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  1. There is no agenda here. You belittle people on the forum that say they cant manage it. If a game is designed that the only way the "casual"player can get the rewards is having the elite players help it will fail. The question for ANET is who buys more gems? The elite players that can get all the cool stuff? Or Us crappy casuals that buy gems so we can get cool stuff?"I love this game, I have stuff to do that will keep me entertained without the turtle and that is what I am going to do. I will not be buying anymore expansions. I will not be buying anymore gems for skins for content I cant get. Will I join a turtle strike mission so someone else can carry me through it? Absolutely not. That is too embarrassing for words. there is a algorithm for how many people complain vs how many people who dont and just leave. I really hope anet figures it out.
  2. Like when they came out with mounts and all the people before mounts had to map without it? We didn't as a group come online and cry "not fair ". I fondly remember a few friends I had from Guild Wars would watch me ineptly work my way thru jumping puzzles in GW2. This game has many different aspects to it. WVW, PVP, Raids, Fractals. Anet has decided that the only important thing about the game is getting more people to learn raids. Too stressful for me. Every time they came out with a expansion I would buy it as soon as possible, and then treat myself to 8000. gems for the new skins. Since it keeps being said "its easy"I will be the only person they lose income from and it wont effect the bottom dollar. What pays for expansions is people buying them. I guess we will see where the game is 6 months from now.
  3. I was soo excited when they came out with this. The maps, the graphics. Taxi! Love it! Everything you have said applies to me on strike missions. I cant sit for 2 hours at a time, I cannot get on discord as it will disturb the rest of the house. I tried fractals back in the day. I worked my way up, crafted infusions, got the right armor and accessories. Joined a group and had never seen that map. Played a bit, died a bit, was at the very end boss and was kicked from the group. The reason, "I was not very good and needed to practice more before I joined the higher groups" I haven't done a higher level fractal since. I have played this game for 17,000 hours since Beta and now I wont be playing past this expansion. I see no value in spending more for game content that I cant do and the thought stresses me out too much to even imagine trying.
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