marks have a use. You're saying that you don't want to use the marks to unlock skins you don't like. That's fine. But it doesn't change the fact that they have a purpose.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Maybe I'm just totally off my rocker today, but checking the WvW skirmish vendor there is 51 weapons that "require" marks (since you can craft them it's not really required) and 18 armor pieces. I have all legendary sets from WvW with all the armors unlocked, but maybe only 30% of the weapons because tbh they are garbage skins and I only bothered to unlock it for the random ascended weapon. 180 marks in the bank just doing nothing and probably more scattered on a character here and there. 

    And also 35000 worthless skirmish marks.

    I dont see anything strange with people having plenty more.

    Of course, I forgot the old hero misforged set. That's another 19 weapons, so 57 more GM marks. So the total marks needed to unlock everything goes up to 393. 

    While I agree there could be be a tiny minority who have 10k+ hours of playtime and may have got all those marks already, this is not an issue for the 99.9% of people. My solution to the original problem was, if you have too many marks, you can unlock all the skins you havent yet acquired. I still stand by the fact that very few people would have every wvw/pvp skin in their wardrobe. 


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  4. On 5/17/2023 at 1:32 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    And if there are none left that one doesn't already have? 😉

    There are 32 weapon skins from pvp/wvw which all cost 3x GM marks so that's 96.

    There are also 36 unique amour skins in pvp, another 36 in wvw - costing a further 240 GM marks.

    I somehow doubt that you have made/farmed 336GM marks and have every single one of these skins but feel free to prove me wrong.🤷‍♂️

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  5. On 3/20/2022 at 6:08 PM, Opun.3824 said:

    So now i understand why WOW forbids flying in thier expansions at the beginning, and requires doing some achievements to unlock it.


    Flying makes everything TOO EASY, exploring new maps is not as fun as it was before skyscale, u dont have to think about using ziplines, look for path up... u just fly - this breaks immersion and fun.


    I think Anet could have done same as WOW - lock mounts or only skyscale in cantha until u do all maps masteries (or some specific Achievement)

    It would make exploring more fun and also give ppl some goal to make those achievements.


    Same could be told for core tyria and Hot maps - u have to unlock mounts in those regions to use them.

    So many wrong ideas here. 

    Firstly, just because another mmo has a feature, popular or otherwise, it is not a reason to have it in this game. 

    Secondly, if you find that flying breaks immersion **for you** then just don't use your mounts. Remove the keybinds and problem solved. 

    Thirdly you think taking something players have already unlocked "would make exploring more fun". Maybe for you, but for some (like myself) it would be **less** fun. 


    More than anything, there are two points to see to understand why your suggestion doesn't work.

    1. Players have already put in the time to acquire the mounts they have with no indication that they would need to do this again. It sounds like an inconvenience and forcing them to do tasks for no apparent reason for a reward they already own is a terrible concept.

    2. Taking options and choices away so that people **have** to use the zip lines or other modes is poor design. The Devs have generally given players freedom to chose how they want to traverse the landscape the same as they have freedom in playstyle. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    Artificially make bosses longer, inst "more" content, is just cheap stuff, and no "content". read my post above.


    The whole thing is so cheap and garbaged that are all reutilized history bosses. lmao.

    Clearly you're missing the point about the new strikes compared with IBS ones. 

    The EOD strikes have more mechanics to learn, different obstacles to overcome. Anet didnt simply make the healthbar larger, they added more phases which aren't just DPS check gates, but something more diverse. The aim (as far as I understand) is to put new challenges for the players, not to get stuck behind but so that they feel a sense of achievement when mastering them.

    Clearly this content is not for everyone -if you don't like it, don't do it. Also I noticed you said it took you 30+ mins to complee the Minister Li strike (perhaps you've edited your post to remove this already) - If you are taking that long to complete the strike, that shows there is a problem with your group or your gameplay. My first relaxed casual attempt with just a regular pug from lfg took less than 15mins I believe. Thats with a couple of people wiping early and fairly slow dps. This is in no way a dig at you, I'm far from an elite player and I would be fine if you were desparate to call me a nerd (you do you fam).

    What you need to do it provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback that makes sense though.

