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Posts posted by verskore.4312

  1. @Odik.4587 said:

    @"Leonidrex.5649" said:can you fix pet damage?

    This is important. We have a couple of pets hitting for 9-10k (namely tiger and some birds) on good days. people who just played ranger for the maul meme wont have any difficulty moving over to the pet oriented variant, especially because those can also be unblockable.

    It's worth a look.

    "Birds hitting for 9-10k"

    What is it with the ranger that forces people to just flat out lie?

    Do you people have that much of a personal beef with the class?

    Pets have never been able to hit for this much outside of the very old smokescale and bugged gazelle and nothing has been done to them to make them hit this hard now

    Ranger is simultaneously the most OP class in the game while half the playerbase is running some kind of burn guard these days

    Doesn't make much sense to me
    You arent making sense
    Still did maul on zerk core ranger 9800 on engi, good nerf /s

    you are a complete joke crying about bird hitting you for 3 times for 2k each and then cry about it, this is purely a l2p issue but unfortunately Anet listens to the crying of bad players like you.

  2. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @verskore.4312 said:Maul still too strong? are you kidding me? i rarely hit 11k with maul unless I run full zerker scholar + zerk runes + I pop elite and am mightstacked. You completely wanna destroy soulbeast? The fact that we can't petswap makes us a walking target.

    oh nooo, i rarely hit 11k oh noo. its weak.my full glass cannon mesmer deals 5k dmg with TRAITED gs2 in MELEE on LONGER CD on enemy with 10+ stacks of vulnerability and with 13 stacks of might. all while being glass with scholars.

    oh So because power mesmer is underpowered lets just make another spec completely useless aswell? Narrowminded

  3. @"bluri.2653" said:You seem to be new, so first let me explain something to you about the Anti thieve crusader's on this forum, They have not shut up for 8 years straight, they will never stop complaining until thieves are deleted. they don't want balance, they want a one way slaughter.

    If you know how thieves function they are by far the easiest class to demolish. but why bother learning how to fight something when you can spam "nerf thief" threads and get carried by passive bullshitery.

    Want an example? look at the stealth thread, not one of those muppets realized the problem with stealth is Haste, which is getting cut down next patch anyway. (concentration changes) So rather then target the actually problem they whine until arena net lowers the stealth duration which isn't going to do anything long term.

    a skill that shots faster then it's tell? not a problem it's stealth fault!!!

    thief is maybe the easiest to deal with with good team coordination and a rev and soulbeast so sit on him but otherwise that statement aint true at all though...

  4. @shadowpass.4236 said:All I know is that the gameplay for ranger is getting super simplified.

    Like... w/e if they want to reduce the depth of gameplay and lower the skill ceiling significantly, they're doing a good job at making this class (and others) feel very one-dimensional.

    Removing the ability to pet swap on soulbeast just deletes combo potential, skill rotations, pet management is no longer necessary or important. The same happened by removing the option to Crippling Throw and auto attack evade on GS.

    Not to mention the cooldowns on the pet swap traits should get reduced to match the merge timer. Otherwise, it's going to be clunky on top of boring and slow paced.

    Just to clarify, I'm not mad it's just weird. I hope it turns out well and the game doesn't just become an autoattacking snoozefest with all of the increased cooldowns. Also, I feel bad for people who enjoyed the fast paced gameplay. The pace of fights are going to go down the drain so idk.

    They did the same thing to Druid where they just increased the cooldowns on everything and nerfed damage super hard... Look what happened to it lmao... all you can do is spam 1 until your cooldowns take ages to come back off cooldown. They decided to take the same approach to everything else in the game so ¯\(ツ)

    My post was a troll cus of that stupid post that ele made but ye I agree with what you say, playing soulbeast now becomes extremely 'simple' and the merge timer problem is indeed stupid.

    Still as a ranger main I cant wait for the patch, it'll be interesting to see what'll work and what wont.

  5. Dear Arenanet,

    Plz revert the change to prevent pet swap while in combat, I like using 2 pets in combat and srsly though not being able to use 1 pet in combat is just animal abuse and it's just not fair!Also revert the damage nerf on GS4 cus we have no survivability so also nerfing damage makes soulbeast obsolete.

    P.S. this comes from a main ranger 17k hours played.

  6. @Leonidrex.5649 said:most of the times I have time to react on my 0 toughtness 0 vitality mesmerI dont know in what world you get 1shot by backstab tbh

    oneshotted is a bit of an overstatement but you rlly can't deny that the burst of dp thief is great and especially deadly cus it's pretty much instant from stealth.Now I dont know which elo you play in since I can imagine gold or lower thieves are pretty bad but a good dp thief is just insane, especially against mesmers.

  7. Ok so I promised chat in sind his stream Id make a thread about it so people; prepare urselves.

    Im rlly hating this meta right now and it's pretty much cus of 1 class in particular, somebody can guess which class? no? ok Ill just go ahead and say it; THIEF!

