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Posts posted by Vyrulisse.1246

  1. @banshee.9328 said:The thing with flashing to desktop while loading between maps also happens to me after Windows April Update (1803) but there is something strange.

    Game apparently doesn't flash to desktop but to last screen seen before going Fullscreen. You can check it this way:

    1. go options->graphics->windowed fullscreen
    2. change map
    3. go windows->graphics->fullscreen
    4. change mapFrom now on game won't show desktop but your game screen with options window opened remembered before changing to Fullscreen.

    Can confirm it started happening to me as well after the Windows April Update. I turned all the Focus Assist stuff off as well so it isn't that.

  2. @ollbirtan.2915 said:

    @ollbirtan.2915 said:Please no. Don't ruin the game. There are plenty of other MMORPGs out there where you can trot around in a bikini/miniskirt/[insert any other ridiculous piece of clothing that totally ruins the game atmosphere here]

    Bunny ears, shoulder scarf, t3 human cultural bikini top, and apprentice pants mini-skirt are all part of the human female elementalist meta.

    Exactly my point as these ridiculous outfits have made their way into the game. Having played a lot of NCSOFT games, I would rather not have stuff like sunflower hats/racoon tails+underwear etc. No, but thank you.

    Too late any sort of "artistic vision" this game had died long ago. Might as well go all out and give people what they want. Besides there are people (like myself) that ENJOY revealing outfits even if it's just innocent bikinis or speedos for the guys. Just because you don't doesn't mean you should deprive everyone the opportunity to have such things. See:

    @Xenon.4537 said:

    @ollbirtan.2915 said:Please no. Don't ruin the game. There are plenty of other MMORPGs out there where you can trot around in a bikini/miniskirt/[insert any other ridiculous piece of clothing that totally ruins the game atmosphere here]

    Have you not seen the hundreds of Charr running around with Goku hair and 15 different infusion effects and giant wings creating an obnoxious ball of light and particles of every color? All flying atop ridiculous cosmic galaxy griffons and scifi Mass Effect bunnies?

    Please tell me more about ruining the atmosphere...

  3. @stone cold.8609 said:I was recently helping a guild member get a Gift of Battle. It took us about 9 hours total to complete the track for them. Frustrating hours filled with endless running to objectives, building siege, PvDoor, blob on blob battles that consisted of condi bombs and massive cc, running back from wp when killed, gankers trying to pick off stragglers, and taking the same objectives over and over. Also add a little bit of some veteran WvW players making comments about PvE noobs ruining their battles (which is probably correct, however not once did any of the vets offer to teach anyone that I saw), and you get a picture of my most recent WvW experience.

    I'm a PvE player and not a big fan of WvW - wouldn't have gone in if it weren't for the GoB. This latest experience didn't change my mind at all. This has nothing to do with being lazy - I tried this game mode and don't find it enjoyable. I really wish there was a way to get this without going into WvW.

    On the up side, I got 2 GoBs for myself in the process so I'll hopefully not have to set foot back there for a long time.

    A lot of WvW'ers are in some weird mind-state where they think they are superior to PvE players when they are pretty much the same. WvW isn't true PvP and it's not true PvE, it's some weird amalgamation of the two so they're stuck in the middle. Anyway, your post is correct for the most part and it's something that hasn't really been mentioned in this thread yet as to why people avoid WvW in large numbers and feel like it's an annoyance and not fun at all to go in there just for one item they need.

    In a perfect world we would be able to gather the materials needed to build legendaries from preferrerd game modes entirely and none of this would be an issue.

  4. "As always, we’ll be talking about the game as it is at the current time, rather than focusing on future development"

    If this is true then what's the point exactly? Talking about the game as it is in anything other than praise is the only way this could be useful. "What will you do about this?" "Will you fix this?" All these questions rely on talking about future information... the most pertinent questions do. If those are off-limits and won't be addressed then really what's the point.

  5. I craft a lot and I feel the interface could use a tweak to make things much smoother for me and I hope many others. Would it be possible to change it so that when you open the crafting interface all the various tabs could be collapsed instead of expanded? Or even have the game remember how you have your crafting tabs opened and closed so that you don't have to do it over and over again each time.

    I'd really love if that could be done.

  6. I and many other were angry yesterday. Still angry but more disappointed and sad to see what depths A.net has stooped to. Dumping 30 completely RNG skins on us in one day was truly appalling especially when exactly zero fresh skins are available to us in-game anywhere in the expansion that already suffers from a lack of meaningful reward. It feels dirty, it feels manipulative and it feels like trying to take advantage of your player base in an extremely negative way.

    The way you as a company handled the Halloween pack was as close to perfect as you could have done it. It wasn't too cheap but it wasn't overly expensive, you knew what you were going to get and you could make a choice. Now we have one new skin for 2,000 gems and 30 completely random ones for 400 each. It just feels like you are taking advantage of the goodwill mounts brought you and even the goodwill that the initial foray into monetizing these mounts brought you and it feels like you learned nothing from Heart of Thorns and the Glider situation.

