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Posts posted by duillyn.2697

  1. I'm not sure anything dominates roaming atm, everything is just kinda weak and easily escape-able on any proper roaming build. That aside, as I'm aware that isn't your actual point, valid insight in terms of different eco-systems, absolutely.

    Also, @ArchonWing.9480 I certainly don't take it seriously anymore and I agree that no-one should currently, but it's just a real shame it's in the state it is. Good insights, accurate, nonetheless.

    I can't remember the last time I was solo or with a handful of people and posed a legitimate problem to a zerg. That just feels kinda bad. Like, what's the propose of a single player in WvW if they pose no threat at all? To extend that perhaps, what's the purpose of WvW for a single player?

  2. i agree with the overall point youre making. groups that used to be able to kite around a large zerg and slowly kill them 1 by 1 are way less effective now. with the damage reduction combined with increased cd's individual gankers/small groups of gank players are at a much larger disadvantage. i understand ofc that (arguably) the damage reduction stuff was needed but it really shifted the balance (in these specific wvw scenarios) away from skilled solo/small groups to build wars in larger groups.

    i think it's pretty apparent you are correct by the (from what i can see ingame) pretty sizable reduction in groups/players doing this sort of thing.

  3. rank 6k wvw, plat pvp person.

    the 'big balance patch' turned the group of 20-30 or so roamers i used to play with into literally noone in the space of whatever many months.the game seems to be headed in the direction of 111 gameplay in general and i think perhaps it just took myself and the others i used to play with time to realise that fact.

    gws is a casual af game now imo, to think pvp/wvw can be competitive at this stage is busted logic for a whole bunch of reasons.that said, it was a lot of fun for a long time so what can you do. gw3 might be fun if they aren't all fired for cutting the playerbase in half with a patch.

  4. set a timer for 2mins 30sec, tap keep and start timer, do whatever you want, return with ~10s left, aa gate till time up, repeat. swords on mini map will disappear at the actual 'time-up' for contest on their side but then won't show on your mini map for the first 30s after you retag.

    you can do some stuff with los and the archers where you build seige they can see but can't hit but it's not reliable.

    you have to make a decision around your build whether you actually want some fights (more damage less mobility/stealth) or just wanna troll (all mobility and stealth), that's up to you. it's a good way to generate content as you get hero defenders, and the whispers sell for a good price on the tp.

  5. Mesmer main here.

    I ran this trait on a mirage support build for a good while when the patch initially dropped, it's definitely got some merit to it over chrono imo. On a mirco level the relative value of gravity well is considered higher by zergs in general, 'bombs'. On a macro level mesmer is trash for a zerg. The only reason you bring a mesmer is for veil and focus pull (even illusion of life is now being considered lower value with ele/guard rez's). A mesmer brings nothing outside of veil that another class cannot do much, much better. Another issue is the nature of zerg play in general, as someone above noted this trait has a short range (180) centred around the mesmer and in reality the only time zergs are consistently hard engaging in that range is when one is just going to train over the other anyway, so it kind of becomes useless.

    Mesmer is in a terrible spot atm overall, but the other issues I listed have to some degree been issues with mesmer in zergs since HoT, it's just a veil and a pull, that's it. That said, it's a fun trait in general, I think perhaps removing the damage and adding an extra boon strip to it might at least encourage people to play it more.

    (the build for anyone that's interested: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAYx3lZwqYfMRmJOuSWPbA-zVIYfUzXCqPA-w)

  6. I read in another thread about nerfs that the real victim is the skill ceiling. That really summarised how I've been feeling about gw's since the patch.

    It really seems like the whole competitive side of the game is moving towards this 111 based gameplay that PvE has been encouraging for years.

  7. eb isnt a bl, a team shouldn't have a second keep on what is meant to be the most dynamic map.

    maybe remove cannons, lower total supp count (it's not like it's needed for upgrades anymore).

    in a lot of cases t3 sm is a good indicator that eb is probably not worth playing atm.

  8. @KrHome.1920 said:Smallscale:

    Condi mirage is still strong in wvw (50% energy sigil and endurance food), but I'd call it balanced now. The mirage mains won't like that statement but the spec has been that broken before that even now it is totally playable. You just have to backup at some point of the fight because you run out of defenses. But: 1) before that you can do a lot of damage 2) you have the mobility to do that and 3) every other spec has to do the same at some point.

    I think the issue a lot of Mirage players have is that the whole e-spec was gutted because condi mirage was over performing. Sure, power mirage was strong in the right hands but even then it was a pretty risky build with thieves existing, now, power mirage is a literal walking bag. If anything these changes only encourage more power mesmer players to move to condi's (or just quit like our chrono brethren).

  9. Solid post OP, I agree with your tone, mood and points.

    I'm a WvW player, and it irks me so much that mesmer in WvW has been butchered because of PvE and PvP. Like, sure, the very early iterations of Chrono with signet of inspiration were busted in WvW but then the nerfs just kept coming and coming. PvP likewise, sure, a condi mirage when you're out roaming in WvW can feel super frustrating to fight but ultimately it's a duelist spec in a large scale pvp gamemode, it never had the ability to zerg and arguably it fell off in it's performance as soon as a fight got over 5v5 (if not lower numbers), and even then you can literally just disengage a condi mirage on most builds with a few cooldowns, there is no reason to stand in the same spot in WvW. Sigh.

    And now we're here, 2020, playing the same fucking build I played for years at launch.

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