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DarKiefus.8652's Achievements

  1. Hi I would like to join please. Been playing off and on for a few years but this time. I'm staying for the long haul. Would love a good casual guild to run with as I've mainly been solo. I will be on early evening around 4pm est maybe earlier if I can. Thank you in advance
  2. Hi, I would definitely like to join, sounds right up my alley. I will most likely be on this evening to accept the invite, assuming one gets sent. I don't play every night as I have a family and work full time. But most if not all my free time is spent playing. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi. Bought the game a while back but didnt play to much. Just started back up about a week ago. So not really to experienced with GW2 yet as I have only been solo.Would def like to join, sounds like exactly the kind of guild im looking for. For the most part I try to get on everynight for at least 2-3 hours, but dosent always happen due to real life. Also I'm est time zone if that's ok. I wont be on tonight anymore but will be tomorrow night for sure.
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