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Tag Nahoor.6251

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  1. The "Nearby Event" notice is not helpful. I have searched for years now and found nothing that I can associate with this notice. Please either delete the notice or provide some hint of where this event might be. As it is, I just ignore it.
  2. I'm not sure why the delay to mount is so long. Many times there are no enemy toons nearby, I have no conditions, I'm not targeted. My health is full. Nothing. And I can't mount. It's very frustrating. I'm not sure why it's prohibited in the first place, but if I were able to mount in battle while wounded, etc., it would be awesome.
  3. It's an odd complaint to point out about fantasy animals, but having ridden animals in the real world there is a glaring difference. A real world mount will not go headfirst into a tree or other obstacle and will go around or over it instead. The mounts are fun, but altering their behavior to go around (or ignore) small obstacles would make them much more realistic and a little less frustrating.
  4. I've played GW since the beginning, and I've just dealt with it and never reported this. but using "a" and "d" on any keyboard on multiple system and multiple downloads of GW (including Macs back when) frequently turns the character in the wrong direction. To be clear, when turning right, you press "d" on the keyboard, and your toon goes left sometimes. Equally, when turning left and pressing "a" on the keyboard, and your toon goes right sometimes. I have intentional tremors, and so I have to play quite deliberately, and in real life, I am nowhere near as challenged as my toons are by this handicap. Is this the way the game was designed? If so, it is frustrating to have a disability programmed into my toons.
  5. I just tested this: I had 718 omnomberries in storage. I farmed 33. I deposited the 33 in storage, which resulted in 0 omnomberries total. I'm reviewing the math now...
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