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  1. no shortcuts, and the best way to actually farm ASG is winning, more you win faster you get 'em
  2. it happens sometimes, when it happens to me it's always when i should have stopped playing a while back. That's 9 games in a single day, even if I had won 7 and lost 2 i'd be tilted AF, just quit after losing 2 games, take at least 1 hour break. After all this years playing i lose 2 and call it a day, sometimes even if I win 2 very onesided, that makes me not wanting to play anymore.
  3. shadowfall was playing it, strength discipline spellbreaker, just search for the vod from august 20th, you going to see average 12k dmg (10 ~ 14.5k)
  4. spear 4 is consistenly hitting 10k+ it should be hotfixed next tuesday, it'll be 0 fun to play anything that's not warrior if it doesn't
  5. They locking all the duo q posts lately is kinda of an answer. Not official, but it sends a message.
  6. What did you learn today? Pick a class you like , find a class that you do well against, q up as this class Swap to your class Another swaping tip You know that teammate that is really bad and always seem to be your team? Q as the same class as him, that makes a really high chance he goes to enemy team 😉
  7. What could have happend is, match was like 50 pnts from ending, you need 90 secs dc to get dishonor, if match ended before that he'll get no dishonor. Sometimes it bugs as mentioned above
  8. Lmao, this desperated dude confusing ppl asking to remove duo q must be speer or poOPS Those dudes are totally gold 3 without duo q
  9. Well it's easy to tell that only 3 weapons are actually competitive, I think axe is being overshadowed cuz DE is very good right now. I think necro mainhand sword adds some nice mobility Pistol ele has the best sustained dmg but poor utility making dagger a better option even prebuff Pistol guard is just meh I haven'f touched eng sb or rev scepter
  10. You can't get god of arena with gold 1 gameplay You gotta be a bit better Than you duo q only Offhour only Qdodge whoever may be dangerous And then wintrade once in a while
  11. Well, it's not like he has a lot of options for a bunker build.
  12. They will, less ascended shards to get the ascended armor The current state is indeed very weird, if you want to get the AS when you get 300 league tickets the amount of matches you have to play every season will drive you insane even if you like pvp
  13. well, up to 2019 we had "balance" every 9 month or so that sometimes wouldn't do much about the meta than we had 2020 patch, that seemed like a good idea but had no follow up patches and end up being bad during the pandemics it was obvious the competition was gone with top 1 having 119/1 records season after season, only achievable due to duo q exploits, and yet duo is still here as ppl left new players started being matched against experienced players more and more, resulting in 500-100 matches, title hunters pushed this a bit further with duo q and q dodge to farm this new players making them leave and now there's an open world legendary armor, can't tell if this was bad tho, even if you get less new players, most afkers are gone cuz they just wanted pips i'm sure ppl will come up with reasons enough to fill a toalet paper roll, but those are the main reasons IMO
  14. just take a quick look at spb traits, you going to see: dmg on boon removal boon removal (less prot on enemy) might generation full counter resets burst skills cds (more dmg)
  15. Hey Anet, Stop deleting your threads, I've them all saved. how old is this, 2015-16?
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