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Posts posted by Khalisto.5780

  1. 6 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

    War staff was busted but so was hammer vindi. It was on par with war staff and could 1v1 pretty adequately with it. Now it's unchallenged and totally op.

    Please nerf. Vindi in general is terrible and unfun af to fight against. Always has been.

    They literelly waiting builds to win mat to nerf them. War was also clearly broken, but no, they had to wait for the mat win.

    • Like 4
    • Confused 5
  2. 53 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

    "Can beat"  VS "How likely the average cata will beat the average staff warrior" are two very different things. Exactly the same when hammer cata was meta, sure.. if you were P1+ at it, otherwise a burden to your team.

    Sure, those 2 builds 1v1 when both are 1450- warrior is prolly winning 10/10

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    psssst!   you cant say that here!

    i had the same idea, on how to deal with warrior....  but if you even remotely put   "buffing" and "thief" into the same sentence, without connecting them with "should never happen" your gonna harvest salt.

    Ppl are saying LR cata can beat staff war, i'm not even sure if it's LR, maybe a regular power cata build with the new buffed arcane skill (2 charges 9k crits) sword dagger.

  4. On 4/2/2024 at 5:42 PM, shion.2084 said:

    I made plat 1 at the end of the season ... only 130 games though.  But right till the end I had the hardest fricken time getting out of gold.   Not really AFKers, just silly matches where I was in gold and going up against plat duo's... without plats on my team.  Couldn't work it out.   Had a rough time of match making this season... at one point I had  someone say nah and duo Q with me to see... they decided that with my luck they were not going to duo q again 🙂

    yes, my acc has nearly 10k matches, once i get past like 1420 i start getting matches against many duos, to the point if I don't q dodge then actively I'll be matched against then 60% of the time. Considering last week, they'll also q dodge each other more actively, so if you not getting one you getting another duo, with you always being clearly the best player on your team. Matches will pretty much be you, g2, g2, g1, g1 vs plat duo g1, g1, s3.

    Duo you kill your g1s just by looking at them, so game over. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

    Its just you. I had 3 different players afk on my team for a good handful of my games on the last 2 days of the season.

    humm, well, if you anywhere near plat this might happen in the last days of the season, there're always the tryhards trying their last push to get the titles they don't have 

  6. Obsidian armor removed most afkers from ranked?

    It's been a while since a last saw the L dragonhunter

    I have been playing more enjoyable matches, a faceroll here and there and i have all the chat warriors blocked, then i don't get caught in their toxicity

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 3/27/2024 at 8:14 AM, maxwelgm.4315 said:

    Anet seems to have put themselves into a corner or at least they must perceive it that way, as also in NA we have players who were previously banned years ago and supposedly in permanent dishonor hoarding top leaderboard positions with both their main and alt accounts. The usual suspect random letters named accounts also frequently found in duos with top players. Maybe they think it's not worth policing so few people and banning what few we have left would empty the mode altogether, or maybe they simply don't find it worth the time to investigate match logs for a game mode with so little traction that at this point is basically as discontinued as dungeons in PvE except it's an entire mode.

    Whatever the reason, after so many years of repeatedly calling out the same players over and over and even after said players were actually banned just to come back and proceed as usual (let alone potential players that Anet has never found out are cheating), we're forced to assume Anet simply won't commit to improving sPvP match quality. Whoever is still playing surely must be playing only for fun and surely must also be aware they will have to get over a few (or a lot, depending on the time of day) very sus matches.

    sad thing is, about an year ago, there was a bug that you could just go into a pvp 3v3 with a duo, the issue was fixed in less than 48h, so it's clear that they don't remove duo q cuz they don't want to, a simple thing that would improve match quality

    by this point they should at least lock players above and below 1350 rating, so we have less plat and silvers in the same game. Those 2 things together would already improve greatly the match making, no more top 10 duo, no more q dodge to fight silver players

    • Thanks 3
  8. 1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    hmm... try my build maybe?

    The builds ive seen for it, try to funnel pistol into a fastpace, condi gank weapon thingy....   when in reality you can just slot snoozefest bunkertraits, without sacrifing much damagepotential.  

    It worked really well yesterday.. granted i didnt put in much time.    But from what ive seen... i kind of liked it.    

    Its defo better than sceptre as a ranged condiweapon.

    it's not a build issue or performance issue, i don't like how it feels playing the weapon.

    Yes, they'll never bring condi scepter back to life, since the pistol is condi focused and doesn't ignore projectile denials, they could revert the last round of nerfs to power scepter tho, an unnecessary move, cuz they knew if they didn't there would be tempest, hammer cata and FA cata in that mat and ppl would qq even more.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    Does it feel clunky?  I actually thought it feels kinda nice once you understand the casttimes of the spells + when to use bullets, and when not to use them. (except the fire 3.... that kitten clunkyfunky)

    I just tested it for 3 hours or so... but i thought its kinda nice.  did 5 ranked matches and got top healing AND top dmg in all of them.  (granted, the fact everyone and their dog seemed to run projectiles helped a ton.)


    (simply slapped pistol ontop of my trusty signet build, and its defo a upgrade compared to sc/f, cuz you now have a dedicated condi weapon.)

    i don't like the autos specially, i rate the whole weapon 6 considering animations and fluidness, i'll really avoid it unless it's completely better than any other option

  10. 53 minutes ago, Berethor.3520 said:

    Honestly, I have no desire to stay logged in game not playing or doing something very boring to me. I'm one of those few who actually have fun in pvp, so for me it comes to either have fun (yes, not always) in pvp and no legendary, or waste some hours hoping something fun is going to happen in WvW, sometimes struggling to not fall to sleep while getting that progress for 1 item that is a must to make any legendary weapon. I still don't have the legendary ring because it requires me to get how many, 5 gifts!? Makes sense to make another post asking to give opportunity to make second Coalescense or add another legend ring to the game

    I don't like wvw either, that's why I cheesed the ring by mostly not playing the game mode. I didn't even knew you couldn't get a second coalescence, since you can get 2 confluxes, it feelsbad tbh

  11. it wouldnt be convient, but they won't do it


    On another hand we won't have even more afkers farming pve rewards, in fact i got less afkers since obsidian armor release, one "pro" tilted here and there, but definitely less afkers across the board


    You can farm your gift semi afk tho, get your participation to tier 6, set a 10 min timer, flip a camp to keep your participation tier 6, more 10 min afk, and so on


    I read many many mangas while farming conflux this way XD

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