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Posts posted by Skotlex.7580

  1. @Madara.7435 said:hey guys maybe you can help mePlaying on linux with the custom wine provided here works very well for me so far.my problem is as follows: I want to buy gems through the gemstore. so i select 800 gems for 10€ and set the payment method paysafecard (which i used to do in the past when i was playing on windows). for the transaction you get redirected to a paysafecard website, where you enter your code. for that usually your standard browser starts up, which in my case is not happening. obviously because im not on real windows... is there any way to fix this/make this work?I'm relatively new to the linux world, so I have to ask instead of fixing it myself

    It's probably trying to open a browser from within wine, meaning it tries to open a browser made for windows, running under wine. Chances are you don't have a browser installed within your wine install. Can't gems be bought directly from ANet's website? That way you can avoid having to install a browser in wine.

    It's what I think is happening.

  2. I totally expected this thread to state the opposite: level scaling is a joke because 80/fully decked characters just faceroll through lower level content. Dungeons, when it's daily time (only time I do them, with a "all welcome" lfg post), are awfully easy, when they used to pose a challenge.

    At lower level maps, stuff dies so fast that it's really apparent the scaling down is not aggressive enough.

    I am somewhat relieved to hear there's at least one experience out there where a lower level character doesn't feel that outclassed by the level 80 party.

    If you want the other side of the coin, why not try upscaled content and see how you deck up against the rest (go with your level 60 to tier 1 fractals and see how you do when upscaled in max level content).

    Perhaps scaling needs some further tuning, but in my experience that means more aggressive downscaling, the opposite of what op states.

  3. Building without cleanses isn't that different than going full glass without defenses. I like that there's a tradeoff, and I like more that in later content condition cleansing is more useful.

    Enemies (specially bosses) could use some more boon generation to make boon removal more desirable as well (though I'd leave that for group events as the majority of classes don't have ready access to boon removal unless you are a spellbreaker or a necromancer).

  4. What I do is sell on TP a stack of whatever material hits the limit. Even if you do craft, buying back from the TP is usually better than dealing with the hassle of extra materials. Though I have increased my storage capacity so that even if I sell a stack, I still have another one in reserve if needed.

    Items that cannot the sold... well, if they are mostly junk you don't need, then blast them away.

    Increasing your storage capacity is somewhat worthwhile even if you don't need the materials, if for the only reason that they allow you to play for longer periods of time before they fill up and need to be dealt with. one could alternatively place said items in shared slots so they don't go into material storage and can be disposed easier.

  5. Go to hylek grounds WP in verdant brink and dive off into the flax farm below while in a griffon.

    Hold the dive button (not the dismount skill). While holding this button, when the stamina bar is full press the jump button (space bar).

    That's your super dive. There aren't many places you can use it, but when you can you'll be traversing really fast the map. The two places where I use the dive every day is the previously mentioned flax farm and the one in draconic Mons.

    In general you don't need to use the super dive to travel fast. If there isn't enough of a cliff, just dive what you can and then let it level off. the super dive just helps reach maximum speed faster. Diving increases horizontal travelling speed, whereas raising altitude causes you to lose it.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Hmm. Loading characters shouldn't be an issue as that happens in the background. If the low fps goes away after a while within a battle, it's possible your graphics driver is still compiling the shaders of other players, once those are cached the next time it goes much faster. Granted, if you keep bumping into tons of new particle-infested characters (that is, pretty much any open world large event), then this will keep happening.

    My best guess to attempt and get high resolution textures for other characters working is to reduce the number of other players visible to the minimum (you don't really need to see if you have 10 or 100 players around you).

  7. @Xelara.9132 said:1 - Group Leader alone decides who can join or be kicked.2 - People need to apply to the group leader to join. He can either accept or decline. (That is for the lfg menu)3 - After leaving a group the Group Chat of when the person was still in group should still be visible.4 - Add a looking-for-group chat in general maps.

    1. I don't think there's a correct solution if we account for sour/toxic people that want to ruin the enjoyment of others. What you suggest works FOR YOU because you aren't that kind of person. In the end, it seems ANet chose the least problematic of approaches: the democratic one.

    2. This already happens in (non open) squads, so for that type of content it's already covered. ANet hasn't given this much more attention to party making. Perhaps they just hope people read the lfg requirements and respect them? This has worked for me so far.

    3. I don't think anyone will disagree here. I suspect it's a limitation of the way ANet has coded chatting channels and parties. Perhaps they can't keep the party's log without new messages of the party still showing up? There's some really sloppy coding at parts which they can't seem to fix, after all. :/

    4. Isn't there a lfg section already for central Tyria? Or what do you have in mind? Personally, for the most part I don't need a party while in the open, but often I run into events where I need help, for those I just set an apple and ask for help in map chat, more often than not I get more than enough help.

