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Posts posted by Veka.8710

  1. 4 hours ago, Minna.7895 said:

    They could add a new armor for ow pve actually, like they did for wvw/pvp, because I believe it is about the functionality, not the skin of any of the existing ones. Doesn't need to be overly flashy and prestigious looking either (think along the lines of Dragonstand armorset with the 2 different variants for pre and legy).

    They could actually do the achievements in the style of aurora and vision- a collection that gives you the precursorset 6pc of choice for one (light, heavy, medium) and the recipes for the other two armorweights. This collection would instead of lw3 /lw4 be based on Tyria, HOT, POF and EOD Map- and/or Storyachievements, maybe +some specific tasks like JP, worldboss etc.

    It doesn't really matter, they could even leave that part out completely if too much work and just add all recipes to a vendor for a goldsink+ accoundbound mats from all areas in a big enough number. Any way they'd even promote sales of the old expansions there so it's a winwin - a pure core tyria one I don't see it sry.

    Here's the important part now:

    To make the precursor a legendary you would need all 4 gifts (Gift of Exploration, Gift of Maguuma, Gift of the Desert, Gift of Cantha) for each single item, making sure the grind is about equal to wvw/pvp armor while the cost is actually still low because those are the non tradable cheap variants, not the ones with like 250 crystalline ingots baked in.  The other 2 ingredients besides the precursor and the omegagift can be made in line with the cost of the other legendary armors aswell (mystic clovers, gift of might/magic etc).


    If they look really nice I might even consider crafting one or two pieces despite having the full raidarmor unlocked. Personally I wouldn't even care too much about the raidskin being accessible to everyone in whatever way, but I also know there are many people that would mind.

    If they somehow ever add OW legendary item then they need to be as boring as the PvP and WvW one, just make the ascended one with the little extra flair add to it.

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  2. Absolutely not, all legendary armors are suppose to be hard to get. If PvE get this treatment then you might as well make it so that you can get PvP legendary armor from the dueling arena in the mist and let WvW armor be obtainable from doing almost nothing. Raid is PvE end game, and being able to buy raid is a fair alternative in my opinion. 


    Raid isn't really that hard in my opinion in terms of the boss mechanic, it tends to usually be coordinating with your team and being able to handle criticism. Some raids like Vale Guardian is drastically easier then Soo Won, and Soo Won isn't technically that hard either.

    Also weekly strike gives you legendary insights, like the person above me stated.

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  3. I have a commander tag and I agree that it should be a basic squad function, but at the same time the game have given you multiple easy farms to get 300g, also not everyone pay attention to ready which is honestly sad sometimes. Typically ppl are more willing to walk to the side as a ready sign too.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    I have competent guildies still attempting and failing. I noticed very little difference since the exposed nerf, so it's not worth doing any more. THere's still people complaining about it here and in-game. This is false. 

    It's actually not, I've been doing the meta daily since release and it has gotten DRASTICALLY easier, people just have to explore and experiment more with the meta. Went from having either a couple of seconds left on the meta when completed to having at least on average 2-3mins left. Most ppl don't realize that you actually have to communicate and organize the event and teach people things and people actually needs to learn things. You're at the point in the game where you should be aware that you need at least two hard cc skills on your bar and most of the group that fails typically struggle at the blue bar...if you're struggling with the wisp then you're overthinking it, unless if you have some major disabilities then there's almost no excuse to fail that often if you're "competent" and attempting the meta that often. It's a group learning experience and you should always be passing the knowledge on.



    Organization on that level shouldn't be necessary because not everyone has those builds. So you're saying this is basically a raid, that takes at least an hour to attempt? LIsten to Muk's comments on this meta and how much preparation that is on the commander and I just think expecting that amount of effort for an OW event is insane. And at least in a raid, I can reset and also have way more control who is in it with me. 

