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Everything posted by Matteonite.6419

  1. Instead of 2v2 or 3v3 again I think It would be very cool and fun to try a Conquest mini season with only Vanilla/Core specs able to queue. Would be interesting to see the gameplay and meta around it. I know the specs aren't the same as they were back in the day but it would be fun/nostalgic to try for a Mini season. What do you guys think? Agree?
  2. You have to have target to hit scepter 3. Please don't respond if you don't even know what the ability does thanks
  3. Why was this nerfed? Guard Scepter 3 is like the most balanced ability in the game. Now it needs a target so you cant retarget it but the BIG problem is you can't look away from your target and cast. Its just a huge QoL decrease for no reason
  4. Every match is not a fresh start in most games. Usually people dont adapt especially if you are locked in tempest for instance you yourself can't change much. Most games it is just the same thing happening 3-5 times over and over. Any strategy decisions should be at the start of the arena when you can change build or class not after 3 games have already been done etc.
  5. Overall I like arenas but IMO best of threes can take too long. 3 - 5 matches can feel pretty long especially if the comps are cheesy. I have been advocating for arenas for many years in GW2 but currently I feel like they recreate a similar problem from Conquest where if you are in a losing match your are stuck in it for a long time. Spending ten minutes or more in a losing match because your comp isn't good into the other team or your team is simply worse isn't fun whether its conquest or arena. But in WoW for comparison with their arena this isn't an issue as much because they are bo1 then you usually fight a new team. So if you have a bad/unfun matchup its over with pretty fast and you move on. Conquest isn't as long as a League of Legends game but shares the same issue. I think a reason League is so known for being so toxic is because the matches take a long time to be done with so your stuck in a negative situation and everyone has tons of time to blame each other. I wanted Arenas in GW because they can just be focused on PvP and not babysitting nodes and also because they are supposed to be fast. So basically can we try Best of 1 or best of 2 at least this next mini season. Does anyone agree? Thanks,
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