    In the end, even though it's always possible to improve the game's finer design details, the current party system has worked quite well for a good chunk of the populace, to the point where there aren't many posts like OP's. The OP doesn't like that the current system is more egalitarian rather than managed by an actual leader, but as others have mentioned, there are historical reasons it is so.

  8. Skyscale is really a sort of "all terrain" mount. It's surprisingly useful for a lot of situations with complex terrain. However, I don't think it's my most used mount.

    If I try to get to a far place, I pretty much always start with the beetle and try to get there with the initial burst (as well as the stamina charge skill).

    If I have a cliff in front of me, and I know my destination is likely below my starting point, I'll hop on the griffon and soar the skies to my goal.

    If I need to cover a small distance quickly, I hop in raptor and triple dash (it's what can be done before fully running out of stamina).

    If I am in an event, I'll either use raptor for the pull, or jackal or for the barrier.

    If there's a body of water that I can't cross on my beetle (at high speeds, there's a good chunk of water you can bypass by using the jump bottom at the right time to bounce off the surface), I'll change to skimmer.

    If there's a wall to climb, and I can easily see the path upwards, I'll use the springer, it's actually a lot faster to climb than the skyscale (as long as the terrain is easy to grasp, so you don't end up sliding off a tall wall on the springer.... grr).

    If one knows the terrain, changing mounts will, almost certainly, do a better job than sticking to the skyscale. However, in case of doubt I always use it, because there's nothing worse than being stuck in combat because you got hit by some pebble just as you were in the middle of swapping mounts...

    The way I see it, my skyscale sees less use the more experienced I get with the area's layout (with the only possible exception of dragon's fall as that map was designed with it in mind, but even there I find myself using more the springer for events and the griffon for the meta).

  9. I have nine characters, each with two crafts at max level, so I can, with certainty, tell you that discoveries are supposed to be per character, as that's the main way to level crafting until way past level 400.

    Only recipes unlocked via a item get accountwide unlocks.

    Can you be sure that your alt character which is just levelling up already has every recipe from higher level than they can craft (if what you stated is true, then at lower levels you should be able to see all recipes, even those for which you don't have enough level to craft)? Normally only those acquired from items would show in the list, other than previously discovered recipes.

  10. Considering that the market is changing and that now pretty much every mmo is for mobile platforms, it's pretty likely GW2 will be the last mmo I stay around to play.

    I've tried many others mmos in the past, but none had the qualities that I really enjoy from GW2. It's design choices such as level scaling (which gives a high degree of freedom for levelling, unlike most other games which fix a growth path for you), or open world adhoc collaboration events (which is a refreshing change from just queuing dungeons over and over, which used to be the default in many others) are pretty difficult to find elsewhere. The income model is also spot on, as I feel like paying a subscription isn't worth it if I am not going to be spending hours online everyday to make the most of it.

    And then there are the small QOL things that few rivals have; eg: the wardrobe system, worldwide access to the trading post, as well as deposit of all materials into storage. Personally, one of the better features which isn't as mentioned is the custom soundtrack: the ability to set playlists for different contexts. The game's soundtrack is pretty good, but playing with classics from my past games really adds to my experience.

    There are still a few things I wish I could modify to make this a truly marvelous game, but I suppose we all have those, and ANet isn't a large enough company to polish every nook and cranny.... but who knows? It only took them like five years to give necromancers an underwater minion elite, so I suppose someday we'll also get the small things such as disabling target highlighting on mouse hover (sort of ruins my immersion when playing in action camera mode), or disabling nameplates from minions/party/squad members (ditto), or even just hide the mouse cursor while viewing vistas (ditto).

    Though, ironically enough, we are more likely to get huge game changes than these small improvements. D:

  11. A word of warning: if you like competitive modes, know that there has historically been a lot of rage against mesmers, for the longest time they were accused of favoritism from ANet, and they were really good for competitive modes. The phantasm rework made all this worse, and since then, over the months, mesmer has received nerf after nerf, to the point people state it's outright unusable in PvP, and hardly works in WvW because one abuses stamina restoring food/sigils.

    So, if you like competive modes, be aware that mesmer is currently in the worst state it's been since inception. It may get better, at some point with future balance patches, but for now know it'll be difficult to play.

  12. Serpent's ire. The meta that still gets complained about even after such a massive rework and nerf of mechanics.

    The issue, as was probably alluded to before, is that there's no reason for experienced players to do it (other content is much faster and gives equal/superior rewards), so, not only that it's somewhat hard to get players, the ones one gets may not be as experienced. Remember that a significant number of ow metas are "carried" by a core of veterans, and many of members of the zerg are comfortably thinking they are contributing with their builds. And it may be these "lazy" players who end up being the bulk of these failed attempts.

