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Everything posted by Oblako.6048

  1. Compare how many active players there were in WvW before the start of the beta and now, and you'll understand whether your experiment is successful or not. Personally, I think it's not. I have 3 different accounts and everywhere it's the same - there are fewer people playing WvW.
  2. Compare how many active players there were in WvW before the start of the beta and now, and you'll understand whether your experiment is successful or not. Personally, I think it's not. I have 3 different accounts and everywhere it's the same - there are fewer people playing WvW.
  3. After the last two updates, I tried to log into the game on two different computers (WIndows 11 and Windows 10), and the same thing happened on both - after about a minute of playing Guild Wars 2, the game freezes and I have to either wait for the program to respond or end it.
  4. Cool blog, with deep thoughts on the WvW system and how to make it more enjoyable . What a pity that the developers do not read this 😞 I wish Floyd Grubb (from this post: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/world-vs-world-update-june-2022/) read your blog ❤ PS. I think you need to add the ability to leave comments on articles on your blog. You would know what others think about the same things.
  5. Maybe I'm wrong, but lately I see less and less zerg actions on WvW. Most of the time it's empty and only few roamers play. Do WvW dies slowly?
  6. Same for me. Never had any lag on wvw. I have huge lags in 3 way fight on EBG since today
  7. I don't care what server to play, I just want to play wvw with other people and without long queues. I thought it would be something like instances, but when I entered Eternal Battle Grounds (EBG) I saw "outnumbered" mark and a 70 people queue. And it was real cause like 20 people was running on whole EBG at prime time. Alliances ruined wvw. PS. I logged out to try again, but every time my queue was up I was not able to enter EBG since I was moved to the head of the queue
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