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Posts posted by ShiningSquirrel.3751

  1. @starlight.6091 said:Desire (NA Server)

    800 Gems ~ I would like to play Living World 4 Chapters

    Living World 4 Episodes 1-4I hope this isnt too ridiculous to ask. Ep. 1-4

    Thanks in advance. I appreciate this post and hope I can too help someone soon! :)

    Just an FYI because several people have asked for this in the past.Living world seasons can not be gifted, they must be purchased directly on the account that is to use themGems can not be gifted, the only way to give another player gems would be using a gem card and sending the activation code (or gifting enough gold to convert to gems).

  2. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:You could say the same about all the titles in GW2 as well. Kill 1000 of this, kill 1000 of that, big whoop! Even raids and fractals can be bought for gold so what is your real point other then to diminish the achievements of others? Nearly all titles in both games can be cheesed or purchased with enough gold, so no one is any better then anyone else.

    I'm not diminishing the achievements of others, it's quite the opposite. I'm reading a lot of how monumental GWAMM was and how nothing in GW2 compares with it. Isn't that diminishing the achievements of others? Or what is the point of talking about how awesome GWAMM was other than belittle everyone that got achievements in GW2? Dont' accuse me of doing what anyone that posted their love of GWAMM did already in this thread.

    I apologize, I just read back through the thread and I had wrongly attributed some other posts as yours. The op simply asked what title people used and as usual, some had to come back with "that takes no skill" etc. Some achievements in both games take a lot of effort, some are almost giveaways but that should not diminish the fun of anyone using that title. I saw someone say cartographer was just a grind. When the community released the map packs/kits it could be done far easier, but when it was done originally without any guidance that was an achievement that was not easy to get and was far more then a grind. Same with survivor, after they changed it yes, anyone could AFK but that was not true to begin with. I just really hate new players who have no clue what they are talking about comparing what both games are like now to what they where in the beginning.

  3. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"Bridget Morrigan.1752" said:Honestly, the significant difference between the GWAMM title and achievement point titles in GW2 is the perpetuity of GW2: "Furious Achiever" and whatever may come after will not require one to complete any

    This is where you are wrong. In order to get the latest title available you need to complete almost everything in the game. You can't just wait for them to add more achievement points to grind, in order to get the top available title you must finish most achievements available. By the time you wait to "grind" them out, the next title will become available for those that actually finished most parts of the game.

    This is what you can use for GWAMM:

    The mission, exploration and skill hunter titles have some hard missions to complete, and some hard zones to vanquish, but even those are absolutely nothing compared to Raid CMs or Fractal CMs in GW2. Cartographer is just a massive grind

    affiliation ranks are all a massive grind, activity titles are all a massive grind, PVP titles are mostly a massive grind, to the point that they aren't worth it anywayThere are 43 titles, excluding the PVP titles it's 38, you can get GWAMM by completing the grindfests, no skill required.

    What was so "monumental" exactly? Survivor and Legendary Defender of Ascalon on their release? You didn't even need those to get GWAMM.I can understand how those that got it want to make it look something other than a massive grind, but GWAMM is just that, a massive brainless grind.

    You could say the same about all the titles in GW2 as well. Kill 1000 of this, kill 1000 of that, big whoop! Even raids and fractals can be bought for gold so what is your real point other then to diminish the achievements of others? Nearly all titles in both games can be cheesed or purchased with enough gold, so no one is any better then anyone else.

  4. I hate jumping puzzles, I mean really hate them because I have so much difficulty with them but I had no problem with this at all. Some of the puzzles were the "easy" ones and for the ones I could not do, there are always kind mesmers to help. Even the broken wall (which I was about to give up on) a mesmer can help you with.

  5. @Yargesh.4965 said:Since the ToS specifically prohibits sharing an account I can't see this happening.

    This has nothing to do with sharing an account. The op is asking to have a separate login for the forums and the game as this is a high security risk if you have others sharing your PC, which Anet has no right to dictate to anyone. This has been brought up before and ignored.

  6. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Warlord.9082 said:Harder than anything GW2 offers.

    Not really as it doesn’t require much of any skill to get.

    LOL, yeah right! Many of the achievements required took far more skill then anything in GW2.

    Not really. GW1 titles were pretty much locked behind grind and/or gold.

    LOL, what ever you say, keep thinking that if you want but those of us who played since beta know better.

  7. @Masuta.1269 said:

    @aspirine.6852 said:Yes it is a lot, but for a 100 man guild it's only 1000 taffies. That is not a lot, you can get that so fast.

    Have you 100men in your guild? xD We are 20men :#

    Well sorry to say, the guild system was not designed for micro guilds like yours (or mine). This has been a complaint since day one so very much doubt there will be any changes to that coming any time soon. In fact, with the addition of guild halls, it became even more micro guild unfriendly.

