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Sanity Obscure.6054

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Posts posted by Sanity Obscure.6054

  1. @ollbirtan.2915 said:

    @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:Give them a 300 second cool down like those passive traits. Lol.

    Guard and ele signet and glyph are on a 90 seconds cooldown. Necro's signet is on 75 seconds, but with HP loss trade-off. Putting these skills on 300 seconds cooldown will render them useless and no one will pick them in pvp. There is abundance of CC and if you can't interrupt a 1.5- 2 seconds cast skill, the problem is not the skill, but probably you.


  2. There are plenty of uses for them though. I now find it hilarious that people were complaining about their accumulation being too difficult at the last release.

    You can convert them straight to S4 currencies, then eat them for magic, and then buy trophy shipments for lots of gold.

    You can also get ascended amulets and accessories.

    Obsidian shards are far more worthless - only having value if you want to craft legendaries.

  3. It's been nearly two months and I still haven't received the title for participating... I sent a bug report in-game too just after the tourney.

    I played on Feburary 14th, Valentine's Day with my good friend Rislyn.2065 for hours and hours... I distinctly remember the downtime crash as well.

    Wanted to try posting here to see if I could get any luck, and to see if others had the same issue and still hadn't received theirs.

  4. @Tayga.3192 said:It's literally mesmer's theme. It does not makes the game less fun, it makes the game fun on a meta level.

    Yeah, but those were specific casts with one time hits. I do remember some skills that drained health at a set tempo, which even then was better to acknowledge and counterplay with a set number (-5 or -9, for example), than the sudden tick of tens of stacks of torment. I enjoyed GW1 Mesmer skills because they had a variety of implements - knockdowns and interrupts for when a type of skill was cast, health drains, energy drains (for casting skills, not GW2's energy system ofc). That is far more rewarding than just condi bursting.

  5. @"mortrialus.3062" said:People have some freaking goofy beliefs about the game if you think Torment is doing 658,240,000 damage while moving.

    Sorry, I used exponential as a figure of speech. I should have prephrased it with a "like" so it was more obvious.

    @Faux Play.6104 said:But confusion stacks are totally fine?

    points to nose

    At least with confusion you can still move and dodge without the immob implication caused by torment.

  6. @PLS.4095 said:delete torment to the game, just cancer.

    Pretty much. No build should be allowed to use torment as an overwhelming source of damage like this: Having a condition that exponentially damages you unless you stand still to be an easy punching bag target? What the heck? It's like a free immob and damage dealer in one. Incredibly OP in the post-power Nerf.

    It makes sense in small amounts as an interesting mechanic, but the builds that use it dump it in spades, easily 10-20 stacks in a sheer second. We're talking like 4-6k ticks. Even as a Scrapper with many Condi cleanses it's hard keep up with. It should sparingly be available, like fear and taunt.

  7. I think the new legendary trinket balls could be reduced slightly in size since they hover over the character and obscure the area around them. But watch the trinkets be forgotten and largely unpursued if it can't be flaunted when an option is made to entirely disable them. Same goes for infusions and legendary weapons, which will tumble in value if an option is ever made to disable their effects. I argue that the problem isn't most of the trinkets and infusions themselves, it's that some people go so far as to equip tens of them at a time. And those are rare and extreme examples.

    I think the bigger issue instead is overwhelmingly caused by the nuclear chain-reaction of attack animations. While I like to enjoy the highest quality of graphics, the sheer number of people spamming simple attacks will reac havoc on just about anyone's PC setup regardless of animation setting.

    Regarding those that turn their character into a walking bug zapper, a better solution would be placing a maximum on the amount of infusions that can be displayed on a character at a time (I would say 3 to 5) on top of the legendary trinkets. After all, at the moment, you can stack the same infusion so many times that it obscures your character entirely.

  8. Kind of going to answer questions 1 and 3 in one. My favorite level is the first one, for it's succinct length that encapsulates throwbacks to retro gaming. I think it would be great to incorporate new ideas to levels for the next worlds that harken back to specific games, perhaps making a fast paced speed based level like a certain unnamed blue blur, a level based around an ammoed weapon that is used to kill a new set of enemies, or a racing level against NPC's even.

    I don't know of any items I've wanted on the vendor, but I think it would be good to introduce a sort of sink for the "real world" currencies to be used to enhance gameplay in the SAB. Namely things that tend to annoyingly accumulate without real sinks for them - such as Eitrite Ingots, Grothmar Peppers, Globs of Dark Matter, Ascended Shards of Glory, Spirit Shards, and especially, especially Obsidian Shards.

    It would be very nice to have a meta achievement on release of W3 and W4 for a mount skin, or selection of a mount skin from a set of the available mounts. That gives incentive for players to want to work for a new mount skin each future release of SAB, collecting the whole set. Maybe allow a one time reward track as well for WvW and PvP to help collect two additional mounts, but then the rest of the set has to be gathered in future SAB festivals. The recent WvW mount skin was an amazing example also.

  9. @Fantasylife.7981 said:I say decrease the shroud on all specifilization and core a big nerf to it actually. also nerf condition dmg on like all classes. condition dmg is just overshadowing power. to do decent dmg with power you have to go glass cannon. do to high dmg with condition you can build tank so thats crazy.

    I agree about condi being very powerful now and overshadowing power damage, namely by the nerf to healing, which negate's power's viability by being forced to bring ample condi clears. However the comment about Necros is very unspecific, dangerous thinking. Shroud max capacity does not need a nerf itself in any way, and Reaper is absolutely fine where it is as an elite spec, but rather the rapid regeneration of it on specifically core necro traits could be looked into again. Thankfully it isn't as bad as before.

    I would rather argue that Lich form's 1 spam is insanely overpowered and needs about 10% shaved off at the moment. Two necros in Lich Form can DPS through a character's heals, down them, and finish them in downstate in a matter of seconds, even through an attempted rez.

  10. Seeing it on both sides, however oddly it is consistently on my team one day, and consistently on the enemy's team the next.

    As of typing this post, 8 of my 15 ranked games played have had one or more D/C's (on the same team).

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