    There has been many adjustments since he last made his complaints, and the only organization that usually happens nowadays is having 10 alac and 10 quickness MAJORITY of the folks are still DPS. Breaking BLUE BARS isn't a RAID thing to do either, people having to coordinate killing champions at the same times and the crystal being filled at the same time is nothing at a raid level...it's very similar to other metas in the game...with the Soo Won, there's nothing even raid like about the fight anymore, if people have done it enough it's pretty straight forward nowadays. Plus there's a hand full of ppl there are always typing in chat during the fight and you can see their chat bubble that's telling you to CC, swamp, etc...people are still having issues in Auric every now and then cause folks aren't paying attention to the chat. 

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  5. 27 minutes ago, doenerfritze.2648 said:

    not that I want to talk it down, because that questline scales horrible, but it is doable if literally nobody is afk at the waypoint. that might be the case on empty closing maps, but also on organized meta runs, where the squad is collecting their event stacks.

    what is very important for the second event currently: don't bother CCing and don't even think about using condi. just burst the enemies down with power dmg. I did one sled alone on DH for most of the time this way and got the achievement on the end, because the other few people on the other sleds did basically the same. but beware, if there are too many people, it still scales badly and is near impossible.

    Oh? That's helpful to know, thanks for advice! I'll try that with a couple of buddies later.

  6. 22 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

    I really wish we could get different skins for our mech.  I'm just not feeling the jade mechs.  They look so out of place anywhere but in Cantha zones.

    It's worst when you see a bunch of them in one place, I like their design but outside of Cantha it's really just a loud and obnoxious design. I won't die from it but it would also be nice not to be restricted to it.


    20 hours ago, Rosiep.9128 said:

    I'd love to see this, I miss MOX. I know that the Jade Mech can't receive Asura golem skins because their racials summon golems as well but definitely skins like MOX and such should be made available so that there can be more race/nostalgia specific class fantasy to mechanist!


    MOX would be a great choice, I was kind of dissapointed when they brought him back just be a jukebox, maybe this way we can get some mini sidequests line and learn about his time from Gw1 to Gw2 abit more.


    19 hours ago, Xenash.1245 said:

    An iron legion type of mech would be nice, or just something of that nature really.


    That would be interesting, steampunk pynk mech would be nice too.

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  7. On 3/19/2022 at 3:30 AM, Kelly.7019 said:

    it feels like half of the remaining DE cheevos that count for mastery are broken.

    Out of the 6 left that count towards the achievement 2 of them are broken, 1 is near impossible to complete, i thought another was broken but just got it after the third try doing the exact same thing 3 times in a row.

    2 will just take a long time personally for me to do,  that's leaves 1 for some reason i haven't done yet in all this time here and i'm sitting at 23/25 for finishing this map mastery.  😞 so i guess hold out and deadplay will be the ones i'll have to complete which isn't so bad and a strange diet is an option too but it feels like i'll have to fish all of tyria first just to finish Dragon's End map.  😞 😞 😞

    edit: and as far as i can tell dead play isn't playing with shrine guardian infants as much as it is playing with hidden crates. 😕


    double edit: simpleminded is it broken or just confusing to understand? someone mentioned in map today that maybe you have to find 5 pairs of 2 in one event. for it to count (1) time??? that's not how i read it.

    "Strike 2 or more naga looters at once 5 times using local treasures."

    Am I wrong to think this means i have to hit 2 looters at once and that will count 1 time. because nothing happens when i do that. Or do I have to hit 5pairs in 1 event for the whole achievement? OR is it you have to hit 5pairs in 1 event and that will count only once. then do it again 5 more times? It's either bugged or the explanation of what to do is confusing.

    As far as Holdout goes i did not see any indication on the map as to where this is located when its up. I won't spoil it here but i had been all over the map and never saw it. Finally today found it by the kindness of another player after asking multiple times in chat over the last 2 weeks and trying to google and finding nothing.

    Deadplays- description is misleading as to what you need to look for. but wiki has been updated so it isn't a headache now.