  8. @Orion Templar.4589 said:

    @Alin.2468 said:I request from ArenaNet a consumable item in game, that will kill a player randomly. Basically is an item, that when used, some random online character, somewhere, dies instantly. It will be fun because of statistics: how many buttons were used, how many players used this consumable and how many times.

    This can be extended by giving a message towards the random player being killed, as to why the player pressed it.

    The idea is not mine, it is from a sci-fi movie called The Box.

    My primary reaction to the idea is that I'm not a fan. I can only see this being doable if the random kill can only happen to players who have also consumed the item. Kind of like a combat tonic where you can only fight people who are participating, this kill effect should only impact participants.

    That is actually kind of how it worked in the film. You where given a box and told if you pushed the button a random unknown person would die and you would receive a ton of money. The catch was if you did press the button the box was then given to another random person who was told the same thing, but if they pressed the button you would be the one to die.

    I do not really see how something like this could be used in game, just sounds like a really bad idea.

  9. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:While this collection was not "fun"

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them

    Even the supporters (that already have the mount) are summing up what is wrong with this collection.
    Slow Clap

    Those aren't things that are wrong, it's just things they don't like.

    No, they are actually things Josiah.2967 chose to pick and choose out of my post and quote out of context.

  10. @Josiah.2967 said:

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:While this collection was not "fun"

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already

    @ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them

    Even the supporters (that already have the mount) are summing up what is wrong with this collection.
    Slow Clap

    Ha, ha, Nice try using my quotes out of context.Yeah, I already have mine. Took 1 week, 1 to 2 hours a day (when I could play at all). OMG it was so hard! Play the game and get the mount or don't play and don't get it. Your choice.If players spent as much time gathering the map currencies as they did complaining, they would have it unlocked already. I really have to wonder, if it is really that hard to get why are the sky's filled with them already?

  11. To be honest, at first I felt sorry for those who where having trouble with this, but the more I read the complaints, the less I feel for them. This is no different then ascended armor. People ranted and raved about the timegate, being forced to craft the crystals, damask, etc. It went on and on for weeks until everyone saw it was really not that hard to do at all. While this collection was not "fun", it was not that hard at all. Feeding? no big deal at all. Craft or buy food, still available to everyone. Saddle? map currencies are not that hard to farm. Most of the older players should have had stacks saved up already and if you have just started playing, what makes you think you should get for free what others have saved for months for? Jumping puzzles? Yeah I hate them with a passion but you do not have to do a single one if you do not want to, that was a great surprise. There ARE some players with legitimate issues but Anet is working on that. This mount is/will be accessible to everyone. Everyone can get it if they want to put in the effort, but it is not free. You have to work for it. Those players who have it already worked for it. Those players who will get it will work for it. Those players who just complain about it will not. It's that simple.

  12. I live on the East Coast of the United States. The guild I play with is located out of Australia, meaning the founders and core population all came from that region. I have been playing with them for years and they do not seem to be having any issues playing all sections of the game, PVE, PVP, WvW, Raids, Fractals, etc. You really can't tell how your experiance is going to be compared to what your mates or anyone else is going to be able to tell you. I would suggest you just reinstall the game if you do not have it and jump in and give it a try. Only you can really judge if the lag is acceptable to you.

  13. @"Edge.8724" said:How about a horse skin for the Raptor mount?

    Raptor is a 2 legged mount, a horse is 4. Think of it as a wire frame made like a stick man. The basic frame, head, body 2/4 legs, wings, whatever needs to be compatible. If you look at all other mounts the basic shape remains the same from skin to skin. Even the humming bird and skimmer are still basically the same shape. To add a true horse shape, they would most likely have to start from scratch with a completely new mount as trying to make a skin for any of the existing ones (actually only the jackal would "fit") would be more work then starting from scratch. Then you would have to decide, what it's gimmick? We have a flyer, climber, vertical leaper, horizontal leaper, floater, teleporter and racer/battering ram. Since horses are a real animal with no special abilities would you add a special ability and make it in to something else? Would a winged horse that could fly still be a horse? Would a horse that could walk up walls or swim under water still be a horse? A horse mount would be great, but they really do not fit in to the current GW2 world and/or mount system.

  14. I finished getting the mount a few days ago. The actual time gating was not a problem, annoying but I did understand their reasoning for it. The map currencies where also not an issue for me as I have been hoarding them for a very long time so it only took a few hours to top off what I needed. My only real criticism was the collections where boring! I get where they where trying to go with it, and collections like this in the past have been fun as I actually enjoy the scavenger hunt aspect. This one was just too long and did not feel like it was clearly thought out. I enjoyed doing the griffin. And there was the black moa chick in GW1 that was also well done but this one felt like it had no clear direction and they just kept adding more and more collections to it because they did not know what else to do.

