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Posts posted by Drakth.1875

  1. I never join group that ask for a specific thing, FAST, DPS, Super Condi or whatever, because most likely are elitist, and if someone asked to ping gear my reply wont be pretty 😄

    I did the strike mission on the first try without knowing the mechanics and no one complained, so Im guessing it might be that in the timezone you are playing its harder to find people willing to help. In general as long as you know how to dodge and break the defiance bar there shouldnt be a problem IMO.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    weird song choice as it's not my music. You could have at least gotten me with some trance instead. 
    However it's sad to see us so called "elitists" getting the end of the stick. What's so bad at being good at a game? The dark souls community is all about everyone being good. 


    1%... I know a ton of people who are also playing since 2012 and a few in the Snowcrows guild who are not happy about this either. Why is is abdly designed as a meta when it actually required big brain and optimized builds? What is the RNG people keep talking about. If you miss CC phase then you just don't know simple basics like CC and therefore definitely shouldn't raid. If you're a bearbow ranger (I used to kick these in dungeons back in the day anyways) who uses the knockback skill to push mobs out of combo fields or groups damage area instead of using it for CC then you can't be helped. Same for necros using fear when it's not helpful at all- Shroud (extra healthbar) is cheap anyways. 
    Tried running organized DE meta maps in lfg with turtle owners only  500 to 1k LI, 100 dhuum KP, 30k+ Ap at least and alac. quickness dps only but it didn't fill up sadly. 

    Well.... because some people only have a few hours to play, and given that the meta takes at least 2 hours, and even more if you "organize" it maybe? Not everyone can spend 4+ hours playing the game. 

    And when you manage to get in a not dead instance to do meta and it still fails you wasted the only few hours you had to play, that makes people mad.


    So yeah, I agree with the recent changes... the elitists raiders can still keep their meta, and casuals can grind to get it.


    If the meta is so fun as you say im sure you will have no problem completing it.

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  3. 25 minutes ago, Wraith.3524 said:

    I'm one of those people. Try to do well, do third party research, pull my weight and never get downed but.. I'm gonna have to get the turtle through the writs, I guess. Not only does it take a long time, but graceless fails are pretty soul crushing. Map I was in mucked up the 5-crystal phase right before the boss, then the map says haha, you have 1 minute to GTFO, bye loser. I don't know. I've already been on Soo-Won enough (at least 10 times, probably more but I stopped counting to keep motivated), it's a huge waste of time and the game is more inclined to say F-you than hey, you were so close at 7% - give it another try! Rather it's, spend another 2 hours you don't have, or hope you get into a progressed map - but that one very likely doesn't stand a chance. I don't raid because I don't have the time. Yet, somehow I've done countless endgame map metas without needing to beg a raid group prior to ED.


    Sure, I could burn more time getting into a more organized party but I've never had to do that for a map meta in ten years. The long established content difficulty hierarchy has been fairly destabilized in the name of finale epic-ness, I suppose.


    This is the first open world event, and expansion where I feel like my time isn't respected, unfortunately.


    I just found out they will make a change, so in a few days they egg will be available in a vendor.



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  4. 10 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

    Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

    Hi all,

    Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

    First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

    Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

    We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

    As always, thank you for your feedback!

    We'll see you in-game,

    • The Guild Wars 2 Team

    Thank you!

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  5. 2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

    Nope, it's not just luck of being placed in the right map instance.  Open LFG tool, see if any squads are advertising north meta or the events leading up to the north meta.  Join those squads.  Same problem if a player who doesn't have a personal fractal level to do their daily fractals or in the olden days of dungeons requiring someone with story completion to open them, or the new strikes requiring the story chapter be done first before you can get all the rewards or wanting to do any of the HoT metas, or literally any of the newer living world meta events that aren't on strict timers.

    Hmmm no, usually all groups are full and you either spend 30 minutes clicking join until you can join, or give up and play in a map that will fail. And in both cases for me it failed, either by joining a group after endless clicking or just giving up and playing in the map i was randomly placed.


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  6. 49 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

    There is a BIG PROBLEM with it.

    I tried 5 times. Failed in all of them. Even dealing good DPS, it was like 10 person carrying 40, that IF we would get 50 on plat, most of time is like 45 or less. Also you get nothing from failing. This is just plain wrong.