    A Strange Diet- should of been a Cantha achieve and not a Dragon's End achievement as you basically need to fish all of the planet first in order to complete this.

    Dragon'sEnd (corporate) Culture: Xunlai Jade - feels impossible to do. Others have gone into detail about it. i won't bother repeating the issues here.

    Tsunami Dodger - according to others seems broken. I wonder if you have to to dodge ALL wave attacks in order for it to count once or is it per wave. Per wave can't be it because i've gotten nothing for that. It could be dodge all - but i can't confirm whether or not that works as of yet.

    The quest chain where you have the to get the jade sorted is near impossible to finish. People tend to leave after they sort out the jade and the cart gets corrupted cause folks tends to ignore the mobs bar. As for simple minded I thought that was the case too but it's really hard to get 5 pairs in one go unless if you're in an empty map.

  8. 1 hour ago, Dracomet.3648 said:

    You people posting this now, you remind me of the first couple months people begging for mount skins when PoF first launched.


    just be patient. Your flashy rainbow sparkles 2000 gem mech skin will be here by June.

    I'm not being impatient, I didn't say they had to do it now, lmao. I'm saying if they could please.

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  9. Can we please get MOX as a skin for the Jade Mech? I miss the ol golem and his model is already in game, granted they might have to adjust it abit to be in tune with the jade mech animations.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

    If you find that unpleasant then you must avoid confrontation in it's entirety. It's called pointing out the obvious.

    Buddy, it's unpleasant because you're coming off in a very condescending tone and I have been reading the last few pages just an fyi, you could've been more respectful about disagreeing with other peoples opinion. This whole response you're giving me right now is another example with you being unpleasant, seems to me like you need to avoid confrontations entirely if you can't respect other peoples opinions but expect people to respect yours. There's a rude way and a respectful way, good day. 



    7 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

    TT is something most people will never see or know exists. the EOD Story puts you into this area and tells you to do the meta. You cannot compare the 2. You need to actively go out of your way to do TT. 

    I feel like the should've made the harder version like Dragonstorm, a controlled instance like that with better rewards.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
    have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
    have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

    There is no excuse for the CC though, one of the very first thing you do in EoD story was go to a golem that teches you about CC. Where the Dev messed up imo is that they didn't prepare people for that meta properly. There's way too many stuff that gets slapped on and it goes from 1 to 100 real quick with that meta. They should've added bosses and champions on the way to the meta boss that have the boss mechanic. Each champion as you progress adds on another mechanic that the boss will use, that way by the time you get to the boss you would know what to do (not entirely sure what I said make sense, sorry :x)

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  12. 11 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

    Nothing of what I put there was unpleasant towards you.

    "unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that"

    47 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

    It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics. That's why people should post suggestions about fixing the RNG-aspect.

    I 100% agree, was in a run last night where we failed due to an RNG we thought it was a bug since they lessen the chance so we decided to do another run right after and beat it, it was a really bizarre run since the last 20% was super chaotic.

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  13. 22 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

    The Meta is hard, unless you missed the current 48 pages you'd know that. Reports are in that it is highly dependent on luck and even prepped groups fail due to RNG. 
    It is not easier than the Skyscale, especially when you bring in return achieves. Skyscale.....scratch that.....every other mount was, at most, time. Not once was I forced to do a raid-like meta or strike. Hell, even the box art mounts from PoF were part of the story. 

    RNG does not make it hard though, the concept of the meta is easy, the mechanic of the meta is easy, I usually run it with an organize group and we've had more win then lost we do however lose at times due to RNG but that does not make the meta hard, it makes the meta hard to complete due to the RNG.

    I'm not disagreeing with you in terms of the turtle being locked behind that meta buddy, so no need to be an unpleasant person about it.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

    Just adding in case people are unaware.

    You have to do a strike for the collection to unlock it after the event.