    Edit: Ehh, I assumed you were just starting a fresh topic so I summed up my thoughts in this post for posterity. >.>

  7. Oh boy the dreaded merged thread where conversations get mixed and matched so they are unable to be followed by anyone and eventually die off. Are we ever going to get a response from A.net on this issue, Gaile? The reaction is pretty clear and heated. Personally I'm very curious as to how your company can justify going down this road and I'd like it without using the same tired and debunked arguments we see the likes of EA use.

    Like what happened? You started Mount Monetization on such a good foot with the Halloween skins. They weren't too cheap nor were they too expensive and you got exactly what you wanted when you bought them. It gave me hope for the future of this system but today you just destroyed all that with a skin dump behind hated lootbox mechanics.

    I can say that I'm a person that has commented in a lot of these threads because I feel strongly that these practices should be called out often and loudly. Rather offended you mentioned such things in a negative light and so dismissively as well.

  8. @Chadramar.8156 said:

    @Preyar.6783 said:Don't take the vocal minority as a majority, ever. Right now that poll is full of people who's on a rampage about lootboxes and don't understand that Anet have done them a favor with this unique system.

    So unmitigated greed is a "favor" now. How lovely.

    An actual "favor" would be adding skins that can actually be earned by
    playing the game
    , preferably by doing something related to the skin in question, which would have the added benefit of actually adding some meaning to the things and tying them into the world. Another obvious way to show "favor" woud be to put them in birthday presents.

    If we move beyond "favor" to "ethical business practice", the obvious decision would be to make them directly purchasable, like glider skins and outfits. Also add some to the expensive PoF editions, like HoT with its glider skin.

    There is nothing even remotely "favorable" about gambling, ever. It's specifically designed to be exploitative, and people need to stop making excuses for this garbage.

    It's truly mind-boggling isn't it? That people exist in this world that can call this stuff a "favor" with a straight face. It makes me sad that this is what we've come to.

  9. One of the worst parts of this were the Halloween Skins. A set of skins for all your mounts that were bundled at a reasonable price? Wow great job A.net! If this is how it's going to be I can't wait to see what you have next.

    Yeah right... it was just a bait to make us believe A.net wouldn't exploit us without shame seeing a single skin going for 2000 gems and this RNG nonsense.

  10. @SrebX.6498 said:Would you stop being so kitten?You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.The beauty of the Black Lion method it that it's all cosmetics and has zero impact on the game itself, It's purely for the ones who want to spend money on that.Are you not one of those ppl who want to spend money this way? Don't be, it's as simple as that. You don't have to put any lines for anyone, the game is still the same.

    Not the point and this shield is used far too often to excuse predatory business practices. The fact that companies have players actively defending them with this nonsense is probably one of the more troubling aspects of the loot box craze.

  11. Male Norn actually look like they are from a different game compared to every other race/gender combination. I agree with the OP entirely even though I don't play them.

    Although I do take issue with some people in this thread saying Female Norn animations are very well done. Some of them look good but they still suffer from a general stiffness in feel. Running feels sluggish even though it isn't, some weapon skills don't feel very fluid like they do on Humans for example. Firing a Bow is an example that comes to mind. Norn in general need some love.

  12. @Tekey.7946 said:

    feels almost
    certainly is
    overpowered, and it could take you to places that weren’t intended to support player exploration, but it’s just fun. It’s a whole new way to see the world.

    Fixed it for him.

    Also here's a video of someone unlocking every waypoint in Queensdale without touching the ground once:

    Sweet. I can do that faster though... just going to the Gem Store and buying a waypoint unlock pack. Easy. Let's be real here, the Griffon is cool and it's fun to use. It's basically just a souped up Glider and there's nothing wrong with that. In order to perform stunts like what is seen in the video requires preparation, getting somewhere high enough. It's a fun thing to do, it doesn't break anything. I don't understand the pushback against fun and the game evolving.

  13. @Dante.1763 said:

    @Vyrulisse.1246 said:Well it's been nerfed. A real shame I think as such things only promote people not learning to play or learning mechanics. It's okay for story content to be challenging. Just because it's story mode doesn't mean you should faceroll everything on the first try. Some of the responses in this thread are truly disheartening to see.

    Nobody should be surprised at this point that people want the story to be easy. Theyve nerfed every decently "challenging" boss in the story so that /everyone/ can do the story.

    In this case i think a nerf was needed(and yes i did it bymyself the first try, because condition ranger, though it absorbing health from my pet was annoying as hell), because you /cant/ bring people to assist you. In most other cases i would disagree with a nerf, but not here.

    The only part of it I agree with is increasing the time his break bar is up, it was rather fast but that should have been the only nerf to this fight I think.

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