    This core dp oneshot build is just ridiculously OP imo and im sure alot of ppl agree with me. The ability to pretty much perma stealth (thanks to that freakishly broken utility) and do huge burst makes it extremely hard to counter it. When you finally spot the thief they just restealth or if they're revealed they port away or daggerstorm and afterwards restealth (stealth on heal???!!!!).Pistolwhip thief is also extremely annoying and way too strong but is now underrepresented just cus of the fact that dp is even stronger.

    I know Anet wont be doing anything about it now cus of the big balance patch in the near future (I have extremely high hopes about it) but it's just so frustrating that Anet refuses to do some hotnerfs which could make this game's balance state alot more enjoyable.

    Ofc I blame sind for all of this.

    P.S. nerf weaver too

  8. @Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

    @memausz.7264 said:Look, for people whose APMs and mindset can scale into really high level gameplay, good for you, that's fantastic. But at some point, the build allows even less skilled players to consistently outperform all the other classes... an in this case, dagger pistol daredevils in particular using Roll for Initiative can just SPAM Pistol Whip without even thinking about it. Not only does it CC, but it also provides evade frames AND it has such high synergy with stealth and ports AND with a particular choice of traits, cleanses conditions. You can't fight it by dodging, they will out-evade you, they can remove revealed with their elite skill, so that's not much of a counter... I suppose the idea is that they are supposed to be glass, so just break them first? But that is broken down by all the other things it has working for it. Please nerf these trait lines and increase the initiative for Pistol Whip (because it's also a problem on core thief as well). Thank you.

    You need to learn the evade animations. If you can do that then you can put pressure on them, which thieves cant take much of.

    Ok, tell us how to put pressure on a s/p thief oh great gamer

  9. @LazySummer.2568 said:Dunno, I think this class is trying to fly under the radar from the pee vee pee subforums by being the last class not mentioned, and I mean, I still see them played in like every one of my plat games so it must mean they're OP.

    My arguments?


    inb4 l2p / just dodge 4head. Only monkey, biased ranger mains use these non-arguments.

    You mad cus you get oneshotted by a soulbeast?It's actually laughable you even mention dagger and to a certain extend sword since both weapons are actually garbage and hardly ever used.You say godlike mobility but that's only an option if the soulbeast is using owl and since you mentioned plasma it means the owl will be swapped by the pig so bye bye great mobility. Besides plasma isnt a 100% guaranteed drop from the pig and you even have to pick it up so it's quite tedious and hardly used atm.The only stability they get is from their elite which is on quite a big CD and with a necro it's boonripped in no time (same for dolyak stance).Range wise (your 2000 range argument is just silly), just have some awareness and literally stand behind anything and bye bye range burst, sure it's harder on some maps but stupid ez on other maps to get LoS.Stealth spam that rivals thief? good joke, if ranger wouldn't have an escape like that they'd get farmed hard by thieves/revs.Cant even believe you'd QQ about the ranger heal which nobody ever did cus it's completely fine.

    However GS 4 is idd a very strong skill atm and could use some adjustment, maybe a CD increase.Gazelle damage is indeed stupid high and will certainly get nerfed which is very justified.

    So yeah, guess it's just a l2p issue here. gg wp

  10. @Avatar.3568 said:

    @Dhemize.8649 said:Imagine, having to potentially pay for not landing an attack on an enemy like any other class.

    Maybe you did not get it, but he can not walk while he is doing this skill

    If you make a backstep, he will not hit you, but if he has no evade he dies in less than 1 sec

    you just reinvented the 'JuSt DoDgE' meme, instead 'JuSt BaCkStEp'. Don't you see how silly you sound?PW thief is just completely broken cus of a number of things;

    • short evade on pw
      • stun on demand with pw
      • sword 2 which gives spammable teleports (imo biggest issue)
      • short CD swipe (by itself fine cus of low range)
      • daze on demand with s/p 4
      • if everything goes wrong -> just daggerstorm
      • 3 evadesUsing all these skills in quick succession is ofc not possible but given the amount of base initiative the build gives and the amount of initiative you gain by evading or using certain utilities it makes this build very spammable.

    Counting all this together with shadowstep and SB 5 it gives s/p thief absolutely ridiculous mobility to the extend it can easily keep 2 to 3 players busy and getting out alive, crazy cc with all the dazes and stuns and decent damage with pw itself. All of this to the point where it could win pretty much any 1v1 matchup if played well and should things go wrong there are so many options to give you a free ticket out of harms way. Not a single class other than thief has all of this potential!

    Now im not saying it's brainless (probably is in lower tier but not in higher) but played correctly (which sindrener has undoubtedly shown us) it's incredibly strong to the extend is has very little to no counter play. In other words, nerfing certain aspects or a redesign is imo very justified.

  11. pistol whip is not the issue here, landing pw can be rlly clunky. the problem with the build and also with s/d is sword 2, the ability to just teleport and immob and then port back when things get too hot just to do it all over again is just incredibly stupid design. A good thief will be able to kite 2 to even 3 enemies without even dieing this way, just watch sind his stream, the way he kites with sword 2 is just completely broken. imo Anet should redesign sword 2 or just raise the initiative cost. Otherwise thief is fine.

