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Posts posted by Kraggy.4169

  1. On 11/2/2021 at 12:01 PM, Aerensiniac.3584 said:

    My problem is that it directly sets the store against gameplay in the most destructive way possible.

    Standard F2P marketing: design the game with explicit pain points then sell the ointment to ease the pain in the Store .. GW2 only differs from that kind of F2P in that it's B2P which makes it an even more egregious design philosophy here.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 3
  2. Yesterday a friend of mine DCed when the game client tried to start the second CS at the end of "To Kill A God".

    Today I went along to help him try again and the same thing happened TWICE more at exactly the same point: I saw the first video, the black screen and the second CS .. he saw the first CS and the black screen but then all he saw was a "Skip To End" button over the black screen, pressing it he DCed  .. I saw the second CS start then his character disappeared and I got the "Instance owner has left".

    This is such a REPEATED error for large numbers of people it's clear ANet are either incapable of diagnosing or simply DON'T CARE, 4 years of these things happening has given them plenty of time to fix it and the total lack of meaningful posts from them in this thread is clearly proof they have nothing to say, due to ignorance of the cause or because they can't be bothrered!

  3. On 9/20/2021 at 1:56 PM, Dark Skeeve.2695 said:

    From the notes section of the bottom of the "Spiritual Renewal" page.

    • As is the case of other achievements, this collection can only be progressed by a character that has completed the pertaining story step which, for this collection, is One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion.


    So why is it even shown to other characters if they can't do it?

    Simply pointlessly misleading, especially when the in-game text makes no mention of this gating?

    • Confused 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, miraude.2107 said:

    However it is a THREE DAY GRIND. You posted this Tuesday. It is Friday. In this time frame, you could have gotten the mount by now?

    Actually no, it isn't and never was .. that time is simply the addition of all the fatuous time-gates ANet put in to drag it out .. only no-lifers who can play 24/7 to activate the next step after the numerous 2-hour time-gates could do it in that time ...

    .. AND given the numerous world group events you HAVE to do it'll take longer now than when the content was current due to less players still needing to do one.

    • Confused 1
  5. On 9/21/2021 at 11:16 PM, Eraden.8740 said:

    While I must admit that acquiring my skyscale was somewhat grindy, it did not require trading my soul to get one. Additionally, it only took me a few weeks to acquire one at a casual pace. On top of all of that, there were parts of the quest chain, like playing with my skyscale, that were absolutely a treat to do. I personally think the quest chain is fine as it is. Having a skyscale is definitely a QoL bonus but it is by no means mandatory to complete most content in the game.

    Except that in one of the EoD vids ANet seemed to imply to me that Skyscales will be REQUIRED to navigate the new zones.

    • Confused 2
  6. On 7/7/2021 at 9:02 AM, Briadonis.8907 said:

    So let me get this straight... ArenaNet lets the Retrospective Runaround be super easy by allowing mounts.... even though it was so much harder at release... but on the even more difficult JP in Ember bay... you keep mounts disabled AND make it so any loading screen wipes out the checkpoints. So even mesmer portals can wipe out your progress? Great work guys... can you be any more inconsistent?

    Yes . and no, Mesmers were very busy when this was the 'replay' event, their portals don't cause a loading screen (or certainly didn't when I was running that JP).

    That said, Runaround wasn't very hard when it was current content, except for the Skritt tunnels which of course were entirely unrelated to the jumping part, I completed it and I'm pretty dreadful at JPs.

  7. I started "Spiritual Renewal" on the first character to be able to do so but took it no further than just 'ticking' the first step.

    Yesterday I decided to do it on a different character .. obviously on the same account .. and went to the Snowden Drifts location for the next step. 

    She found the bowl in the ground but the NPC wasn't there!  I tried on a second  character, same thing .. only the original character could see the NPC at that location.

    I don't recall ANY achievement in this game that only the unlocker could do.  Has this always been a 'thing' I just never stumbled across before?

    To be clear, the other PCs could SEE the achievement with the first step ticked, but just couldn't actually do anything with it!

    • Confused 2
  8. On 7/7/2018 at 10:45 AM, Zoid.2568 said:

    When I did this mission I accidentally teleported out of the allowed map, and then I immediately reset the instance. Have to do it all over again. Why do you even do this ArenaNet? I did not even get a warning.

    Just did the same thing .. I posted somewhere else suggesting to ANet they do what all other MMOs that I play do: have a HARD border to instances.

    ANet have proved very adept at putting invisiwalls all over the map when they want to STOP players doing something, yet when such a mechanic to prevent players being punished Anet couldn't give a kitten it seems.

    • Like 3
  9. On 8/28/2021 at 9:06 PM, Obfuscate.6430 said:

    All of the mounts do this though to a certain degree. Mounts should be disabled in areas where they entirely invalidate movement skills earned with masteries; ie - maps where you needed those masteries specifically to progress and attain goals. A good early example is Dry Top. Another example is Draconis Mons.  

    Mounts are OPTIONAL, be my guest not using them .. oh, and there's nothing special about the masteries, it's simply 'time played' on whatever content you like to get XP to complete the tracks.