    • You've said the strikes are "cheap" - what does that even mean? 
    • You've said that the instance is too long? - it's fairly similar to WOJ strike which has only 3 phases I believe
    • You said "all reutilized history bosses. lmao." which bosses are reused? are you just making wild assumptions without basis again?
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  7. 14 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    All LFM(look for member) with requirments.

    The LFG, guys with hours there without nobody pick them.

    EoD Strikes are almost wayyyyyy longer than IBS.

    I liked Vindicator, but it seems low DPS, by the amount of talk of nerds on pvp/pve foruns, the spec will be suppport. 

    Theres no "play as u want in Gw2". The sum of elitist + nerd ideas, tend to make metas build almost bizarre hybrids, i dont want be a "support greatsworder".

    God forbid people want to organise a group the way they like! Clearly you've been out of the game since before fractals, raids and IBS strikes were introduced since lfg for instanced content has has always had structure.

    If you think people aren't being picked off a long time, why don't YOU pick them?

    Yes strikes take slightly longer, because there's more CONTENT which is what everyone wanted.

    The rest of your post makes little to no sense, probably the "garbage" your title mentions, idk, I have no response to those mad ramblings🤷‍♂️

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  8. 4 hours ago, KelyNeli.4516 said:

    I didnt played yet, im downloading but i heard a lot of stuff from my ex guildmates that elite specs are underwhelming and class design went into garbage bin with the sustain nerfs that came to the game. 

    I played elementalist, but hearing that my class is lackluster puts me off with it being nerfed in every possible way. 


    I was mainly a PVE player and really enjoy the class design, but hearing they nuked classes i played really puts me off away and makes me want to go back to Lost Ark.

    Clickbait title - check

    "I didn't played yet" - very good

    "Makes me want to go back to lost ark"  - of course

    Troll bingo card filled! 👋👋👋

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  9. 19 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    I kinda wish they'd just fully give up completely and make an official trinity system just so we can get a polished structure for a queue system for everything instead of the messy LFG that rapid kicks non-metas and specific classes, and requires leaders to write massive lines of codes to describe who should join.... 

    Now that we've established why you're dissatisfied with the system, let's consider that the instanced content to which you're alluding to is just a part of the pve section of the game.  Speaking of raids since I haven't been in fractals for a while, the general structure of most groups tends to be similar. 2 played to cover heals, 2(maybe the same 2) to cover quickness, 1 or 2 for alac, and the rest DPS assuming somebody generates the might/fury. Tanks situational. This has been determined to be generally the most efficient way of maintaining good boons and therefore maximizing the chance of success. But you knew all that.

    The point is, that even though the loose roles are required, the options to fill those aren't limited to 1 build/class, especially when it comes to healing. GW2 still has a more fluid structure where you can have different combinations to fill up a group.

    I'm sorry that you've had a bad time with pugging or not being accepted into groups but you can understand that helping your party in an optimal way is preferred when that's what the majority of the community are doing.

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  10. The more I look at this thread and the madman OP, the more it seems to me that nobody explained the icons adequately to him so that's why he is finding them so confusing perhaps.

    Let me provide an example:

    Warrior - core icon is a helmet like a soldier's.

    Berserker - it's a sword with flames because the traitline can be set to have increases burning, the weapon is a burning torch and the animation when entering berserk mode is similar to ignition. Logically makes sense.

    Spellbreaker - it's a dagger within a circle. Daggers are the es weapons, the circle represents the full counter which is the core mechanic.

    Are you following so far?

    Let's try ranger.

    Core ranger - it's a pawprint because they have animal companions with them.

    Druid - it's a sun and moon because of the main mechanic - celestial avatar having 2 modes, celestial is related to the sky; sun and moon often represent a duality like the druid mechanic.

    Soulbeast - this is not an ordinary pawprint, but one that looks like a hand also. Somewhere in between you might say.... a combination of hand and paw... Like the merging of ranger and pet 😛

    I appreciate it may have seemed confusing before, but I think if you apply some logical analysis to most of the icons, there is something linking the class or es mechanic to the emblem used. It's rather clever actually.

    Also, since this thread is completely objective, I find none of your alternative suggestions better than the originals let alone "good".

