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Everything posted by Jayhalden.4183

  1. Okay, okay. You know what you signed up for reading that title. Revenants. Everyone's favorite class to RP because they totally make sense from a Lore standpoint. They are a great class and one of (at least in my opinion) if not the best class for flavor dealing with the inner most beings. They manipulate the Mists into their magic to call upon great Legends. The Commander can be one to channel great beings like Glint, or Mallyx! You know this though if you're reading this. But while we can pull some info from the wiki and the game skills there are some grey areas which I'd love to go over! 1) Revenants can channel Legends, what are the limits to these Legends and what constitutes a Legend? Could a Norn Channel someone like Jora? Do these Legends have to be known to the person? Like what if the Skritt have a Legendary figure in their History? Could a Rev channel that Skritt despite never hearing about them? 2) How does the Legend interact with Tyria? Do they see through the eyes of the Revenant, or are they around the person like an invisible Spirit? If they do see through the eyes of the Revenant what if the Revenant is wearing a blindfold.. can the Legend still see? 3) Can the same Legend be channeled by multiple Revenants? If so, are each of those Channels Separate instances essentially of the Legend, or would two Revenants be able to talk over long distances because they are Channeling the same Legend? 4) How do the Mist steps work? The Revenant is a Tap to the Mists, does this mean they are entering the Mists and exiting in rapid succession? Does this mean that the Revenants can access the connection with the Mists in that area and see what is around them such as large events that might have happened sort of like seeing fractals? 5) One can learn how to become a Revenant from being taught, but are there other ways to become a Revenant? Rytlock was the first, but in order for others to spring up it means he would have had to have taught others yet like Gorea Halfcut. She escaped because her warband failed. Did Rytlock teach her? How do you play a Revenant? Does it differ from this? Can we consolidate our resources so that Revenants can be understood greater as one Revenant to another?
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