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  1. However, it just happen in this few months. it never got any lag before that, even i join the same meta. Moreover, it work smoothly, months ago. Requirement of GW2 is not high. The lag is only started from last few weeks. My PC work fine and smoothly before that. Btw it never gets lag in WvW.
  2. why is it always getting a great delay recently during most of the meta event on, such as teq, ley-line, Soo-Won , or some else major meta events. However, there is no delay before or after the meta event in all maps. I tried 2 service providers, but the same situation. I have joined GW2 since its beta, it never getting some much delay (over 4000 pings). it is impossible to join any meta events, or even a normal game with map boss.
  3. No reward/treasure for lay-line world boss in Gendarran Fields. it's not the first character i get that issue. i tried to do the event by another character. in the first day, it works. i can get my rewards. But now, my second character gets the same issue. May that bug be fixed ? i will try to do the same event by my third character. however, i do believe i cannot get the reward some days later. Finally, all my characters cannot get its reward PS: I had submitted a ticket for it before. But they told me that it was the issue of develop team they can do nothing of it. that's why i am here. i just do that event once a day!! so it's not the issue of repeating event in a very short time
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