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  11. On 1/20/2022 at 1:05 PM, Mungrul.9358 said:

    Is there any possibility someone at ANet could give these icons a refresh

    My dude, the current icons have been around for a relatively long time and I would go as far as to say **the majority** of the playerbase would be able to recognise all of them or at least be able to understand if it's an elite spec, which core class it relates to.

    If you have struggled to remember 27 symbols over the last 9 years, how is introducing 27 different icons going to help you?

    The current core and es emblems have some relation to the respective class and logically make sense. Perhaps instead of insisting on a new language, try harder to comprehend the one that is already established.

    (Be my guest, use your "bully" phase if you want to)

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  12. On 11/13/2021 at 6:46 AM, TigerZord.7931 said:

    titles being asked for in lfg for group content needs to be abolished.  titles are not meant to be tickets to access content, they are achievements.   to require a title for any content is toxic af.  i know this thinking has been in the game for awhile, but it needs to end.  there are other ways to ask for exp in content.. or better yet, give players a chance, were all equal,. no one is above the other, so eberyone should be given a chance 1st. if they dont know what they are doing it will be apparent pretty quick. i am so sick of this toxic thinking.  if it doesnt improve, i would suggest anet step and implement a fix. either removing titles for certain endgame content so that cant be used as a bar to entry (looking at you fractals), or make asking for titles a bannable offense, or something i havent thought of.  enough is enough 

    This post is toxic af because I don't like the way you're talking. 

    • Haha 4
  13. 7 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

    It's not a theory that if you have too much of a role with in one team, the profession can be re-purposed differently because that's the strongest aspect of GW2. The game was always promoted to not have an holy trinity, being able to play rock paper scissors at the start of the game or manipulate the chances of having the less wanted profession on your team by queuing then swapping to the more "favorable" one is not competitive in the slightest, just fiddling with the system flaws.


    Necro is also a poor example, laughably overrated against other kind of DPS specs that can run circles around their playstyles. To fight a full team of Necromancers would only require constant decaps and spreading 'em around. Typically because Bunker builds don't have the mobility of a DPS spec to begin with and are only good at afking on node, most of their potential also relying on having people being dumb enough to sit on node. You could say they have Wurm or Spectral Walk, but both of those skills are the reason why they can survive so easily as well, to use them for mobility is wasting their ability to bunk in the first place. You can easily see that for yourself by killing their Wurm then have a good time tossing them around until they're dead.


    However if you expect two full team of necromancer bunkers to play, that's on the player base fault. Not because they can't swap classes, they had PLENTY of other builds within the profession to serve other kinds of utility. In most cases, zerging just like spreading has it's own plethora of counters given you care enough to use those solutions.

    My guy, you have missed the point entirely.

    My issue with your argument was that there was no evidence (or proof) to suggest that hardlocking a class would be a positive change. 

    If you want to drive change, you need to show some data or stats to back up why these changes would be positive rather than negative.

    Instead of addressing that, you've gone off on some tangent and quite frankly this discussion is a waste of time since its highly unlikely the system will be different any time soon.

    • Confused 2
  14. On 10/30/2021 at 6:55 PM, Shao.7236 said:

    Hard disagree, it not only helps in match manipulation but also doesn't encourage innovation whatsoever.


    Preventing profession change after accepting queue would be the best thing this game could get for improving player creativity and increase gameplay quality.


    If people just want to play the "favorable class" then should they put their bets on it and suffer from their decision if it turns out to be a bad choice by not knowing how to play the profession any other way.


    At some point there's gotta be consequences to stop players from just shrugging and always have the best options, that's how we get our boring metas to exist.

    Your assumption that this will encourage innovation, improve creativity and increase gameplay quality is completely unfounded. There is a chance this **may** have a positive effect but quite frankly, you have not provided evidence to support your theory and in my opinion there is an equal, if not greater chance of the effects being negative.


    Consider that people (without the option to switch) will just decide that they have the best chance with a bunker necro (or similar) and just pick that and nothing else. It would make sense that if the swapping option were to be taken away, players would simply chose whatever they think will have the highest chance of winning against any/every other possibility or the lowest possibility of losing. What has the lowest potential to lose? - a bunker build which can deal with power and condi damage and just sustain itself.


