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Posts posted by Nostromo.4126

  1. On 8/23/2023 at 2:05 PM, Jajo.1428 said:

    New dailies are bad, because they mandate goals. Old system allowed us to forego 75% of  possible daily goals and still achieve the coveted cumulative (complete 3 dailies) achievement. It gave you options, that you could chase based on your daily busyness, company, or even just current mood.

    The new system just says "you will be doing this and exactly this, or you will be getting nothing, kthxbye."


    Just because I checked "PvE" box doesn't mean, that I want to do jumping puzzles. And who even escorts dolyaks in WvW outside doing guild missions?

    Just adding my 'me too' to this thread. I have been logging in almost religiously for dailies (among other things) for years, since beta, with few breaks. I have now parked my toons until ANet give me a reason to log in every day again. Here endeth the lesson!

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  2. Appears all my WvW realms are padlocked - getting an error when trying to enter, even on diff characters, or direct via any gate in LA.

    Is this due to beta?

    (as luck would have it, I could spend 30 badges with Davis in the guild hall, which is all I wanted to access WvW for anyway...but would still like to know if it's something I'm doing wrong or whatnot, as I do want to enter WvW to play once in a blue moon...)

  3. Thanks, will give it go. What's a 'burn dh' btw? So are those camps usually undefended & you just stand there to claim them, or do you have to kill some NPCs? I generally play a Reaper necro or twin bow ranger in solo PvE, but I can pretty much faceroll most solo content with all exo gear (necro is the only one I ever made an ascended staff for). I have all classes at 80 & could gear them up if needed.

  4. @Justine.6351 said:

    @Nostromo.4126 said:Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one just in case. Was wondering if there is any way at all to acquire these fairly easily/quickly, other than playing in WvW & zerging? E.g. currency conversions, player-to-player trading, other non-WvW content, etc. I know there are a couple JPs I can do to get some, but that's a LOT of effort for little return. I mainly solo PvE & just use these to spend 25+ when it comes up as a daily, to complete the three quickly.

    Solo camps and sentries. Wvw is just more unpredictability dangerous than pve is all.

    Cheers mate. What/where are these solo camps? And dying isn't much of an issue - you just respawn back at your server camp, yeah?

  5. Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one just in case. Was wondering if there is any way at all to acquire these fairly easily/quickly, other than playing in WvW & zerging? E.g. currency conversions, player-to-player trading, other non-WvW content, etc. I know there are a couple JPs I can do to get some, but that's a LOT of effort for little return. I mainly solo PvE & just use these to spend 25+ when it comes up as a daily, to complete the three quickly.

  6. And here we are in Aug 2020. I just completed To Kill A God finally with my necro Reaper (after the 1st couple downs it was easy once I worked out the 'trick' :).So I start the Griffon quest chain right away, go get all the eggs in the 1st zone, buy a couple 25gp components, easy so far, right? Then I see the final requirement for the zone: kill a Legendary bounty boss (Corrupted something or other). Got the bounty after 20 mins of waiting for it to respawn on board. Go all the way the NE of zone where he's found under the pyramid, while asking for assist. One guys shows up (thanks mate - you know who you are!). We proceed to get royally spanked. The only other assist is smarta**s in chat telling me ' you need at least 10 ppl for a legendary'. Thanks for nothing ANet. Yet another completely personal, individual quest chain polluted with random, excessively difficult group content. Even if I wait for Crystal Oasis bounties to come up as part of the Dailies, I guarantee very few peeps will make it to the far NE of the zone to attempt a Legendary boss, just to get their daily. Far easier to just wait for a Tazula easybeat close to town, bleh. Yes, I could beg ppl to come help (almost certain someone will either grab the bounty early or trigger the boss early, b4 most peeps arrive, which is game over when you only have 5 mins or so to beat him!); I could try & organise my Guild to do the event, if I ask very nicely (my guild is in NA TZ, so no good to me in Aus, except on weekends sigh*...). Whatever I do it won't feel like my accomplishment, when I have 100 other players to carry me. Nice going ANet. All the other mounts were completely soloable (from memory), so maybe I'll just skip the Griffon & go for the Skyclaw folks...?

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