  12. I dont fully agree upon not nerfing for the sake of nerfing, sometimes a certain build or trait or skill is so overpowered or just too easy and strong at the same time it needs a hotnerf (dont have to destroy the certain skill/trait/build but just adjust the numbers a bit) so you can 'tweak' the specific issue in a more 'lasting' way (like condi thief).

    Otherwise things that in my opinion need 'adjustment';

    • Rampage (great mobility, pulsing stab, high damage, high health)
    • mirage (I think just nerfing some skills isnt gonna fix mirage, imo it's just the design that needs to change cus no matter what you nerf, something els will be just as overpowered on mirage)
    • FB (kind of the same story as mirage, the design itself is just stupid strong, a huge amount of strong healing skills, cc, stab etc etc which makes FB so strong so maybe redesign the entire spec? :) )
    • holosmith (way too much boonuptime and stab)

    Things that need buffs;

    • for the love of god BUFF DRUID
    • core engi
    • the useless revenant spec (it's so bad I cant even remember the name)
    • BUFF DRUID (yes ill say it again)
    • core ele

    ye that's pretty much what directly came up into my mind.Keep in mind that this is my own opinion so if you dont agree, well then too bad.

  13. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    oh and the brawly soulbeasts you speak of that dont use sic em, I have yet to encounter one...

    It might just be a NA thing going on. A lot of players are just flat swapping to Core Ranger due to this choice to ditch Sic Em. They just run Skirm/Wild/Beast. It's surprisingly large damage while running something like Paladin, due to the additional feroc off of Skirm/Beast, and quite sustainy vs. power damage. They can brawl well against Holo/Spellbreaker/Herald. Not so hot vs. Condi DrD & Condi Mirage though. Those two counter any brawly Soulbeast/Core Ranger.

    ye those core rangers are I see quite alot nowadays, it's just not viable on soulbeast :)

  14. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @verskore.4312 said:Spellbreaker would be just fine with rampage removed or seriously nerfed but with rampage it's just stupid, kitten of mobility, damage, cc. Like you said with holo, too much of everything.

    Also about soulbeast being the most diverse, what builds exactly do you mean then? you have boonbeast and sic em and that's about it.

    Also, BUFF DRUID

    Boonbeastdom is dead. That build has long ago been nerfed. Other builds now do a Boonbeast's job much better than a Boonbeast, particularly Holosmith, Spellbreaker, and Weavers. Soulbeasts needed to take different routes.

    Berserker Soulbeast that runs Sic Em with Rune of Speed has a place, but you need to run Skirm/Beastmaster for it to maintain the ability to pack enough of a punch for it to be comparable to pre-Sic Em nerfs, which means it has no defenses outside of a strong offense. Then the Rune of Speed will allow the Soulbeast to stay relatively disengaged to do its job. The only things that can chase it are Herald which hard counters it, Other Rangers which is a balanced match up, and Thieves who need to be careful chasing it because it can 1 or 2HKO any Thief build. The build works. The only two problems with it is that it can't hold a node well and the CDs to get the burst back are a tad long, which means if a burst fails, it cannot stay in the fray of combat during a team fight in the way that other builds with shorter CDs can. If you run this build, you need to be really good at making sure the burst works when coming in hot, otherwise you waste a lot of time in the match. This build can carry hard or be useless, depending on how good the Soulbeast is at making sure the burst lands.

    Brawly Soulbeast builds that do not run Sic Em at all have become popular, as well as Core Ranger variants of this. This is where the true flexibility is within Ranger/Soulbeast. You can run tons of variations of Ranger/Soulbeast utilizing Marauder, Demolisher, Paladin, Seeker, with various Runes & Trait setups that actually work. Other classes don't even come close to this type of flexibility. Even when we're talking something like a Holosmith, even trying to swap to Berserker from Demolisher, is enough to offset the sweet spot and make the build too vulnerable. Do not confuse these as Boonbeasts because these newer builds are running LB/GS, which is not at all what the old Boonbeast ran. These new builds are more damage oriented while optimizing what defenses they can, for the sake of being able to brawl, rather than hit & run like the Berserker variants, or win 1v1s on side nodes like a Boonbeast through out sustaining. These newer Soulbeast or Core Ranger builds are team fighters for the most part, though they can be effective in 1v1 if the player is good. They do however lack disengage for surviving 1v2s in the way that old Boonbeast builds could.

    I run divinity rune and demolisher still with smokescale and owl. I still use beastmastery and wilderness survival and I am doing just fine on my sic em ranger. I can do superhigh burst and have the mobility to get away from pretty much anything except maybe a decent thief. Sure, it's not as strong as it was pre-nerf but it's still very decent. Last season i got to mid p2 (EU) purely with this build and 90% soloQ. It just requires more skill now since you cant just pew pew your full burst cus of unblockables.

    oh and the brawly soulbeasts you speak of that dont use sic em, I have yet to encounter one...

    What you said about boonbeast being dead, i agree. and im glad it is cus its so kitten boring to play

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