    Furthermore, your ideas that people should "suffer from their decision" and have "consequences to stop players having the best options" seems so against the concept of playing the game for enjoyment. 

    You may want to play GW2 to have a bad time, many like myself don't.

    • Confused 3
  15. On 10/24/2021 at 12:01 PM, WelkinDust.8764 said:

    Needless to say I won't be playing this game.

    Then why are you bothered about this? In the hopes that Anet will suddenly look at your one shining post as a glorious beacon of pure wisdom and change their long established system, giving all LWS for free to all forever?

    If you were there for the original release, you would have unlocked it for free **as a bonus for being there at the time**. Not to mention, that Anet has been giving away **all** the LWS and IBS for free over the last few months giving people a second chance to acquire the episodes without additional cost.

    To be clear, there is 9 years of content there. For £100 or less. That's a lot of content and if people disagree then that's a difference we have. 

    It boils down to whether players think it's worth it and purchase it, or don't. Personally I think it's great value for money. Others may not. That's just how it is.

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  16. 16 hours ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

    And what they don't understand, or maybe don't want to accept, is that multiclassing and the ability to freely switch classes is what gives them a massive advantage over anyone that can only dedicate their playtime to one character, AKA having a main and that's how most people play.

    Where are you getting this information that *most* people play 1 class? Just because a steamer seems to play one class when casting doesn't mean that's what *most* people do. Equally a lot of people can prefer to play certain builds on classes but not *any* build on that class. E.g. I would happily play support scourge but have practically no experience with power reaper or minion core. In the case where I queue with necro but don't see a viable comp for scourge, I would want to change class.

    Logically you want to have an enjoyable game, not one where you are forced to struggle against the odds or roll a team because of RNG matchmaking.

    I think you'll find that your average player has a pool of classes and builds rather than being a master of every build on one profession.

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  17. 7 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

    At first, swaping characters before the match should not be a thing, beta characters or not.

    This is completely incorrect. 

    Beta characters in ranked - undesirable. Anet posted that these will not be in ranked, so def should be addressed.

    Regular characters on the other hand should be freely interchangeable prior to the start. Consider that the matchmaking puts together 2 teams where 1 composition counters the other significantly. Why should a player have to slog it out against the odds trying to "make it work" rather than change to a more even or favourable class?

    Restricting players is not the way forward, besides this topic has been returned to many times and the consensus was that the current system is the preferred version.

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  18. On 9/29/2021 at 12:44 PM, TheDarkness.6947 said:

     I’m honestly now kind of wishing I had chosen a different game and not spent money on this one

    So you've enjoyed the game since at least May (possibly longer) and now choose to have buyers remorse.

    Such a whiny post laced with self-pity and overall negative vibes.


    Ele isn't for you, thanks for all your improvement suggestions, great contribution.

  19. 23 minutes ago, Chip.9267 said:

    If i dont play raids or pvp i dont go on threads that are requesting them to be more and better to say that i dont want them becouse i dont play them. I 'm sure that are lots of ppl who enjoy that content i dont play. So stop beeing selfish...

    How you post on forums is your own business, attempting to regulate how others comment is outside of your jurisdiction (and equally mine). Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with wanting your personal interests to be prioritized in a game you invest your time and money in. 

    The main reason that people are against a playable new race (other than the tonic) is that they are concerned that Anet (as any gaming studio) have a finite amount of resources. This means that if they put some of those resources into a new playable race (which, let's face it, is just a different cosmetic rather than gameplay feature) then there are fewer of those developer hours available to work on other aspects of the game like new weapons and armour, new masteries, maps, story etc. We see it as opportunity cost, you don't get one without sacrificing something elsewhere in the game and quite frankly, that's not a price we want to pay.

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  20. If Anet are looking for some feedback and opinions from the playerbase the following are my contribution to the topic regarding most of the aspects of the expansion described thus far in streams and announcements:

    Elite specs - all 3 (willbender, virtuoso and harbinger) seem interesting with unique features and mechanics. The new flavours they have the potential to bring to each class are great and in the future I'm sure we will see adjustments to existing trait lines to minimise functional overlap between e-specs.