  15. @Sonia.7910 said:Hello, and sorry for bringing this up again, but since this is older than one year, I wonder if any of the people who offered to help in this post are still active and willing to help? My husband and me are trying to get the diving master achievement and the last part of this puzzle is terrible, specially for me (I am really, really clumsy at jps).

    There are usually mesmers porting the JP several times a day. If you do not see anyone advertising, either post in map chat or looking for group, there are still many players helping with this puzzle.

  16. @Etria.3642 said:

    Also. Those who began at launch are PAID core game owners. What of those who have, once free to play began, started and left. To me, emphasis on me, those are who names might someday be removed from.Why make this distinction?

    Because I can easily hop on and create 100 accounts for free if I wanted. I use nothing but my own time and I give nothing to anet. A paid account has actually purchased something; a promise by anet not to take names is included in that purchase.

    That said I forgot to mention something else. Of the two friends who absolutely no longer play--I have not given up on changing their minds. Of how many abandoned accounts, have friends who feel likewise?

    Just like a few of my friends are trying to get me to return to swtor.

    I have 2 friends in my guild who stopped playing very shortly after launch. After telling them what I was upto in game and showing some screen shots, both came back last month. If their names where stolen, (And yes, I am purposely using that word as no other word fits) they would not have come back.

  17. I run several game servers of my own, some of them have been up for more then a decade. Since users could create their user names on their own and there was no central server to manage them, the system was very simple. First player to log on to a server got the name. Next player got the "name Imposter".So player 1 would be ShiningSquirrelPlayer 2 would be ShiningSquirrel ImposterPlayers did complain and say they had the name first, blah, blah, blah, but since it was not something we would or even could change that was just the way it was. First come, first served. It's the same here and rightly so. A name belongs to the first player to use it. This was the promise. This is what we paid for. This is GW2, it's not WoW or any other MMO so saying "the other game do it" holds no water. This is NOT those other games so you can't expect it to be the same. It boggles the mind sometimes, if you want every game to be the same with the same features, content and structure then WHY should there even be different games?

  18. @Lunia.2736 said:

    Firstly, who are you to judge why a certain name is not available to you?

    What...? Why would it be me judging? It'd be an automated system determining completely dormant accounts based on not having logged in for over 7 years etc.

    I wouldn't be touching anyone's account. It would merely be Anet recycling completely dead names from 2012/2013 that are on inactive accounts.

    @Ashen.2907 said:"someone else has something that I want. Please take it away from them and give it to me."

    This comment is way underrated.

    It's underrated because it's missing the point entirely.

    Not missing the point at all. Person A has something that person B wants and so person B is asking that the something be taken away so that he can have it. Period.

    Imagine you got a new office job.

    You work there for 6 years in your
    mediocre office space
    (metaphor: "bad" name in gw2)
    and wonder why you could never get the
    amazing office space
    (metaphor: "good" name in gw2)
    next to you which has been empty for 7 years.

    So you go to your boss and ask your boss if you could move into that office, since you've been actively with the company for 6 years now. The boss tells you that office belongs to Bob. You ask: "Huh, who's Bob?" Oh, he was a
    new employee
    (metaphor: low level, low value account)
    who quit his job on his first day 7 years ago, we keep his office space reserved for him on the off-chance he gets back.

    Would it be too much to ask for Bob's office space to be reassigned to you after 7 years and Bob having to be the one who gets the
    mediocre office space
    if he does somehow happen to come back on year 8? I personally don't think so.

    name has been put in quotations since that's very subjective.But think of wanting to name your character "Ash" or "Ashen" instead of "Ashén The Burnt" as an example.

    People posting here need to realize they won't lose their name if this is implemented properly! If so it would only affect the dormant accounts from around launch that carry little to no actual worth. It's not like their character will get deleted either, they will simply have to choose a new name.

    Now I hear the argument that if they came back to the game they'd be put off the game because they'd have to choose a new name, but you also need to think about the amount of people who are put off the game because they can't get any of the names they are interested in to begin with.

    If the "Bob" had an employment contract (game purchase) that stated that office (name) was his if/whenever he returned, then yes it would be reasonable for the company to hold it for him and you would not be entitled to take it from him just because you wanted it.

    There is no such thing as a "dormant" account or an unused account in GW or GW2. Once you create an account in GW it is yours for whenever you want to use it, even if that is never.That is the way it is and always has been, it's not going to change. Use a little imagination and think up your own name instead of trying to steal someone else's.

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