    My experience with this meta is to casually attempt it when it's "daily vabbi events" time, as those are the days when there's no lack of players to do the content. Well, it still fails because few players seem interested in navigating the brandstorm looking for zealots, instead of doing events elsewhere (even without other tags).

    What I'd change? Foremost, this meta is so slow and unrewarding it needs a rare infusion drop to make veterans interested in running it. Secondly, I'd make it a bit easier to spot the zealots. Something like "every 5 minutes, ping the location of at least one of them". Many of my failed attempts didn't even get past the first phase, and the rest failed on the second. :/

  13. @Astralporing.1957 said:Problem is, on one hand the game promotes the idea of many different stat sets, and using the gear you feel most comfortable in. On the other hand, it introduces content where 90% of those gear sets are pretty much worthless.

    If we consider that there exists people with low enough experience that they need tank gear to survive, then it isn't wrong to have said gear stats available. Granted, low skill players are unlikely to survive if they don't have these sets available. At the same time, if they are aware of their skills, they are unlikely to step into higher level fractals, raids, or even strikes.

    The game has different tiers of difficulty exactly because it tries to hold on to as many kinds of players as possible. Ideally, if said tiers had a progressive learning curve to them, then players would have a learning path until reaching their own peak performance where they are comfortable at.

    Finally, I don't think there's an inherently useless stat combination, since even the tankiest sets could be used to build a group support character. A useless build would be one that is built around survival entirely while not contributing to others in any way (be it healing, barriers, boons, damage reduction or cleanses), but that's because it is a build that offers nothing to the group effort, not even the basics of DPS.

    I'd say that pretty much every set can find some use (even if niche), but once requirements come into play, the usable selection narrows itself to those which meet them.

  14. I hear that if you give your virtual driver full control over the graphics card, virtual emulators will manage to give you 99%+ of Windows's performance.

    however, as far as I know, this means 1. You need a second card in your setup, and 2. You cannot change the setting without a reboot. So you'd be reserving the strong video card for your virtual environment and nothing else (if one is going to reboot to toggle said use of the card, then may as well just install windows in a separate partition).

    As for how safe it is... I play GW2 in Linux + wine since years ago and I've been fine so far. I have no idea if others have had issues using virtualization instead (since nowadays, a well patched wine gives GW2 performance comparable to native, I wonder if anybody would go the virtualization path instead).

  15. Sometimes there are specific dialogue lines depending on what choices were taken earlier, but that seems to mostly happen within a campaign (e.g., personal story up to zhaitan can reference past choices, but I haven't seen anything in hot/pof reference those past decisions).

    So, it's most likely certain you can play ls4 and not get any reference to key choices in pof main story.

    For the most part, story dialogue just assumes you've done your past sections without referencing the story choice paths, so in that sense it'll just be generic.

  16. @Super Hayes.6890 said:No item that is account bound should be rng only. That is just stupid by design. It is literally possible to kill teq every day the rest of your life and not get this drop.

    This is where the discussion should have ended. Collection rewards and one-time-only drops are fine as account rewards. Everything else that has a rare/rng drop rate should be tradeable.

    Unfortunately ANet does this even with BL chests now. I had just today a guild member raging about the stupid rng behind a skin that is BL chest drop rng + account bound. This is even worse, as it might be deemed a predatory business practice.

    In the case of sunless weapons there isn't even a financial reason to keep it that hard.

  17. @Bridget Morrigan.1752 said:

    • Masteries that require us to run around and pick up stuff dropped on the ground

    I don't actually mind this, as generally those tokens drops are plentiful, and I Max out those stacks without even thinking about it. On the other hand, if I actually need them, I focus less on the fight and just run around picking them up from other players. Also, in strike missions I just hold 1 at the totem to let the new arrivals stack up fast. As it is, it's been quite okay in my opinion.

    • Meta chests (with no keys) that don't open automatically with autoloot on

    I actually prefer this. It's a little perplexing when finishing a meta, a big chest spawns, and it's just already looted (and sometimes it doesn't even display open, like kourna's meta chest). Autoloot is awesome for the rain of drops from general enemies, but I think the big boss's reward from meta events requires a bit more of attention. I may be in a minority with this opinion, though.

    • Unscaled events, mechanics, and achievements that lead to competition with other players, including but not limited to: shooting helicopters and balloons out of the sky in competition with each other and the achievements for using stone cannons, pillage achievements in the new map are competitive

    I agree wholeheartedly here. Though I haven't actually noticed any competition with not scaled events in level 80 areas, they seem to scale mostly fine. It's lower level, core Tyria maps, where I've noticed this can be a huge ordeal.

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