    A main advertised feature behind a raiders meta and a strike mission.

    I’m regretting buying this xpac now. Anet has shown that this new direction is just misleading advertising and severe lack of awareness of its player base. 

    This is nothing like the roller beetle.

    I actually really like the meta, I however don't agree with the turtle being locked behind it and how abysmal the reward from the meta is win or lose. I also don't agree with the turtle AP being locked behind the strike mission...but in all fairness the strike mission is extremely easy, if you did the story version then you definitely can do the strike version. Not much of it has change and it's a very easy strike mission.

    Also...it's definitely easier then the Skyscale in a different sense. The meta itself isn't hard for the most part.

    • Confused 1
  15. On 3/1/2022 at 4:42 PM, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

    I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

    I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.

    I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, but what exactly are you having trouble with? I play majority of the game completely by myself outside of raids and fractals, and I've never once struggled with the game to a point where it has been a serious issue or that I can't figure it out by myself. I have had friends that struggled with the game so I usually end up helping them by joining their party or I would have to adjust their builds a bit...so what is it you're struggling with exactly that you can't solo with yourself? 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Zappax.4685 said:

    I don't know what was the plan here, but it's pretty hard to dps when she spends 70% of the time given being untargetable, and the rest being pretty much invulnerable because we have to go get her tail. Maybe we just got unlucky with the attacks because we had to breakbar her twice in the whole meta, not counting the whirl one, but if that's a case, then it's yet another thing to fix. There are too many instances where she dashes on the platform to get to the other end with her tail changing position as well, wait a hot second or maybe 2 if we're lucky, and do it again to change back.

     Well the thing is that you want to kill the tail asap, cause when you don't she gets a HUGE damage reduction and to add on to that most ppl don't switch to the tail fast enough...there's also the folks that struggles with the wisp, it shouldn't take the entire duration. So it pretty much comes down to people reading the chat and what the npc is saying. 

    Sure it works better if you run raid comps and split into sub groups, but is it needed all the time? No.

  17. I actually thought Mesmer was the most underwhelming one. Visually they look cool, but aside from that? They're whatever and that's me speaking as a mesmer main. Everything else was fine to me.


    Rev was really fun to use and I like that they used Ritualist special skills from GW1.


    War is actually extremely fun, I never liked any of the other Warrior elite spec but this one actually got me to enjoy it.


    This Ele spec was more my taste then tempest.


    Necro is interesting...can't say I played it enough to form an opinion on it.


    Guardian was really fun, but I'm probably sticking to Dragon hunter.


    The fact that weapon skills are what makes you go "omg" is hilarious to me. The elite specs are giving you what the class never had before. Idk how it's any different from the old elite specs. Chrono uses Necro wells. DH uses Rangers trap, the list goes on.

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  18. 14 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Why dont they make sense lore wise? Remember anet did consider them as one of the playable races, so obviously they think so, and well i do too. Their lore is amazing. 



    99% of the time i dont mind same gender outfits for Charr, and Asura. It actually makes sense lore wise for those two races to have very similiar clothing and i hope they keep doing it.

    Yeah and they scrape that idea and now they don't fit as the commander. The Tengu are an isolated race and the few that help the pact is it's own thing. If the commander was a Tengu they would have to explain why the world and Tengu distrust each others.

  19. 25 minutes ago, witcher.3197 said:

    By that logic don't release Cantha while there are bugged events or abandoned maps in core Tyria. Spend 3 years fixing every little thing and delay EoD until 2025, sure sounds like a great business decision.


    With EoD Anet needed to prove that they are serious about GW2 and that they can deliver. A new race would've been the perfect opportunity to do just that. Instead we got fishing yay. None of my friends are going to reinstall for that and I can guarantee that a new race would catch the eye of potential new players more than fishing.

    You honestly think a NEW RACE will prove that they're serious? You're crying over a cosmetic issue and you're comparing it to something more? You are hilarious. 

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