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  10. Did the Moonfortress event from the very first objective to the very end .. got the Access Key as evidence .. where's my Plague Scarab Egg for "Bettle Food"?


    Yes, I DID do damage to one of the Experiments .. with a 50+ zerg you don't get much chance to damage a second :(.

  11. It's be nice to play several-year-old content  that works all the time!

    Just running it and so far FIVE bombs placed near the target are just ticking over a minute after being placed .. they're NOT detonating.  A few have, many haven't.


    Only way I've found to destroy the targets is to engage them and they seem to desrtruct @ 90% or less.

    • Like 1
  12. Why is this the only game I play where instance boundaries aren't simply invisiwalls ..clearly ANet could do this, they do it in every zone! .. FFXIV, WOW, ESO, etc. ALL Lhave hard boundaries and don't resort to giving players the middle finger if they stray too far.

    In this game you get a warning and then you're kicked out and the whole bloody instance has to be started from the start.

    With tedious ones like "Forearmed is Forewarned" I'd been suffering it for 45 mins when due to a distraction I managed to run my character off the instance and got kicked out.

    There's no need for this player-hostile design when a simple inviswall is all that's needed .. if the game puts you back in a zone if you run off the edge (well some times, as usual with this game there are at least 3 or 4 variations of a single mechanic for some reason) it could do that with instances, punishing players in this way seems to be an ANet speciality.

    • Like 8
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  13. Having just completed LW5S3 as well the LW4 replays I have a question of ANet developers which I know won't be answered: why is every boos fight in pretty much ever story instance just a boss with a massive damage sponge spamming AoEs to ensure at 25% of the time (usually more) you're not doing any damage?

    As the designer your job is to make it 'fun' .. where's the 'fun' in taking upwards of 10 mins to kill a boss, largely caused by the ice attacks most mobs do in LW5 .. not to mention the fatuous end fight in LW4 "A Kindness Repaid" where you can't actually lose BY DESIGN!

    Is it hard?  Not really, it's just bloody annoying having to run around like a headless chicken much of the time to get out of the orange nasty.

    Is it engaging? Hell NO, it's just another boss with a massive health pool, AoE spam and some kind of slow/knockdown/whatever interrupt.

    But then that's point of the design isn't it?  It must be  because these layers of aggravation are by design piled on one another to ensure the fight takes twice as long or more than it needs to for it's role in the game.

    These aren't dungeons, these aren't raids, keep your mechanic-heavy encounters for content people CHOOSE to do and out of content people HAVE to do if they're to even see the next zone .. oh yes, I find it interesting in the base game every zone is accessible at level one .. every addition since then has been tramlined by quest-gating.  Sad.

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    • Confused 7
  14. Unlike the PC in, say, FFXIV, (s)he has no 'super powers' and in every case of killing a dragon/God they've had help from more powerful beings/forces: a battle fleet and OP harpoon guns or, in the case of Mordremoth the whole fight was dubious given there was no plausible explanation given by ANet as to why (s)he was able to kill (with some help) a dragon as powerful: ANet simply pulled some 'mind tricks' out of the hat in order to try to justify what IMO was simply an implausible victory.

    Kralk of course was another case of more powerful assistance and in this case an opponent who clearly wasn't entirely fighting to survive.

    And let's not embarrass ANet by talking about the J/P farce.

    No, GW2's main premise of 'normal' mortal without any demonstrable 'super powers' being a slayer of super-powerful beings is simply fantasy .. and in this case that word's meaning is accurate, or more accurately implausible.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  15. I click "Join" for a group in LFG and nothing happens, I'm not added to the group, I get no message at all, yet it counts as a join attempt.

    I can immediately join another one.

    Can commanders silently reject join requests in LFG?  I don't ever recall seeing this before.

  16. 15 hours ago, Shader.4910 said:

    Can we have some reaction from officials? Like "we are aware of the problem and our engineers are resolving it". Because this is getting ridiculous, at least for a month BLTC is nearly unusable. And there should be enough funds from preorders to allocate enough computing capacity.

    There's been total radio silence from ANet about several bugs in the last week, especially the several game-breaking bugs in the most recent Replay meta .. guess they don't think it's necessary to reply to players with problems any more.

  17. Seems it's started earlier this weekend than last and previous ones.

    Same problem: "can't connect to login server", "list this item" button doesn't activate or else it's active but get the red ERROR dialog as soon as it's clicked.

    And of course, as usual, character/account logins are working just fine.

  18. Well it seems you possibly discovered how to workround the problem even if ANet have failed to fix it .. I ran Amala on a second character on the account which was failing with the main character, this one had never even been the zone I used the zone portal to get there and she got credit!

    Thanks lordkemmotar for posting your experience, I'd likely never have thought to do that as I find it impossible to think how ANet have broken it for one character while another one works.

    I wonder if it's because a character won't get credit for Revenge if they've fought Amala in the story instance (which of curse is an entirely different context for defeating her), which sounds absurd but on this evidence is at least plausible.

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