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Everything posted by WhiteSmoke.5926

  1. This is fine, you will die. Then retry another day until excellence
  2. Your average group is one or two guys doing all the job and the rest leeching. People that bring his own healscourge doesn't need one for himself.
  3. When you are bad, you die and retry. Until you are not bad anymore. There is no other path to excellence
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impact_Savant This trait has no effect on healscrapper, it could be interresting to add a new line usefull for healer Like 2-5% of your heal are converted in barrier Or a heal power bonus while you are on superspeed
  5. There is none for now, but there is space for it now wihtout creating a healscourge meta. Like buffing https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish : this skill need to give stab in AOE and not only on people that cross the trail Or adding a second munition on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Serpent_Siphon : this could be very interresting on some encounters like Deimos
  6. You need nothing in return. This trait will be strong enough You heal downstate people and alive people for 9 pulse every 12 seconds (with alacrity), that's already insane.
  7. This trait is totally broken. It trivializes most PvE encounters. In good hands, a heal scourge can make bosses impossible to fail. And I am a heal scourge enjoyer, but I see how ridiculous it is now. If you fail a mechanic, you should be punished and not instantly teleported/rezzed with scourge. The current situation creates an odd behavior. This trait is so powerful that it prevents the dev team from buffing scourge support abilities: Heal scourge is insane in encounters that don't require stability and blocks. Heal scourge is lacking in encounters that require stability and blocks.
  8. I would love slip on a rock and find content like that
  9. I dont see the problem : you have got the deluxe edition in early access and I received 3 more glyph for waiting. Fair enough
  10. It's not about casual vs. veteran players. Nobody is creating content about Janthir Wilds because after visiting the map once and finishing the story, you've seen everything. Nobody is coming back. Janthir Wilds has almost no impact on the game, it's transparent content.
  11. I can do it solo with a good old power mechanist. Some rifts are harder than others, but it's totally doable.
  12. For me playing Guild Wars 2 for the story is like going to a Fast Food Restaurant for the burger bun.
  13. Runes There is no rune that increases alacrity duration, and only one that provides quickness (Firebrand Rune). There's an objective reason why you rarely see offensive support classes like Mirage, Willbender, or Berserker: it’s too difficult to obtain the right amount of boon duration without sacrificing a significant amount of DPS. It would be easy to create 10 rune sets that address this issue, one each for power, condition, healer, tank, and celestial builds, for both alacrity and quickness. Some runes became useless after SotO because they lost important stats (like the Traveler Rune). They should remove the movement speed bonus and bring back the 10% condition duration. Power runes are well-balanced, but condition and healer runes are not. Every support build uses the Monk Rune, and many condition builds use the Trapper Rune, even those that primarily focus on a single condition. Why? Because flat condition and boon duration are completely overpowered. These stats should be replaced with Expertise and Concentration. Additionally, not all runes are available on the Trading Post. The Monk Rune can only be obtained from dungeons, and the Trapper Rune can only be crafted and is account-bound. This greatly hinders player progression, yet it’s never addressed. Some runes are strictly better than others, such as the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Pack and the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Chronomancer And this is just a small part of the problems with the rune system. It's so obvious, I don’t understand why it's never addressed. Stats combinations There are many stat combinations that are never used. Some could be updated, like the Nomad set—having Toughness as a major attribute makes it useless, but if it had Healing Power instead, it could be more viable. There’s also no stat combination in the game that includes both Expertise and Healing Power. Many interesting stat combinations exist in PvP that aren't available in PvE, like the Heretic and Paladin stats, which could be really useful. A new type of stat combination with three major and three minor attributes could be introduced, which would be interesting for hybrid builds. Additionally, there’s no Ferocity or Celestial infusion available in the game. The infusion system itself is rarely touched, and much more could be done to make it more useful (adding xp and karma buff, ...) I’m just scratching the surface, there’s a lot more to discuss. Food There are many specific food and utility items missing in ascended form, such as those offering effects like 15% burning duration and +100 condition damage, or the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Fancy_Potato_and_Leek_Soup There is no ascended utility in the game. Additionally, only scribe-crafted utility food can be placed on the ground. Most builds use the same utility. For example, all healer builds use the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Maintenance_Oil because it’s incredibly overpowered. The bonuses from ascended food are unbalanced, the life-steal food is widely used because it adds extra damage. Years ago, there were utilities that converted 10% of your Vitality into Power or Condition Damage, which was great for builds that could benefit from more Vitality, like those using Valkyrie stats. Once again, these are just a few of the basic issues. Each of these topics deserves a full article on its own. Many of these systems haven't been updated in years, which affects both build viability and the game's economy. However, my post wasn't focused on just these issues, but rather the broader picture. The game's combat system has barely evolved over the past few years, as if it's being treated as a secondary aspect of the game. In this regard, Janthir Wild feels stagnant.
  14. Read my first post, I am not debating about that.
  15. Gearing your character is an important part of progression for new player, unlocking mount, biger bags, elite specialisation, unlocking aptitude in WvW, crafting your first legendary thing, ... Homing is a tool for solo RPing. I cant recommand homming to my friends because it will stuck their progression and I will play less with them. It's difficult to push someone in strike/raid/fractal, WvW or any content that require a little bit of effort if he is still in exotic with random build. The experience will be desastrous
  16. Guild Wars 2 is my passion and I am on the road for 1 year in the desert, minimum. It's like all the big things are keeped for later but when ?
  17. Now we are going in a 12 month period with no gameplay feature. (Let's hope the balance patch will shake a little bit the meta) 3 time 1+h of story and 2 map smaller than Syntri. This is an nuclear winter for the game. This suposed to be the biggest patch, but it doesn't feel at all like that. The wake up will be rude
  18. Dont look only at the number, look how they interact with the expansion, the community and the vibe they give. This kind of thing will never append in Hot, PoF or EoD This is so obvious that Janthir Wilds is lacking. 14 of 15 first page streamer are not playing Janthir. Insane
  19. Version 1.0.0


    22 pm twitch 04/09/2024
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