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Starseeker.5412's Achievements

  1. Again, this meta event is bugged and can't kill the boss. The pre-events are stuck at the seraph digging into the forward camp. This is very annoying for those trying to get legendary. Please fix this 8 year old bug.
  2. Did the repair function outlined earlier in the forums and it worked for both of us to get us past the departing. Didn't have any issues after running the repair, but not holding my breath...just glad we got through it.
  3. NA - Sylvari - Revenant - DuoNA - Human - Mesmer - Duo and SoloEST - have tried both evening and morning Got disconnected once on Glints memories but got through it, but we are currently stalled at the Departing. My husband and I (i am the revenant) did the departing last night. The first time through, he got disconnected after the soul eater during Joko's dialogue, but I was able to stay connected and finish the instance, he did not get credit. We went in again, got to Joko's dialogue and we both got DCed. Tried again, using the run to the portal door method during the dialogue, got through to the cut scene where his character was resurrected and he got DCed while I was still in the game. Tried again, and we both get DCed at Joko's dialogue after soul eater. He tried again this morning solo, and got DCed at Joko's dialogue after soul eater. This really needs to be fixed, or at least a check point put in after you kill the soul eater. It is very frustrating to be 2 minutes from the end of the quest and DCed because of dialogue you can't skip.
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