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Posts posted by Clipzy.9483

  1. The only issue i see with condi damage is how high it can get while still doing good power damage.

    Albeit that is just my personal opinion.

    Both damage types can be dealt with.


    Condi isn't directly the issue with the game. It's annoying to deal with, but in all reality condi actually has more leniency with the damage you recieved.


    You can stop condi damage with a boon, you can remove the condi thus nullifying the damage, you can still evade the damage, you can stack vitality on your build if you know the enemy has condi, you also can block the attack that gives the condi in the first place.


    While power on the other hand you either stack toughness which isnt always viable, or you evade or block the attacks that matter same as you would with condi damage.

    Its more of a learning what does what scenario.


    But power damage is instant so you cant remove the damage with a utility, you can only block/invuln or evade it.

    Also just saying I myself dont really care for condition damage in this game. But i do believe that there is more to it than just condi damage on why balance feels off.


    One of the only fixes I really believe the game needs outside of balance is that i feel the rating methods need a rework.

    As the system is currently a person is not rated on their performance but on Team performance.
    This is a hard thing to actually balance around.

    Why? Because there are many types of class roles and there is no completely sure way to determine whether or not a person is actually doing their role at a certain level.

    There is also class imbalance which allows systems to be abused just by playing what is currently overpowered.
    Some say solo que can fix ranked but that in general wouldn't be but one step that doesn't necessarily fix anything.

    There is still going to be players who abuse a class that is currently overtuned to get to ratings that they couldn't get to otherwise. (Ex. Scourge last year) Addendum: sorry if im mistaken on timing. Ive been so busy with work i cannot keep track of anything these days.


    My solution which still doesn't fix anything but could give the game a neat twist. Have a solo que but also add in a role que and lock the builds your playing to it.  Then have the game sort teams as equally as it can within a set rating bracket. Yes this would make higher rating game que times drag out but if it could balance out things to where people came back to pvp it could fix some of the que times a bit.

    And yea i know the game needs a lot more of a fix than just this. But anything new in my opinion could be a nice breath of fresh air into the game.

  2. 10 hours ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

    Wondering if account sharing includes playing on your wife or husbands account (actually trying to win on both at separate times with no manipulation)

    Well i don't believe that you would get in trouble account sharing playing on a spouse's account. The ToS states you cannot share account, but law dictates that you and your spouse share ownership of all possessions; So technically speaking you and your wife both own both accounts together.

    • Thanks 1
  3. This wouldn’t work. People in plat are just as biased as those in gold and would just want whatever counters them nerfed.There is also the boosting and win trading that happens.I know I’ve been asked to throw for gold a good while back, which of course I didn’t accept. I play the game to have fun, losing isn’t fun.But yea.There isn’t any reason to trust any players on balance. What they should do is, they should look at match data in plat and up, Maybe even as low as gold 2, and see what the class representation is. Also they can look at AT data.Then depending on what they find they can buff and nerf accordingly. They get backlogs of all kinds of data that they could use.Such as they could see the amount of renegades were in the last MAT and figure out a safe way to bring that spec down while not ruining herald. Or they could see lack of representation of other specs and buff accordingly. Ect ect. Of course they cannot only use data and would probably have to watch gameplay to see some of the issues

  4. This idea would help to balance 2s a bit while also helping to balance normal node wars.One of the main issues that had been plaguing this game has been here since I would say a bit before heart of thorns.... the second condi buff they had added.

    The devs wanted more build variety but they made it to where majority of the game was forced into one direction. They either would have a bunker style condi meta or a power creep one shot meta.

    The idea is that They could bring down condi damage. Then start to slowly take sustain down until condi damage isn’t higher than power damage over time. The thing is. They cannot be equal because power won’t have as high of uptime as condis can.There also was the issue that because they had the power creep with condi damage they were forced into giving more and more ways to condi cleanse. This still could be worked around with easy changes that wouldn’t pull too much from the builds.

    Now I understand many people enjoy condi builds. But listen, I am not saying make condi builds not viable. I’m just trying to say to tone them back a little and to also tone back some of the tank ones. This way instead of buffing power based damage which would cause one shots all across the board again, they could have power have a bit more of a impact putting it more on scale with condi.

    That and these changes wouldn’t even be hard to implement. They could just change the damage quotient on toughness and condition damage on gear sets.

    Of course this prolly is a biased opinion that might not get very many likes and prolly ignored for the most part, but I thought I’d just add my 2 cents in

  5. Hello.I can see some of these changes are a decent way to push the game in the right direction because so much is too strong.My only issue with these are that the nerfs to fix the certain specs actually punish other builds and not just the builds that are over performing.Such as the nerf to elixer U stability.This change for example has a negative impact towards the core and scrapper builds that use this elixer.So what could be done instead?Well we could start by looking at holosmith kit in general. You did well nerfing quickness on kinetic battery although that still effects other builds. But it was a minor nerf so isn’t a large issue.I liked the last patch where they directly changed the skills to holoforge. That was actually a push in the right direction. I would continue this route for changes that way other specs that aren’t viable aren’t taking a hit.

    Agility sigil for example. This being removed messes with sooooo many other builds and not just holosmith. It literately nerfs power mesmer which didn’t need nerfed.Speaking of which.You nerfed the condi weapons on mesmer because the damage was high, but all that did was nerf all the other specs that might have used those weapons when the main issue is how those weapons react with the trait Infinite Horizon.People get pigeonholed into that trait because without it they lose a lot of damage.There has been sooo many nerfs to the class because of that one trait that when that trait finally gets nerfed the entire class will need buffed and fixed all over the place.SoInstead of just nerfing this class more, maybe just change how infinite horizon works to maybe make clones that trigger the effect not really deal much damage from their ambush skills in order to bring that trait itself down. Also pls rework the other Grandmaster traits in this area.Elusive mind for example. The nerf to this trait broke it. So maybe revert some of it and make the exhaustion only 2-3s. It still punishes the mesmer but it’s not a make or break punishment.

    In conclusion,There have been many good changes in past few balance patches, but there also have been changes made that negatively impact other builds as a unintentional aspect of the patch.I believe all of us in the playerbase agree that if a build is over performing we very much would prefer a aspect of that build to be nerfed that doesn’t effect a lot of other builds. I.E. the elixer U nerf.

  6. Why are they pushing Swiss tourneys so hard (supposedly that is) over pushing new game modes inIdk about everyone else but I don’t participate even in the regular automated tournaments because I don’t usually get on at the right time and by the time I ever see any happening I don’t have much time left to be online.I feel many people possibly have the same issues I have with this.Why can’t they just add new game modes instead to this game over just giving us a rehashed version of the same game mode in a new format.

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