    I don't mind doing a not-hard META for 2 hours and winning

    I don't mind getting wiped 25 times in a row on a raid


    What i do mind is an activity that is both HARD and LONG. I can't stand one or another, but not BOTH

    I've already lost count of how many times the group i was in failed, and thats when the commander not vanish in the middle of the event.

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  7. On 3/7/2022 at 2:31 PM, Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:

    At this point I'm under the conclusion that someone somewhere stroking a Persian cat in hand like a bond villain, who makes decisions for an un-named video game company, .... who is laughing at his or her player base.  Thinking of more ways to traumatize people like a Milgrams experiment, and buff an un-named Meta, or create a means to allow for players to get a game marketed item, by forcing the player to spend about 100 real world dollars worth of game currency materials. How can they abuse their player base even more?

    I'm not naming names or game companies, but at this point it's obvious.


    Anet, don't be that guy above. Go back to read your manifesto.


    "We dont want players to grind" 

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  8. Just now, InvaGir.9158 said:

    Lets be fair here. The longer you stall the adjustments(or nerfs if you decide to do that) this meta will eventually die and get forgotten over time

    Currently the people who are doing this are getting burned and more frustrated. You will eventually fix it just like you did before with other events but the thing is that by far this is the worst of everything you've made in the past.


    The longer you stall it the more frustrated people will get, and when you will eventually do fix it people will only join for the collections and never look back

    Is this what you really want? Is this what you had planned from the beginning?


    And lets be honest, this bs and I'm not sorry for my language is literally creating a division in the community and encourages trolls to do heat up arguments even more

    and oh boy you have no idea how bad that looks for new players that this crap is just being ignored



    They will fix it when almost no one buys their turtle skins

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  9. 12 hours ago, Vexona.6452 said:

    It's doable by anyone who will take the time to listen into discord for call outs and perform to their best. Tonight we had people from all walks of life dominate; they weren't raiders or involved in strikes. But they listened, followed direction and stomped the CC bars. It was glorious.

    First of all congrats for doing this for the rest of the players.

    Sadly like someone else said, i wont be doing this cause it would send a bad signal to ANET, every single other mount is not behind some raid hard meta that is not archivable by casual players who only have time very little time to play.

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  10. The turtle mount shouldn't be locked behind this meta.

    Not everyone has the time to do this meta multiple times, it takes 2+ hours, even more if you intend to coordinate the thing.

    Some casuals only have a few hours to play, sometimes even less than 2 hours, so yeah, people are going to be pissed when they cant use one of the main perks of the expac. 

    To keep most (because you can not keep everyone) happy there should be another way to unlock the turtle.

    If the turtle wouldn't be behind this annoying meta i wouldn't mind the difficulty.


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  11. 21 hours ago, blackheartgary.8605 said:

    And there it is.

    See, the HUGE argument that has completely engulfed this event is not about the event at all. Not really. 

    the Argument, in a single small nutshell:

    "i just want my mount" vs "i want to beat this event"

    When we simplify the argument down to it's easiest form,  that's the ENTIRE reason for the hundreds and hundreds of responses, the increased division amongst players, and the countless words being thrown at each other. 

    it comes down to "i just want my mount". 

    Some people dont have 3+ hours to "organize" the event, not everyone is all day playing, some people only play a few hours a day, with this meta for those people being pretty much all they do, only fail, multiple times.

    So yeah, people are going to be mad about it being lucked to hard meta, To me the meta being hard is perfectly fine, but dont lock the turtle to it. Of course i bet almost no one will do this meta if that happens.

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  12. 2 hours ago, jaymin.1785 said:

    Hello all!


    The goal of this post is to respectfully talk about the Battle for the Jade Sea meta and possible solutions/compromises for the community.


    First of all, I'd like to thank the developers for putting so much work into producing such an amazing open world boss fight. I personally LOVE the fight and it's intent to make it actually feel  like there are stakes at play while fighting 

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    an elder dragon.

    To be quite frank, all other encounters dealing with that has been a little lackluster, always feeling a little underwhelming for the buildup of how powerful of a presence they hype them up to be. This meta is the epitome of all others and as such, there should be some difficulty otherwise it holds no meaning. 


