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Everything posted by DKRathalos.9625

  1. Straight up to answer the title. No we can't have the buff/rework rifle, that is too much work for the dev team and as you know they hate working on warrior, they prefer working on other cool classes..
  2. IMO I think warrior in GW2 is a bit... weirdly designed or they haven't got a clear idea about warrior's direction design. First Elite Spec: Berserker, the elite themed weapon is Torch when released. While you can opted power, the condi version is Sword+Torch/Longbow, I think this is the first time I saw "Berserker" themed class with such weapon. And the berserker doesn't feel Berserk? I mean the gameplay is just doing spam of the primal burst with Axe/Axe. I think by comparisson, Fury Warrior from WoW is feel more "berserk" with the animation. Also the difference between berserker and core aside from utility it's just you can primal burst instead of normal, not changing that much. Second Elite Spec: Spellbreaker, designed to remove boon and counter some spell but they somehow manage to keep nerfing it. Third Elite Spec: Bladesworn, well the idea is interesting based on Samurai's Iaijutsu but... they make it quite immobile which is hard to use in WvW. And now is Ranged Spear, while most people happy that we got more ranged weapon. Ranged spear for Warrior seems.... weird.. I mean if you talk about ranged spear, at least for me the first come into mind is for Ranger not Warrior. Maybe unpopular opinion but I'd rather they fix the Long Bow and Rifle, maybe adding Shortbow then make Spear to be Melee and make it Dragoon Style.
  3. So they CAN make spear on land huh? Honestly they should've done it when EOD release and give a class theme based on that, this is kind of way too late. Anyway for warrior maybe 2h spear dragoon style is nice, The 1hand and shield is cool if you want to look like a spartan but sadly our shield skill kind of bad, and we all know they will never update old weapon skill for warrior *cough* the 100B *cough*
  4. If you just only exchange the backpiece to minstrel it won't make much difference, might as well go full harrier or full minstrel.
  5. My question is more into the old stuff they ever said. IIRC Anet said that they want to make WvW become cornerstone, right? But why so far I saw no action that move to that direction? Seems like WvW still abandoned.
  6. Anet: "Sorry Mr.Oscuro, Request Denied" 🤣
  7. @DanAlcedo.3281Honestly though we just need you to deliver more of those high quality copium to warrior players. I need another package deal (Plus Dino Nuggets+Drink)
  8. I am actually surprised they finally do this though, I think we have been talking it for a long time at warrior forum right? Was it you who suggest it or something? Anyway on the serious note this is Anet injecting copium again to warrior something around "We read the forum." 🤣
  9. Oh wow I didn't expect there is a Copium package deal too, that is so kind from you 🤣
  10. Gimme your highest and finest quality of copium.
  11. So I just saw the note and there is a nerf again for PvP and WvW Why anet hate warrior so much again?
  12. @Gerplunka.3861welcome to the exodus club 🙂 @Grand Marshal.4098 and I still recruiting for our exodus club if any of you still want to join.
  13. [How can we improve arms?] the answer is NO, it's not an option. We can't improve arms because Anet doesn't want to improve warrior in general.
  14. Wow so what bladesworn use now? is it easy for the to keep the Thief Rune stacked up?
  15. But this is the whole point of potion of WvW right you can save and spent at the right time, why anet doesn't like this 😭
  16. At this point Alliances will be occasional returning event in disguise of "beta" after "beta"
  17. Seems all these warrior's bad patches lately made Lan insane 😭
  18. I know you are not trolling, but the real question is why Anet hates 2 out of 3 Heavy armor class? while the guardian is their golden child.
  19. @Rubi Bayer.8493 so far as I know @DemonCrypto.6792 describe the problem very well. This weapon master training doesn't really benefit warrior that much, can we get some updated weapon skill instead to our old weapon set? Warrior got a lot weapon but a lot of them still not see a play often. Even better if you guys can fix some Core Spec like Arms. Honestly we warrior community have been getting the short end of the stick everytime balance patch coming, can we at least get a big Win for the next few patches?
  20. I just read this on the news so basically all class got access to all weapon? If that is yes isn't warrior get the short end of the stick again? I mean they proud of warrior because they can use a lot of weapon compared to other class, now if everyone can use every weapon what is the benefit of warrior anymore? 🤣 I mean sure a lot of weapon in warrior's arsenal considered useless but still..
  21. Same as Kai. For other class which I am not too familiar there might be something interesting to be looking forward but warrior... not so much. They change flurry to move Ok that is a good thing yeah but overall these changes mostly miss the mark on what is warrior needed.
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