    The new masteries are less appealing currently. At the time of posting, we are aware of fishing, skiffs and a turtle mount.

    The fishing personally does not seem so interesting as it comes across as another gathering mechanic and I myself do not get excited from mining ore, chopping down trees or harvesting plants. Standing around with a pole sticking in some lake or river does not appeal to to me as much as dynamic combat. If it's intended to be some kind of minigame like the the adventures currently in HOT and POF maps, then great but it seems like we'll all need to do fishing if there are exclusive rewards like skins or other items locked behind the mastery.

    Skiffs are a very "why?" kind of topic. Why do I need a boat if I can swim indefinitely or ride on a skimmer? What's on this boat that I would so desperately want to have other people on it? If it's a social aspect like being together with friends, then how is it so different from hanging out in a guild hall or somewhere without the boat.... I fail to see what it adds to warrant for it to be a whole mastery line.

    The turtle - seems like many GW1 vets are excited by this concept. As someone who didn't get into the franchise until GW2 I don't get the hype but I'm happy to accept that this is a very interesting concept. I would like to see what the mount brings apart from being able to host 2 players having a weapons mechanic.

    The new legendary weapons collection seems like an interesting new direction Anet is taking. Even though I agree that it is certainly less effort to base a whole set on one theme than invent a new concept for every single piece, I can guess that a great deal of work has been put into the design of this collection which should not be easily dismissed.

    I can with confidence say that the story and new maps shown in the trailers seem very exciting and will certainly draw new and old players in. Anet may have fallen marginally short with their abrupt wrap-up of the Icebrood saga but my bet is that the narrative for EoD will be full of rich lore and in-depth character arcs.

  21. @Joote.4081 said:

    @Joote.4081 said:My first visit to this sab last night and I thought 'what the kitten hell is this?' To be blunt it's just kitten stupid. Since, I have deleted everything to do with it. If I wanted to play silly stuff like that I would be playing my little pony and the like.

    You obviously don't get SAB at all. It has zero to do with My Little Pony, that's for sure.

    I avoided SAB for many years, until I finally gave it a serious try in 2019 and realized how great it was. You should try that, too.

    P.S. You and the other critics should lighten up. ;) SAB is full of humor and challenges alike - it's its own game.

    I did try it. I lasted about 45 minutes but had no desire to carry on. Games were dull and the rewards, well, the less said about the rewards the better. I guess if your into bouncy castles, party hats, and minecraft you might find some appeal. This sort of stuff is far removed from my reasons for liking the game. I don't begrudge it to others I just don't want to see any of it in my game. Those stupid boxes are everywhere. Talking to a heart in the desert and there was one of the kitten things on top of the kitten tent.You know? They even had the cheek to offer me one of those daft boxes for free. Like rubbing salt into a wound.

    Save your breath friend. As you can see, the fanboys are out in full force.The moment anyone says "I'm just not into SAB" they come running with "oh, you probably don't understand it", "I'm sure you'll like it if you tried it", "oh you know it's for the sophisticated gentleman gamer who can truly appreciate the retro aesthetics (tips pixelated fedora)"

  22. @MarkoGold.7126 said:its a shame they dont care about sab much to add new zones for like what 6 + years now its honestly the only festival type event i like in the game.

    Sure, but some people (including myself) don't like the content at all. It's the only festival which I will repeatedly avoid. Remember that taste is subjective and just because a handful of people are vocal about how much they enjoy SAB, doesn't mean it is actually that popular overall. If it's not very popular, then it makes sense that Anet will invest fewer resources into it.

  23. As most players who have logged in within the last 24 hours would have noticed, there is another 7 day unique event as part of the current Saga Chapter.I'm sure many, like myself, welcome any updates which include new things for GW2.New skins, new mastery and a time-limited series of tasks.

    Would @"ArenaNet Team.4819" be able to comment why, with the release of "new content", they've chosen to only advertise gem store products and not the new things people can do ingame on the main news section.

    I don't like to criticize that much since nothing can be 100% perfect all the time, but perhaps it would be a good idea, if you want players to return to the game, to entice them not only with "here's a new skin from the gemstore" but also mention the changes within the game especially since this event has a limited duration.

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