    Personal opinion aside, the community has shown a lot of divide over the meta and its difficulty. Again, the intent of this post is to constructively and respectfully discuss solutions to compromise with as many player-bases as possible. 


    My best proposition would be to have 2 different difficulties for the meta through open world meta and instanced meta: 


     ---The open world meta would be nerfed in difficulty by adding more time to the meta before a "fail" (ex: 5 minutes) and providing some rewards even if it fails. Spending 1-2hours in a map on a meta event to get 30 copper feels really bad for everyone involved (aside from drops along the way). 


    ---The instanced meta would function like the Dragonstorm meta where a squad could create a private instance. This instance's difficulty should not be changed to provide the level of difficulty intended and provide that feel of the fight that a lot of players have grown to love. Completing a harder encounter gives more pleasure as more stakes are needed. 


    This solution would allow Anet to make any possible nerfs "necessary" to allow a larger population to complete the meta (at whatever rate they deem appropriate) while still keeping the original fight as is for those that enjoy the feel/difficulty of it. This solution also helps keep the intent of bridging the gap in difficulty of content throughout the game. The difference between "unfailable" open world metas to other content (strikes, raids, PVP, etc.) is too steep and this meta forces the playerbase to interact the the core game mechanics.


    Overall, I think we would all agree that the rewards for the meta should reflect the work necessary to complete it and to address this, the open world meta can still have the turtle mount as a reward for the first time, but subsequent rewards could include drops such as an infusion (who knows, there might be one there already), more rewards in general for progress like Drizzlewood Coast, etc. 


    As for the instanced version, the rewards should reflect the harder difficulty as well and maybe could reward players with legendary components, a turtle skin chance, etc.


    There is also the inherent issue with the future of this meta as is with the current rewards. After, lets say a month, most people willing to cooperate, join discords, etc. will have completed this meta and not do it as much anymore, meaning the re-playability will suffer. Coupled with the fact that most people unable to complete it now just want to beat it once for the turtle and never do it again which also causes the re-playability to suffer. Separating an open world or "public" meta vs an instanced private squad will help re-playability in the future and allow groups to form whenever they want to, rather than on a specific timetable.


    Please remember to be respectful and constructive in your discussion. 


    IMO the best solution is to remove the turtle from the meta and leave the difficulty as is.

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  13. On 3/5/2022 at 3:14 PM, Lance Coolee.9480 said:

    I truly believe ArenaNet lost sight of what purpose Open World content fulfilled with the Dragon's End META.

    I'll be bold - Open world content should be achievable BY ALL, regardless of skill level. Open world METAs are the sight-seer's trails, the amusement park ride that both parents and children can enjoy,  the low-intensity entertainment that is widely inclusive.

    And to the try-hard elitists who argue this game needs more challenging content - I won't argue against more difficult puzzles, but open world content isn't the venue for it. Challenges need to be opted in and need to be form-fitted for audiences purposefully seeking it out. Challenging content has low participation for a reason - it is selective and more demanding. Force-feeding that content to the general public isn't going to get greater adoption, it's going to outcast those who aren't actively interested.

    I have to agree, free our turtle from this annoying meta.

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  14. On 3/1/2022 at 4:32 PM, Valisha.8650 said:

    Jumping puzzles have no place in the game, outside of instances dedicated to them. Imagine forcing someone to do PvP in order to finish the story. The difference is, you can just faceroll through PvP and sooner or later you will win a match, maybe even get something fun from the reward track, while jumping puzzles are just annoying and rewards for them are abysmal. If i wanted to play such stuff, I would go play some Facebook flash arcade game.

    dont give them ideas lol

  15. On 3/1/2022 at 7:30 PM, Blackari.2051 said:

    Please Anet for the love of whatever you worship, do not nerf this fight. Finaly there is a boss fight in open world where just spamming #1 is not enough.
    Do not listen to cry babies just because finally they have to somewhat pay attention to what is happening. If you really have to do something maybe add an extra minute on timer to the boss fight but not too much...

    The meta being hard is fine, what its not fine IMO, is a mount tied to completing a hard meta thats not for casuals.

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